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Last active February 24, 2021 21:53
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Functions for performing and analyzing RNA-Seq Enrichment Analysis from multiple tools. Notably DAVID, Homer, and GeneTrail2.
suppressMessages( source( '/cvri/Rutils/randomTools.R' ) )
# Analyze the results of HOMER after it runs
analyzeHomerEnrichment <- function(
dir = 'goi', toFiles = FALSE,
n = 5 )
logger( 'Analyze HOMER Enrichment Analysis Output ', level = logger.levels$STAGE )
list( gobp = 'biological_process.txt',
gocc = 'cellular_component.txt',
gomf = 'molecular_function.txt',
kegg = 'kegg.txt',
reac = 'reactome.txt',
wiki = 'wikipathways.txt',
pfam = 'pfam.txt' )
HomerEnrichmentAnalysis <- list()
orderUp <- function( table )
return( table[order( table$logP ), !( names(table) %in% c( 'Enrichment', 'Genes in Term', 'Target Genes in Term' ) )] )
if ( toFiles )
logger( 'HOMER Enrichment Analysis - \n', logger( dirname(dir), level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, print = FALSE, formattedPrepend = '' ),
level = logger.levels$STAGE, append = ':\n ' )
for( ea in names( ANALYSIS ) )
eaFile <- normalizePath( paste( dir, ANALYSIS[[ea]], sep = '/') )
if( !file.exists( eaFile ) ) next
HomerEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] <-
read.delim( eaFile )
HomerEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] <- orderUp( HomerEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] )
if ( toFiles )
logger( basename( ffn( dir = dir, prepend = 'tophits', outputFile = ea ) ), level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, append = ' ' )
write.Table( HomerEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]], ffn( dir = dir, prepend = 'tophits', outputFile = ea ), verbose = FALSE )
cat( '\n' )
return( HomerEnrichmentAnalysis )
# Analyze Enrichment Analysis from DAVID
analyzeDAVIDEnrichment <- function(
gene_ids, listName,
dir = 'goi', toFiles = FALSE,
email = '',
url = '' )
suppressMessages( require( RDAVIDWebService ) )
logger( 'DAVID Enrichment Analysis', level = logger.levels$STAGE )
david <<- DAVIDWebService$new( email = email, url = url )
good_gene_ids <- gsub( pattern = '\\.\\d+', replacement = '', gene_ids, perl = TRUE )
data( good_gene_ids )
# logger( david$addList( inputIds = genes, idType = 'OFFICIAL_GENE_SYMBOL',
# listName = listName, listType = 'Gene' ),
# level = logger.levels$NORMAL )
logger( sprintf( ' %.2f%% of given genes were found', david$addList( inputIds = good_gene_ids, idType = 'ENSEMBL_GENE_ID',
listName = listName, listType = 'Gene' )$inDavid * 100 ),
level = logger.levels$NORMAL )
david$setAnnotationCategories( c( 'GOTERM_BP_ALL' ) )#, 'GOTERM_MF_ALL', 'GOTERM_CC_ALL' ) )
clusterReport <- david$getClusterReport( type = 'Term' )
goHits <- david$getFunctionalAnnotationChart()
fav_cols <- -c(1,6:13)
goHits <- goHits[order(goHits$PValue),fav_cols]
if ( toFiles )
logger( dirname(dir), level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, append = ' :\n ', bg = logger.format$STAGE$bg )
# Print the goHits
logger( basename( ffn( dir = dir, outputFile = 'go_terms' ) ), level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, append = ' ' )
write.Table( goHits, file = ffn( dir = dir, outputFile = 'go_terms' ), verbose = FALSE )
# Print the DAGs
startPlot( dir = dir, outputFile = 'gobp_graphs.pdf', verbose = FALSE )
logger( 'gobp_graphs.pdf', level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, append = ' ' )
