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Last active February 20, 2024 16:42
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Use case - Change the side bar panel elements based on the selected tab
Title: Use case - Change the side bar panel elements based on the selected tab & demo conditionalPanel() function
Description: Powered by R, Shiny, GGPLOT2 and RStudio.
License: GPL-3
Author: Abhinav Agrawal
DisplayMode: Showcase
Tags: R, R Shiny,TabsetPanel, ConditionalPanel
Type: Shiny
## Get the value of the dataset that is selected by user from the list of datasets
data <- reactive({
## to output the dataset
output$dat <- renderPrint({
# Pulling the list of variable for choice of variable x
output$varx <- renderUI({
selectInput("variablex", "select the X variable", choices=names(data()))
# Pulling the list of variable for choice of variable y
output$vary <- renderUI({
selectInput("variabley", "select the Y variable", choices=names(data()))
# to output the structure of the dataset
output$struct <- renderPrint({
# for summary
output$summary <- renderPrint({
# For plot
output$plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data(),aes_string(x=input$variablex, y=input$variabley)) +
headerPanel("Use case - Change the side bar panel elements based on the selected tab."),
## conditionalPanel() functions for selected tab
conditionalPanel(condition="input.tabselected==1",h4("Demo conditionalPanel()")),
selectInput("dataset", "select the desired dataset", choices=ls('package:datasets'),
selected = "mtcars"),
radioButtons("choice","Choose an option", choices=c("Dataset" = 1, "Structure" = 2,
"Summary" = 3 ))
# recommend review the syntax for tabsetPanel() & tabPanel() for better understanding
# id argument is important in the tabsetPanel()
# value argument is important in the tabPanle()
tabPanel("About", value=1, helpText("conditionalPanel(condition, ...) creates a panel that is visible or hidden,
depending on the condition given. The condition is evaluated once at
startup and whenever Shiny detects a relevant change in input/output.
tabPanel("Data", value=2, conditionalPanel(condition="input.choice==1", verbatimTextOutput("dat")),
conditionalPanel(condition="input.choice==2", verbatimTextOutput("struct")),
conditionalPanel(condition="input.choice==3", verbatimTextOutput("summary"))),
tabPanel("Plot", value=3, plotOutput("plot")),
id = "tabselected"
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beccawe commented Jun 4, 2020

Thank you!!

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Thank you! Very useful!!

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Thank you.

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Nico-FR commented May 5, 2023

Still very usefull!

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Thank you, just what I needed.

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