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Created March 21, 2019 10:29
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  • Save aahlad-allari/eb204e8637d623d62b9ee08b7b103da5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aahlad-allari/eb204e8637d623d62b9ee08b7b103da5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is to generate OSS tracker csv in the node root directory
"use strict"
********* Steps to Use this script in node projects
1. copy this script to oss_tracker_update.js and place it the root directory
2. replace "<GIT-USERNAME>" & "<GIT-PASSWORD>" with your git name and pwd(This is because, there is a limit to github api, If you use credentials we can call 5 K api calls / hour)
3. run node oss_tracker_update.js
4. you will get ossTracker.csv in the same directory
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
// Need to install axios, Ramda and scrape-it NPM packages first
const axios = require("axios")
const R = require("ramda")
const packagejson = require("./package.json");
const packageLockjson = require("./package-lock.json");
// Right now only dependencies were considered, If you want dev - dependencies also change dependentKey to devDependencies
const dependentKey = "dependencies" // "dependencies" or "devDependencies"
// Fill gituser name and password
const gituserName = "<GIT-USERNAME>"
const gitPassword = "<GIT-PASSWORD>"
const dir = path.resolve(__dirname)
const outputFile = path.join(dir, "ossTracker.csv")
// Headers for csv
const headers = ["package_name", "stars", "license", "mentioned_version", "current_version", "homepage", "repository", "forks", "description", "last_updated"]
const getNPMDetails = async (packageName) => {
try {
const npmApiURL = "" + packageName
// console.log(npmApiURL)
const response = await axios.get(npmApiURL);
} catch (error) {
console.log("NPM error", error);
const getGitrepoDetails = async (url) => {
try {
const githubURL = R.split("/", url)
const username = githubURL[3]
const repoName = githubURL[4]
if (username && repoName) {
const gitApiURL = "" + username + "/" + repoName
// console.log(gitApiURL)
const response = await axios.get(gitApiURL, {
auth: {
username: gituserName,
password: gitPassword
} else {
return {}
} catch (error) {
console.log("Github error", error);
const generateOSSTracker = async (inputObj) => {
await R.mapObjIndexed(async (version, packageName, o) => {
const data = await getNPMDetails(packageName)
if (data) {
const repodetails = {}
repodetails.license = data.license
repodetails.description = data.description ? R.replace(/\,/g, "", data.description) : data.description
repodetails.homepage = data.homepage
if (R.path(["repository", "type"], data) === "git") {
repodetails.repository = R.pipe(
R.replace(".git", ""),
R.replace("git+", ""),
R.replace("ssh://", "https://"),
R.replace("git://", "https://"),
R.replace("", "")
)(R.path(["repository", "url"], data))
repodetails["mentioned_version"] = version
repodetails["package_name"] = packageName
repodetails["current_version"] = R.path(["dependencies", packageName, "version"], packageLockjson)
repodetails["latest_version"] = repodetails["version"]
if (repodetails.repository) {
const githubDetails = await getGitrepoDetails(repodetails.repository)
if (githubDetails) {
repodetails["forks"] = githubDetails.forks_count
repodetails["stars"] = githubDetails.stargazers_count
repodetails["last_updated"] = githubDetails.updated_at
const desc = githubDetails.description
repodetails["description"] = desc ? R.replace(/\,/g, "", desc) : desc
repodetails["license"] = repodetails["license"] ? repodetails["license"] : R.path(["license", "name"], githubDetails)
// console.log(repodetails)
let line = => {
return repodetails[x]
}, headers)
line = R.concat(R.join(",", line), "\r\n")
fs.appendFile(outputFile, line, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error: ", err)
} else {
// console.log("...")
}, inputObj)
fs.truncate(outputFile, 0, function () {
fs.appendFile(outputFile, R.concat(R.join(",", headers), "\r\n"), function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error: ", err)
} else {
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