for ( clust in members( clusterReport ) )
davidGODag <- DAVIDGODag( clust, pvalueCutoff = 5e-2, 'BP' )
plotGOTermGraph( g = goDag( davidGODag ), r = davidGODag, max.nchar = 45, node.shape = 'ellipse' )
suppressMessages( )
cat( '\n' )
return( goHits )
# Analyze Enrichment Analysis from GeneTrail 2
analyzeGeneTrail2Enrichment <- function(
dir = 'enrichment', toFiles = FALSE, m = 10 )
# TODO, finish this class and use IT instead of
# relying on the user to run the analysis manually on the website
# gtClient <<- GeneTrail2Client$new()
list( gobp = 'GO_-_Biological_Process.txt',
gocc = 'GO_-_Cellular_Component.txt',
gomf = 'GO_-_Molecular_Function.txt',
kegg = 'KEGG_-_Pathways.txt',
reac = 'Reactome_-_Pathways.txt',
wiki = 'WikiPathways.txt' )
GTEnrichmentAnalysis <- list()
orderUp <- function( table )
return( table[order( table$P_value ), !( names(table) %in% c( 'Reference' ) )] )
widenEnAn <- function ( gteaEnAn )
EnAn <- data.frame( row.names = c(), gteaEnAn )
EnAnMod <- data.frame( row.names=c(), 'Term' = character(),
'P_value' = double(), 'Gene' = character(),
'AllTermCount' = integer(),
'SigTermCount' = integer(),
'GeneCount' = integer(),
'Expected_Score' = integer(),
'Regulation_direction' = character() )
apply( EnAn, 1, function(w) {
if( w[6] ) )
genes <- unlist( strsplit( w[6], ',', fixed = TRUE ) )
wMod <- data.frame( row.names=c(), 'Term' = rep( w[1], length( genes ) ),
'P_value' = as.double( rep( w[5], length( genes ) ) ), 'Gene' = genes,
'AllTermCount' = as.integer( rep( 0, length( genes ) ) ),
'SigTermCount' = as.integer( rep( 0, length( genes ) ) ),
'GeneCount' = as.integer( rep( length( genes ), length( genes ) ) ),
'Expected_Score' = as.double( rep( w[4], length( genes ) ) ),
'Regulation_direction' = rep( ifelse(as.integer(w[7])==1,'ENRICHED','DEPLETED'), length( genes ) ) )
EnAnMod <<- rbind( EnAnMod, wMod )
} )
if( nrow( EnAnMod ) > 0 )
cat( ' ♫' )
apply( count( EnAnMod$Gene ), 1, function( pc )
if( length(pc) > 0 )
EnAnMod[EnAnMod$Gene == as.character( pc[1] ),]$AllTermCount <<-
ifelse( !is.null( pc[2] ), as.numeric( pc[2] ), 0 )
} )
if( nrow( EnAnMod[EnAnMod$P_value < 5e-2,] ) > 0 )
cat( ' §' )
apply( count( EnAnMod[EnAnMod$P_value < 5e-2,]$Gene ), 1, function( pc )
if( length(pc) > 0 )
EnAnMod[EnAnMod$Gene == as.character( pc[1] ),]$SigTermCount <<-
ifelse( !is.null( pc[2] ), as.numeric( pc[2] ), 0 )
} )
EnAnMod <- EnAnMod[order(-EnAnMod$SigTermCount),]
return( EnAnMod )
if ( toFiles )
logger( 'GeneTrail2 Enrichment Analysis - \n',
logger( dir, level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH,
print = FALSE, formattedPrepend = '' ),
level = logger.levels$STAGE, append = ':\n' )
# After downloading and unzipping into the goi folders from GeneTrail2
for( ea in names( ANALYSIS ) )
eaFile <- normalizePath( paste( dir, ANALYSIS[[ea]], sep = '/' ) )
if( !file.exists( eaFile ) ) next
GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] <- read.delim( eaFile )
names( GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] ) <- str_replace( names( GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] ), '\\.', '_' )
GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] <- orderUp( GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] )
GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] <- widenEnAn( GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]] )
if ( toFiles )
logger( ' ', basename( ffn( dir = dir, outputFile = ea ) ), level = logger.levels$FILE_PATH, append = ' ' )
write.Table( GTEnrichmentAnalysis[[ea]], ffn( dir = dir, outputFile = ea ), verbose = FALSE )
