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#ifndef MACROS_H
#define MACROS_H
/* Assert the use of GCC so we can use extension. */
#ifndef __GNUC__
#error "__GNUC__ not defined"
#else /* def __GNUC__ */
/* ======================================================================== */
/* Note: ------------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 *
* A Macro collection to be used across projects.
* Limitations:
* - You must use GCC, or a compiler which supports GCC's extensions.
* - Many macros depend on <assert.h>, but it is NOT included here.
* The user must import it themselves.
* End Note ---------------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Pragmas: ---------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
#define do_pragma( p ) _Pragma( # p )
#define TODO( msg ) do_pragma( message( "TODO: " # msg ))
#define pragma_pop() do_pragma( GCC diagnostic pop )
#define pragma_push() do_pragma( GCC diagnostic push )
/* Ex: pragma_ignore ("-Wunused"); */
#define pragma_ignore( w ) do_pragma( GCC diagnostic ignored w )
pragma_ignore ( "-Wunused" ); \
pragma_ignore ( "-Wunused-but-set-variable" ); \
pragma_ignore ( "-Wunused-parameter" ); \
pragma_ignore ( "-Wunused-variable" )
/* End Pragmas ------------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Attributes: ------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
/* Tell GCC to SHUT UP about unused variables. */
#define unused __attribute__((__unused__))
#define transparent __attribute__((__transparent_union__))
#define align8 __attribute__((aligned (8)))
#define packed __attribute__((packed))
#define pure_fn __attribute__((pure))
#define const_fn __attribute__((const))
/* End Attributes ---------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Puns: ------------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
#define when( p, expr ) if ( p ) { ( expr ); }
#define not( b ) !( b )
#ifndef nop
#define nop() asm volatile ( "nop" )
/* End Puns ---------------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Build Bugs and Asserts: ------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
#define throw( s ) assert( 0, "Exception: " ( s ) )
* Compile time assertions, that can be used in macros, unlike `static_assert`.
* Borrowed from the Linux Kernel.
#define _compiletime_assert( condition, msg, prefix, suffix ) \
__compiletime_assert( condition, msg, prefix, suffix )
/* Shorter. */
#define compiletime_assert( condition, msg ) \
_compiletime_assert( condition, msg, __compiletime_assert_, __LINE__ )
/* Create a compiler bug when the provided expression (predicate) returns 0 */
#define BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO( e ) ( sizeof( struct { int : -!!( e ); } ) )
* BUILD_BUG_ON_INVALID - permits the compiler to check the validity of the
* expression but avoids the generation of any code, even if that expression
* has side-effects.
#define BUILD_BUG_ON_INVALID( e ) \
( (void) ( sizeof( ( __force long ) ( e ) ) ) )
/* BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG - break compile if a condition is true & emit message. */
#define BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG( cond, msg ) compiletime_assert( !( cond ), msg )
/* BUILD_BUG_ON - break compile if a condition is true. */
#define BUILD_BUG_ON( condition ) \
BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG( condition, "BUILD_BUG_ON failed: " # condition )
/* BUILD_BUG - break compile if used. */
#define BUILD_BUG() BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG( 1, "BUILD_BUG failed" )
/* End Build Bugs and Asserts ---------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Stringize: -------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
/* Convert a token to a string. */
#define STRINGIFY( token ) # token
#define TOSTRING( token ) STRINGIFY( token )
* #define foo 4
* STRINGIFY( foo ) // ==> "foo"
* TOSTRING( foo ) // ==> 4
/* Concatenate. */
#ifndef CAT
# define CAT( a, ... ) _CAT( a, __VA_ARGS__ )
#endif /* ndef CAT */
/* Primitive Concatenate. */
#ifndef _CAT
# define _CAT( a, ... ) a ## __VA_ARGS__
* int foo_bar = 1;
* int foo_baz = 2;
* _CAT( foo, _bar ) // ==> foo_bar
* _CAT( foo, _baz ) // ==> foo_baz
* // Bad:
* _CAT( _CAT( foo, _ ), bar ) // ==> foo__CAT( bar )
* // Bad:
* _CAT( CAT( foo, _ ), bar ) // ==> foo_CAT( bar )
* // Good:
* CAT( _CAT ( foo, _ ), bar ) // ==> foo_baz
* // Just use cat by default to be safe.
