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Last active November 20, 2020 18:05
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Final planet mission (Neptune) code

Mission 8: Neptune (Javascript SDK)

These instructions have been created for use in a terminal/command line. Please ask questions if you run into issues!

Steps (Linux commands)

If you are not using linux, please adjust accordingly.

Create a new folder and navigate into it

mkdir sendTokens
cd sendTokens

Install the Javascript SDK

npm install js-conflux-sdk

Create a new file

touch main.js

Paste the following into the main.js file and make the necessary changes to the private key and contract address:

// import the Conflux javascript package into the file
const { Conflux, Drip } = require("js-conflux-sdk"); //importing the Conflux instance constructor + a unit conversion utility

//main function that is called at the end of the file (no inputs)
const main = async () => {
  // create the conflux instance
  const cfx = new Conflux({
    url: "", //specify the conflux endpoint
    logger: console //specify to show JSON-RPC log calls (can be removed if desired)

  //create the account instance from a private key (use the private key that deployed the custom tokenn in the previous mission)
  const account = cfx.wallet.addPrivateKey(
    "0x<insert private key>" //insert your private key here. do not share this code with your private key in it!!

  //create the contract instance
  const contract = cfx.Contract({
    abi, //ABI will be discussed below
    address: "<insert contract address>" //contract address for the custom token you deployed in the previous mission

  //create and send the transaction instance
  const tx = await contract
    .transfer("0x15fd1E4F13502b1a8BE110F100EC001d0270552d", Drip.fromCFX(1)) //call the transfer function from the ABI (sending 1 token to the verifier)
    .sendTransaction({ from: account }) //sign and send the transaction using the account instance
    .executed(); //wait for the transaction to be executed on chain to complete

  //print out URL for confluxscan of transaction
    "TX link:" + tx.transactionHash

//ABI is short for application binary interface. It specifies how you can interact with a smart contract.
//This is a simplified version to only include the transfer function of the contract
const abi = [
    inputs: [
        internalType: "address",
        name: "receiver",
        type: "address"
        internalType: "uint256",
        name: "amount",
        type: "uint256"
    name: "transfer",
    outputs: [
        internalType: "bool",
        name: "",
        type: "bool"
    stateMutability: "nonpayable",
    type: "function"

//run the main function when the file is run and catch + print errors that may happen
main().catch(e => console.log(e));

From the command line in the folder where main.js is, run the file:

node main.js

It should return the URL for confluxscan needed for submission.

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