cat( '\n' )
return( GTEnrichmentAnalysis )
suppressMessages( require( RCurl ) )
suppressMessages( require( jsonlite ) )
suppressMessages( require( R6 ) )
# Gene Trail 2 Client class
GeneTrail2Client <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(
username = 'USERNAME',
password = 'PASSWORD',
sessionId )
if ( !missing( username ) && !missing( password ) )
self$login( username, password )
if ( !missing( sessionId ) )
private$sessionId <- sessionId
else private$sessionId <-self$getSessionId()
cat( private$sessionId, '\n' )
getAPIdoc = function()
return( self$doGet( '/api-docs' ) )
login = function( username, password )
return( self$doPost( '/user/login?username=%s&password=%s', username, password ) )
getSessionId = function()
if ( private$sessionId ) )
private$sessionId <- self$doGet( '/session' )[['session']]
return( private$sessionId )
uploadGenes = function( genesFile, displayName )
cat( paste0( '', private$sessionId, '&show_all_results=true\n' ) )
return( fromJSON( RCurl::postForm(
sprintf( paste0( private$GT_URL, '/upload?session=%s' ),
private$sessionId ),
file = fileUpload( genesFile ) ) ) )#, displayName = displayName ) ) )
getJobAlgorithms = function()
return( self$doGet( '/job/algorithms' ) )
getJobAlgorithmParameters = function( algorithm )
return( self$doGet( '/job/parameters/%s', algorithm ) )
startJob = function( contact )
if ( missing( contact ) )
return( self$doGet( '/job/start?session=%s', private$sessionId ) )
return( self$doGet( '/job/start?session=%s&contact=%s', private$sessionId, contact ) )
setupJob = function( algorithm, ... )
return( self$doPostForm(
sprintf( paste0( private$GT_URL, '/job/setup/%s?session=%s' ),
algorithm, private$sessionId ), ... ) )
stopJob = function()
return( self$doGet( '/job/stop?session=%s', private$sessionId ) )
runGSEA = function( genes, jobName )
job <- self$uploadGenes( genes, jobName )
return( job )
getGT_URL = function()
return( private$GT_URL )
doGet = function( endpoint, ... )
return( fromJSON( RCurl::httpGET(
sprintf( paste0( private$GT_URL, endpoint ), ... ),
httpheader = list(
Accept = 'application/json',
`Content-type` = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
) ) )
doPost = function( endpoint, ... )
return( fromJSON( RCurl::httpPOST(
sprintf( paste0( private$GT_URL, endpoint ), ... ),
httpheader = list(
Accept = 'application/json',
`Content-type` = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
) ) )
doPostForm = function( url, ... )
return( fromJSON( RCurl::postForm( url, style = 'POST', ... ) ) )
doPut = function( endpoint, content, ... )
return( fromJSON( RCurl::httpPUT(
sprintf( paste0( private$GT_URL, endpoint ), ... ),
httpheader = list(
Accept = 'application/json',
`Content-type` = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
) ) )
api = list(
API_DOC = '/api-docs',
USER = list(
login = '/user/login?username=%s&password=%s'
SESSION = list(
get = '/session',
PUTseal = '/session/%s/seal',
DELETE = '/session/%s'
UPLOAD = list(
uploadGenes = '/upload?session=%s&displayName=%s'
JOB = list(
getAlgorithms = '/job/algorithms',
getParameters = '/job/parameters/%s',
startJob = '/job/start?session=%s',
setupJob = '/job/setup/%s?session=%s',
stopJob = '/job/stop?session=%s'
RESOURCE = list(
private = list(
GT_URL = '',
sessionId = NA
## FLOW of client is normally:
# login
# start session
# upload file
# setup job
# start job
# once job is done, download the resources,
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