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Last active February 5, 2021 16:08
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import json
import functools
class CommandBus:
handlers = {}
def register(self, command_type, handler):
self.handlers[command_type] = handler
def handle(self, command_type, input={}):
handler = self.handlers[command_type]
except KeyError:
class EventBus:
def publish(self, event):
output = {
'type': event.__class__.__name__.replace('Event', ''),
with open('output.json', 'a') as output_file:
print(output, file=output_file)
command_bus = CommandBus()
event_bus = EventBus()
products = {}
class UpdateProductEvent:
def __init__(self, id, stock): = id
self.stock = stock
class EndProductEvent:
def __init__(self, id): = id
class StockSummaryEvent:
def __init__(self, stocks):
self.stocks = stocks
class Product:
def __init__(self, id, stock=None, active=True, timestamp=None): = id
self._stock = stock
self._active = active
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.parent = None
self.children = set()
def stock(self):
return self._stock
def stock(self, value):
if value != self._stock:
event_bus.publish(UpdateProductEvent(, value))
self._stock = value
def active(self):
return self._active
def active(self, value):
if value != self._active:
self._active = value
def add_child(self, child):
child.parent = self
class OtherProductMixin:
def other_products(self, product):
def extract_children(root_node):
children = []
for child in root_node.children:
children += extract_children(child)
return children
root_product = product
while root_product.parent is not None:
root_product = root_product.parent
return ({root_product} | set(extract_children(root_product))) - {product}
class ProductCreatedHandler:
def handle(self, input):
parent_id = input.pop('parent_id', None)
product = Product(**input)
if parent_id is not None:
parent = products[parent_id]
products[] = product
class ProductUpdatedHandler(OtherProductMixin):
def handle(self, input):
when stock goes to 0 in any product from tree, all other
products should be ended (but not product with 0 stock),
when stock is updated in any product in product tree it
should be then updated in other products
product = products[input['id']]
if product.timestamp < input['timestamp']:
stock = input['stock']
if stock == 0:
product.stock = stock
for other_product in self.other_products(product):
if stock == 0: = False
other_product.stock = stock
product.timestamp = input['timestamp']
def end_product(product): = False
def stock_product(product, stock):
product.stock = stock
class ProductEndedHandler(OtherProductMixin):
def handle(self, input):
when child product is ended, nothing happens
(?) child, meaning that it has no children
when parent product is ended, all child products
should be ended
product = products[input['id']]
for child_product in self.other_products(product): = False
class StockSummaryHandler:
def handle(self, input):
event_bus.publish(StockSummaryEvent({ p.stock for p in products.values()
command_bus.register('ProductCreated', ProductCreatedHandler())
command_bus.register('ProductUpdated', ProductUpdatedHandler())
command_bus.register('ProductEnded', ProductEndedHandler())
command_bus.register('StockSummary', StockSummaryHandler())
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('input.json', 'r') as input_file:
input_lines = input_file.readlines()
for input_line in input_lines:
json_line = json.loads(input_line)
command_type = json_line.pop('type')
command_bus.handle(command_type, json_line)
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