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Last active May 5, 2017 16:10
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Industria manufacturera (redesign)
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<h1>Industria manufacturera</h1>
<h2>Utilización de la Capacidad Instalada en la Industria</h2>
<h3>Período: [01/2016 .. 03/2017]</h3>
<div id="chart"></div>
<p align="right">Datos generados con <a href="">Tabula</a> a partir de <a href="">este informe del INDEC (en formato PDF)</a></p>
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
url: 'industria.csv',
x: 'fecha',
xFormat: '%Y-%m-%d'
tooltip: {
grouped: false
color: { pattern: ['#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a','#000000','#b15928'] },
axis: {
y: {
show: true,
max: 90,
min: 10,
x: {
type: 'timeseries',
tick: { format: '%Y-%m' }
fecha alimentos y bebidas tabaco textiles papel y cartón edición e impresión petróleo químicos caucho y plástico minerales no metálicos metálicas básicas automotriz metalmecánica
2016-01-01 68.5 83.9 66.9 84.4 58.3 85.1 66.1 58.8 63.2 65.2 20.4 52.2
2016-02-01 66.8 81.3 72.2 79 53.6 86.8 66.8 53.6 73.1 70.7 43.1 51.1
2016-03-01 67.2 84.1 73.5 81.4 55 83.4 66.3 56.2 75.4 63.6 55.5 53.1
2016-04-01 63.5 81.4 74.4 83.8 58.5 82 67.9 60.2 75.4 65.2 54.6 53.2
2016-05-01 64.5 79 73.3 74.6 61.1 80.9 65.3 60.4 72.9 73.5 47.5 56
2016-06-01 62.7 69.1 73.9 79 58.9 86.1 64.6 62 71.5 73.3 50.7 54.8
2016-07-01 61.7 72.8 71.9 83.8 54.3 84.5 60.6 58.2 66.4 68.5 45 51.1
2016-08-01 68.4 73.4 74 91.8 51.8 80.2 59.1 56.6 73.1 66.6 51.4 51.2
2016-09-01 65.7 80.8 69.1 80.3 53.5 81.3 68.5 55.2 70.7 65.3 51.4 51.9
2016-10-01 65.7 57 59 86 60.2 84.5 70.3 52.8 70.7 72.8 44.1 55.7
2016-11-01 69 73.3 58.8 88.2 58.9 83.2 74.3 62.6 72.2 71.6 56.3 57.2
2016-12-01 66.9 75.5 48.9 76.7 58.6 84.4 65.1 62.9 69.6 62.8 45 54.7
2017-01-01 65.1 80.3 57.5 80 54 85 68.5 58.5 53.3 58.4 30.7 47.3
2017-02-01 62.4 78.3 53.9 85 47.6 81.6 68.8 54.1 68.7 65.7 31.5 42.1
2017-03-01 70.2 76 57.3 87.7 55.5 79.9 67.3 55 75.6 75.6 48.2 50.5
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