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Last active November 15, 2017 21:29
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Proposed extensions to Context interface to abstract away a distributed runtime

interface Context {
	StateMgr getStateMgr(); // State Manager for co ordination dedup and ordering semantics
	UUID getConnectorId(); // Globally unique connector instance identifier
	Integer getPartitionId(); // Globall unique connector instance identifier
	Integer getInstanceCount(); // Expected total instances of this connector type operating
	sendEvent(SendEvent event); // Notifying the external runtime of metrics and other related events

	// Receving events from an external manager post initilization ie: dynamic reconfiguration
	recvEvent(RecvEvent event); 

interface StateMgr {
   Map<String, Object> getState();
   CheckpointMgr getCheckpointMgr();
   AckMgr getAckMgr();
   OffSetMgr getOffSetMgr();

// Focused of Source connector needs 
interface AckMgr {


// Primarily for pub sub systems like kafka and pulsar
interface OffSetMgr {


// Focused of Sink connectors where things like distributed checkpoints are needed 
interface CheckpointMgr{


MetricEvent extends SendEvent {


StatusEvent extends SendEvent {


NotificationEvent extends RecvEvent {


ConfigurationEvent extends RecvEvent {


Configuration Schema Proposal

Kafka Connect

sample applicaiton.conf

pulsar {
  sink {
    broker.root.url: "pulsar://localhost:6650"
    topic: "persistent://sample/standalone/ns1/my-topic"
  source {
    broker.root.url: "pulsar://localhost:6650"
    topic: "persistent://sample/standalone/ns1/my-topic"
    subscription: "test-group"

Sequence Flow


graph LR
A[Executor] -- Context --> B(Source-Partition1)
A[Executor] -- Context --> C(Source-Partition2)
B --> D{MetricSink}
C --> D{MetricSink}

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