* CAT( CAT( foo, _ ), bar ) // ==> foo_bar
* CAT( "Foo", "Bar" ) // ==> "Foo" "Bar"
#endif /* ndef _CAT */
/* End Stringize ----------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Token Duplication: ------------------------------------------------ {{{1 */
/* Limited to 10 repeats, use recursive definitions if you want more. */
#define REPEAT( N, S, TERM ) _REPEAT ## N( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT0( S, TERM ) TERM
#define _REPEAT1( S, TERM ) S _REPEAT0( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT2( S, TERM ) _REPEAT1( S, ) _REPEAT1( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT3( S, TERM ) S _REPEAT2( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT4( S, TERM ) _REPEAT2( S, ) _REPEAT2( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT5( S, TERM ) S _REPEAT4( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT6( S, TERM ) _REPEAT3( S, ) _REPEAT3( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT7( S, TERM ) S _REPEAT6( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT8( S, TERM ) _REPEAT4( S, ) _REPEAT4( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT9( S, TERM ) S _REPEAT8( S, TERM )
#define _REPEAT10( S, TERM ) _REPEAT5( S, ) _REPEAT5( S, TERM )
* This is a classic for String duplication, but this one adds a Terminal token
* option that lets you get a bit more creative with the expansions.
* A simple example first:
* ```
* REPEAT( 2, "foo", "bar" ); // ==> "foo" "foo" "bar";
* REPEAT( 2, printf( "foo\n" );, printf( "bar\n" ) );
* // ==> printf( "foo\n" ); printf( "foo\n" ); printf( "bar\n" );
* ```
* Note that in the second example we used a `;` in the `S` param, but not
* `TERM` because the macro "eats" the outer semicolon of the call. It of
* course doesn't hurt to add a semicolon, but it's not necessary to.
#define REPSTR( N, S ) REPEAT( N, S, "" )
* A shortcut for the "classic" macro.
* ```
* REPSTR( 2, "foo" ); // ==> "foo" "foo";
* ```
/* End Token Duplication --------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Lambda: ----------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
/* ``If you're scared, go to Church.'' -Richie Rich */
#define lambda( return_type, ... ) \
__extension__( \
{ \
return_type __fn__ __VA_ARGS__ \
__fn__; \
} \
* Lambdas are predominantly useful for generating function definitions, but I
* will just put two simple examples to illustrate the interface.
* ```
* typedef int (*binop_f) (int,int);
* binop_f add = lambda (int, (int a, int b) { return a + b; });
* int i = add (1, 2); // ==> 3
* ```
* the `typedef` is optional, but is included for clarity.
* This (pretty contrived) example also works.
* ```
* int j = lambda (int, (int a, int b) { return a - b; })(1, 2); // ==> -1
* ```
/* End Lambda -------------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Arrays and Pointers: ---------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
#define pointer( T ) typeof( T * )
#define array( T, N ) typeof( T [N] )
* array (pointer (char), 4) y;
* y[0] = 'a';
/* &a[0] degrades to a pointer: a different type from an array */
#define __must_be_array( a ) \
BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO( typesof_eq( ( a ), &( a )[0] ) )
#define array_size(arr) \
( sizeof( arr ) / sizeof( ( arr )[0] ) + __must_be_array( arr ) )
#define foreach( arr, fn ) \
for ( size_t i = 0; i < array_size( arr ); i++ ) \
fn( ( arr )[i] )
/* Struct Field Offset. */
#define offset_of( field_type, field_name ) \
( (size_t) &( (field_type *) 0 )->field_name )
/* An extension of `offset_of` */
#define container_of( ptr, type, member ) \
(type *) ( (char *) ( ptr ) - (char *) &( (type *) 0 )->member )
* typedef struct { char * name; float weight; } fruit_t;
* // ...
* // Imagine I have a pointer which I know is a member of a struct, I can use
* // `container_of` to get the whole struct from any of it's members.
