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Last active July 24, 2022 15:53
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Demo updateselectInput() and also introducing observeEvent() function
Title: Use case - Demo updateselectInput() and also introducing observeEvent() function
Description: Powered by R, Shiny, and RStudio.
License: GPL-3
Author: Abhinav Agrawal
DisplayMode: Showcase
Tags: R, R Shiny,updateselectInput(), observeEvent()
Type: Shiny
# global.r
# Defining a dummy dataframe for the sake of demo
# The dataset / objects/ variables from global.r is accessible to both the server.r and ui.r files
# placed in the working directory
# creating dataframe object with 3 variables namely, Year, Month & Person name
# this dataframe might not make sense but just for example
data = data.frame(Year=c("2002","2003","2004","2003","2001","2002", "2001"),
Month = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Jan", "Dec", "Jan", "Nov"),
Name =c("Sam", "Paul", "James", "Ana","Rose", "Juan", "Tim"),
row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
shinyServer(function(session, input, output){
# observerEvent() function can be used in cases when an action needs to be performed based on event
# In this case we want the second selectInput() choices to be updated based on the changes in
# the first select input()
# Update based on the year change event
# bascially populate the months corresponding to the year
updateSelectInput(session, "Month", "Month",
choices = data$Month[data$Year==input$Year]))
# Update as soon as Month gets populated according to the year and month selected
updateSelectInput(session, "Name", "Name",
choices = data$Name[data$Month==input$Month & data$Year==input$Year]))
# just to display the dataset we created in global.r
output$dataset <- renderTable({
titlePanel("Demo updateselectInput() and also introducing observeEvent() function"),
# data is a dummy dataset which is coming from global.r
# using the variables from data dataset we are populating the selectinput
selectInput("Year", "Year", choices = unique(data$Year)),
# Second select input for month - empty - no choice to display.
# This is done intentionally as the idea is to populate this selectinput using
# updateselectinput on the loading of app or change in the year selectinput choice
selectInput("Month", "Month", choices = "", selected = ""),
# Third select input for Person - empty - no choice to display
# This is done intentionally as the idea is to populate this selectinput using
# updateselectinput on the loading of app or change in the year and/or month selectinput choice
selectInput("Name", "Name", choices = "", selected = ""),
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Hi Nabeelah it is almost impossible to help you without providing a reproducible example and code you using

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