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Created April 26, 2018 19:41
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Update data value to NA based from a specific column based for the data points that are under the brush - Demo - brushedPoints() in R Shiny
# Load required packages
# UI Code begins here
ui <- fluidPage(
## Add inputs widgets later
# Outputs
plotOutput(outputId = "scatterplot2", brush = "plot_brush"), # the scatter plot
tableOutput("table") # dataset
# Server code begins here
server <- function(input, output) {
mt <- reactiveValues(data=head(mtcars,10)) # making the dataset reactiveValues so that any changes in data later could be reflected throughout
# Create scatterplot object the plotOutput function is expecting
output$scatterplot2 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data = mt$data, aes(x = mpg, y = hp)) +
## Returns the dataset
output$table <- renderTable({
# Observe will listen for brush over the point and change the "hp" column values for all data points under brush to NA
df = brushedPoints(mt$data, brush = input$plot_brush, allRows = TRUE)
index = which(df$selected_== TRUE)
df[index, "hp"] = NA
df = df[, -which(names(df) %in% "selected_")]
mt$data = df
# Create a Shiny app object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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