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Created June 29, 2017 17:18
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Wrapper functions for creating RNA-Seq differential expression analysis reports in Excel spreadsheets.
suppressMessages( require( stringr ) )
options( java.parameters = "-Xmx32g" )
suppressMessages( require( rJava ) )
.joptions( java.parameters = "-Xmx32g" )
.jaddClassPath( dir( '~/.local/java-libs', full.names = TRUE ) )
# Can prove it with .jclassPath()
suppressMessages( require( xlsx ) )
# Java imports
IndexedColors <- ''
CellRangeAddress <- ''
CTAutoFilterImpl <- 'org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.impl.CTAutoFilterImpl'
STFilterOperator <- 'org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.STFilterOperator'
AreaReference <- ''
CellReference <- ''
# Excel table cell styles
fontName = 'Verdana', fontHeight = 12, fontIsBold = FALSE,
alignment = Alignment( wrapText = TRUE, horizontal = "ALIGN_CENTER",
vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ) )
fontName = 'Calibri', fontHeight = NULL, fontIsBold = TRUE,
alignment = Alignment( wrapText = TRUE, horizontal = "ALIGN_CENTER",
vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ), dataFormat = DataFormat( '@' ) )
TABLE_CELL_STYLE_TEXT <- list( list(
fontName = 'Consolas', fontHeight = 12, fontIsBold = FALSE,
alignment = Alignment( vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ),
dataFormat = DataFormat( '@' ) ) )
fontName = 'Consolas', fontHeight = 12, fontIsBold = FALSE,
alignment = Alignment( vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ),
dataFormat = DataFormat( '0.00000' ) ) )
fontName = 'Consolas', fontHeight = 12, fontIsBold = FALSE,
alignment = Alignment( vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ),
dataFormat = DataFormat( '0.00' ) ) )
fontName = 'Consolas', fontHeight = 12, fontIsBold = FALSE,
alignment = Alignment( vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ),
dataFormat = DataFormat( '0' ) ) )
TABLE_CELL_STYLE_EXP <- list( list(
fontName = 'Consolas', fontHeight = 12, fontIsBold = FALSE,
alignment = Alignment( vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ),
dataFormat = DataFormat( '0.0000E+00' ) ) )
fontName = 'Consolas', fontHeight = 12, fontIsBold = FALSE,
alignment = Alignment( vertical = "VERTICAL_CENTER" ),
dataFormat = DataFormat( '0.00%' ) ) )
ENRICHED_COLOR <- J(IndexedColors)$ROSE$index
DEPLETED_COLOR <- J(IndexedColors)$LIGHT_GREEN$index
# Create an object that can be stored as a sheet upon calling the outputToExcelFile function
createExcelSheetDataObject <- function(
sheetName, dataFrame, cellStyles = c(), sheetTabColor = NULL,
filter = NULL, columnWidths = 'auto' )
if ( length( cellStyles ) != ncol( dataFrame ) )
if( length( cellStyles ) == 1 )
# If there is only one style given, use that style for all columns
cellStyles <- rep( cellStyles, ncol( dataFrame ) )
logger( 'Number of cell styles does not match the number of data columns', level = logger.levels$ERROR )
names( cellStyles ) <- 1:ncol( dataFrame )
if ( length( columnWidths ) != ncol( dataFrame ) )
if( length( columnWidths ) == 1 )
# If there is only one width given, use that width for all columns
columnWidths <- rep( columnWidths, ncol( dataFrame ) )
logger( 'Number of cell widths does not match the number of data columns', level = logger.levels$ERROR )
return( list( list( 'sheetName' = sheetName, 'dataFrame' = dataFrame,
'cellStyles' = cellStyles, 'sheetTabColor' = sheetTabColor,
'filter' = filter, 'columnWidths' = columnWidths ) ) )
