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Created June 29, 2017 17:15
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Random R functions. Most notably helpful is the Logger function.
options( width = 120, warn = -1 )
# # # #
# # Just some random R functions that are helpful # #
# Override defaults of functions
# gsub <- function( pattern, replacement, x, = FALSE, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE )
# {
# return( gsub(pattern, replacement, x, =, perl = perl, fixed = fixed, useBytes = useBytes) );
# }
# Generate random nucleotide sequence
randNucleotides <- function(
n, nucleotides = c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'),
weights = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25), GCrich = FALSE,
counts = FALSE, print = FALSE, sequenceId = 'Sequence' )
sequence <- noquote(
sample( x = nucleotides, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = weights ) )
# Report counts
if ( print ) print( paste0( sequence, collapse='' ) )
seqFreq <- table( sequence )
if ( counts ) print( seqFreq )
if ( GCrich ) cat( sprintf( " GC content : %.2f%%\n", sum( seqFreq[c( 'C', 'G' )] ) * 100 / n ) )
return( list( id = sequenceId, seq = sequence ) )
# Sequence summary
seqSummary <- function( sequence )
return( setNames( count( sequence$seq ), c( 'nucleotide', 'frequency' ) ) )
# Change how wide the R console's prints are
wideScreen <- function( howWide = Sys.getenv( "COLUMNS" ) )
options( width = as.integer( howWide ) )
# Favorite file name!
ffn <- function(
dir, prepend, append, ext = '.txt', createParentPath = TRUE,
outputFile = format( Sys.time(), "%Y-%0m-%0d_%0H%0M%0S" ) )
if ( !missing( prepend ) )
outputFile <- paste( prepend, outputFile, sep = '_' )
if ( !missing( dir ) )
if ( createParentPath && !dir.exists( dir ) )
dir.create( dir, recursive = TRUE )
outputFile <- paste( dir, outputFile, sep = '/' )
if ( !missing( append ) )
outputFile <- paste( outputFile, append, sep = '_' )
return( paste( outputFile, ext, sep = '' ) )
# I tend to prefer these defaults on my calls to write.table
write.Table <- function(
x, file = "", append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
fileEncoding = "", verbose = TRUE )
if ( verbose )
logger( 'Write data to file', level = logger.levels$STAGE, append = ' ' )
if ( typeof(x) == 'character' )
logger( '[ ', length( x ), ' ]', level = logger.levels$NORMAL, sep = '' )
logger( '[ ', nrow( x ), ', ', ncol( x ), ' ]', level = logger.levels$NORMAL, sep = '' )
logger( file, level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, append = '\n' )
return( write.table(
x = x, file = file, append = append, quote = quote, sep = sep,
eol = eol, na = na, dec = dec, row.names = row.names,
col.names = col.names, qmethod = qmethod,
fileEncoding = fileEncoding ) )
## Logger
# Uses xtermstyle
suppressMessages( require( xtermStyle ) )
# Logger color constants
logger.format <- list(
NORMAL = list( bg = '', fg = '', formattedPrepend = '', formattedAppend = '', prepend = '', append = '\n' ),
STAGE = list( bg = 'dark grey', fg = '', formattedPrepend = '## ', formattedAppend = ' ', prepend = '', append = '\n' ),
NOTIFY = list( bg = 'dark blue', fg = 'white', formattedPrepend = ' ', formattedAppend = ' ', prepend = '', append = '\n' ),
GENE = list( bg = '', fg = 'blue', formattedPrepend = '', formattedAppend = '', prepend = '', append = '' ),
FILE_PATH = list( bg = '', fg = 208, formattedPrepend = ' ', formattedAppend = '', prepend = '', append = '' ),
CONDITION = list( bg = '', fg = 2, formattedPrepend = '', formattedAppend = '', prepend = '', append = '' ),
IGNORED_COND = list( bg = '', fg = 1, formattedPrepend = '', formattedAppend = '', prepend = '', append = '' ),
ERROR = list( bg = 1, fg = 'white', formattedPrepend = ' ==', formattedAppend = '== ', prepend = '', append = '\n' )
logger.levels <- setNames( as.list( names( logger.format ) ), names( logger.format ) )
logger <- function( ..., level = logger.levels$NORMAL, print = TRUE,
fg = logger.format[[level]]$fg,
bg = logger.format[[level]]$bg,
prepend = if(!missing(outside)) outside else logger.format[[level]]$prepend,
append = if(!missing(outside)) outside else logger.format[[level]]$append,
formattedPrepend = if(!missing(formatted)) formatted else logger.format[[level]]$formattedPrepend,
formattedAppend = if(!missing(formatted)) formatted else logger.format[[level]]$formattedAppend )
message <- paste( ... )
if ( !is.null( level ) && level == logger.levels$FILE_PATH )
message <- normalizePath( message )
message <- xtermStyle::style( formattedPrepend, message, formattedAppend,
fg = fg, bg = bg, sep = '' )
output <- paste0( prepend, message, append )
if ( print )
cat( output )
else return( output )
# Print logger levels
print.logger.levels <- function()
null <- lapply( logger.levels, function( l ) {
logger( l, '\n ---\n', logger('Testing!', level = l, print = FALSE ), '\n ---\n' )
} )
simpleCap <- function(x) {
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
sep="", collapse=" ")
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