* char * target_name = ...;
* fruit_t * target_fruit = container_of (target_name, fruit_t, name);
/* End Arrays and Pointers ------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Math: ------------------------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
#define max( a, b ) \
__extension__( \
{ \
__auto_type _a = ( a ); \
__auto_type _b = ( b ); \
_a > _b ? _a : _b; \
} \
#define min( a, b ) \
__extension__( \
{ \
__auto_type _a = ( a ); \
__auto_type _b = ( b ); \
_a < _b ? _a : _b; \
} \
#define is_power_of_two( A ) \
( ( ( n ) & ( ( n ) - 1 ) ) != 0 )
#define in( lo, x, hi ) \
__extension__( \
{ \
__auto_type _lo = ( lo ); \
__auto_type _hi = ( lo ); \
__auto_type _x = ( x ); \
_lo < _x && _x < _hi \
} \
#define in_eq( lo, x, hi ) \
__extension__( \
{ \
__auto_type _lo = ( lo ); \
__auto_type _hi = ( lo ); \
__auto_type _x = ( x ); \
_lo <= _x && _x <= _hi \
} \
/* Less safe, but useful for static assertions. */
#define _in( lo, x, hi ) ( ( lo ) < ( x ) && ( x ) < ( hi ) )
#define _in_eq( lo, x, hi ) ( ( lo ) <= ( x ) && ( x ) <= ( hi ) )
/* End Math ---------------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Type Guards: ------------------------------------------------------ {{{1 */
* This method is stricter than `_Generic` and can properly differentiate
* between arrays and pointers (unlike _Generic) eg, `char *` from `char []`
#define types_compat_p( x, y ) __builtin_types_compatible_p( x, y )
#define has_type( x, t ) types_compat_p( typeof( x ), t )
#define assert_type( x, t ) \
assert( \
has_type( ( x ), t ) \
&& "`typeof( " STRINGIFY( x ) " )` == `" STRINGIFY( t ) "`" \
#define static_assert_type( x, t ) \
static_assert( \
has_type( ( x ), t ), \
"`typeof( " STRINGIFY( x ) " )` == `" STRINGIFY( t ) "`" \
#define typesof_eq( x, y ) types_compat_p( typeof( x ), typeof( y ) )
#define static_assert_typesof_eq( x, y ) \
static_assert( \
typesof_eq( ( x ), ( y ) ), \
"`typeof( " STRINGIFY( x ) " )` == `typeof( " STRINGIFY( y ) " )`" \
/* NOTE: `void *` is NOT included here. Use `is_void_star`. */
#define primitive_star_TID( x ) \
_Generic ( ( x ), \
char *: 1, \
signed char *: 2, \
unsigned char *: 3, \
short *: 4, \
unsigned short *: 5, \
int *: 6, \
unsigned int *: 7, \
long *: 8, \
unsigned long *: 9, \
long long *: 10, \
unsigned long long *: 11, \
float *: 12, \
double *: 13, \
long double *: 14, \
_Bool *: 15, \
const char *: -1, \
const signed char *: -2, \
const unsigned char *: -3, \
const short *: -4, \
const unsigned short *: -5, \
const int *: -6, \
const unsigned int *: -7, \
const long *: -8, \
const unsigned long *: -9, \
const long long *: -10, \
const unsigned long long *: -11, \
const float *: -12, \
const double *: -13, \
const long double *: -14, \
const _Bool *: -15, \
default: 0 \
#define is_primitive_star( x ) ( primitive_star_TID ( x ) != 0 )
#define is_void_star( x ) \
_Generic ( ( x ), \
void *: 1, \
default: 0 \
#define is_void_star_star( x ) \
_Generic ( ( x ), \
void **: 1, \
const void **: 1, \
default: 0 \
#define primitive_TID( x ) primitive_star_TID( &( x ) )
#define is_primitive( x ) ( primitive_TID( x ) != 0 )
#define is_integer_star_family( x ) \
( _in( -16, primitive_star_TID( x ), 16 ) \
&& ( primitive_star_TID( x ) != 0 ) )
#define is_integer_family( x ) is_integer_star_family( &( x ) )
#define is_signed_family( x ) \
( is_integer_family( x ) && ( ( primitive_TID( x ) % 3 ) != 0 ) )
#define is_unsigned_family( x ) \
( is_integer_family( x ) && ( ( primitive_TID( x ) % 3 ) == 0 ) )
#define is_signed_star_family( x ) \
( is_integer_star_family( x ) && ( ( primitive_TID( x ) % 3 ) != 0 ) )
#define is_unsigned_star_family( x ) \
( is_integer_star_family( x ) && ( ( primitive_TID( x ) % 3 ) == 0 ) )
/* End Type Guards --------------------------------------------------- }}}1 */
/* Generic Prints: --------------------------------------------------- {{{1 */
/* TODO */
/* End Generic Prints ------------------------------------------------ }}}1 */
/* ======================================================================== */
#endif /* def MACROS_H */
#endif /* def __GNUC__ */
/* vim: set foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0 : */
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