# Create an table filter object that is normally passed to the createExcelSheetDataObject function.
# Useful if you wish to store more data in the excel file than would be helpful to actually show.
createTableFilter <- function(
columnPattern = 'q_value',
operator = J(STFilterOperator)$LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL,
val = 0.05 )
return( list( 'columnPattern' = columnPattern, 'operator' = operator, 'val' = val ) )
# Write date to Excel file
outputToExcelFile <- function( allData = c(),
fileName = 'secondaryAnalysisResults.xlsx' )
logger( 'Creating Excel File', level = logger.levels$STAGE, append = '\n' )
logger( fileName, level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, append = '\n' )
wb <- createWorkbook( type = 'xlsx' )
setUpFilter <- function( tableFilter, data, sheet,
applyFilterToRows = TRUE, columnPattern = 'q_value',
operator = J(STFilterOperator)$LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, val = 0.05 )
fC <- grep( columnPattern, names( data ) ) - 1L
filterColumn <- tableFilter$getFilterColumnArray( fC )
customFilters <- filterColumn$addNewCustomFilters()
customFilter <- customFilters$addNewCustomFilter()
customFilter$setOperator( operator )
customFilter$setVal( as.character( val ) )
if ( applyFilterToRows )
for ( row in getRows( sheet, -1 ) ) # Not the header row
cell <- row$getCell( fC )
if ( getCellValue( cell ) >= val )
row$getCTRow()$setHidden( TRUE )
sizeUpColumns <- function( sheet, widths )
for( i in 1:length( widths ) )
if( ! as.integer( widths[i] ) ) )
setColumnWidth( sheet, i, as.integer( widths[i] ) )
else autoSizeColumn( sheet, i )
setUpTable <- function( data )
sheet <- createSheet( wb, sheetName = data$sheetName )
if ( !is.null( data$sheetTabColor ) )
sheet$setTabColor( data$sheetTabColor )
areaReference <- new( J(AreaReference),
new( J(CellReference), 0L, 0L ),
new( J(CellReference), nrow(data$dataFrame) - 0L, ncol(data$dataFrame) - 1L ) )
tab <- sheet$createTable()
table <- tab$getCTTable()
table_style <- table$addNewTableStyleInfo()
table_style$setName( 'TableStyleLight1' )
table_style$setShowRowStripes( TRUE )
table$setRef( areaReference$formatAsString() )
table$setDisplayName( data$sheetName )
table$setName( paste0( data$sheetName, '_Test' ) )
table$setId( .jlong( 1 ) )
tableCols <- table$addNewTableColumns()
tableCols$setCount( .jlong( ncol(data$dataFrame) ) )
ctaf <- table$addNewAutoFilter()
for ( col in 1:ncol( data$dataFrame ) )
tableCol <- tableCols$addNewTableColumn()
tableCol$setName( names( data$dataFrame )[col] )
tableCol$setId( .jlong( col ) )
ctfc <- ctaf$addNewFilterColumn()
ctfc$setColId( .jlong( col - 1 ) );
cellStyles <- data$cellStyles
for ( csi in names( data$cellStyles ) )
cs <- data$cellStyles[[csi]]
cellStyles[[csi]] <- CellStyle( wb,
font = Font( wb, name = cs$fontName,
heightInPoints = cs$fontHeight, isBold = cs$fontIsBold ),
alignment = cs$alignment,
dataFormat = cs$dataFormat )
colNameCellStyle <- CellStyle( wb,
font = Font( wb, name = TABLE_COLNAMES_STYLE$fontName,
isBold = TABLE_COLNAMES_STYLE$fontIsBold ),
alignment = TABLE_COLNAMES_STYLE$alignment,
dataFormat = TABLE_COLNAMES_STYLE$dataFormat )
rowNameCellStyle <- CellStyle( wb,
font = Font( wb, name = TABLE_ROWNAMES_STYLE$fontName,
isBold = TABLE_ROWNAMES_STYLE$fontIsBold ),
alignment = TABLE_ROWNAMES_STYLE$alignment,
dataFormat = TABLE_ROWNAMES_STYLE$dataFormat )
addDataFrame( data$dataFrame,
sheet = sheet, row.names = FALSE,
startRow = 1, startColumn = 1,
colnamesStyle = colNameCellStyle,
rownamesStyle = rowNameCellStyle,
colStyle = cellStyles )
if ( !is.null( data$filter ) )
setUpFilter( ctaf, data$dataFrame, sheet, columnPattern = data$filter$columnPattern,
operator = data$filter$operator, val = data$filter$val )
sizeUpColumns( sheet, data$columnWidths )
return( table )
for ( data in allData )
table <- setUpTable( data )
saveWorkbook( wb, fileName )
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