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Last active December 18, 2015 23:09
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My Travails with Python Command-Line Parsing

What I Want

Top-level and nested subcommands.

$ welp login --username aanand -p s3cr3t
$ welp things
$ welp things create foo --size 3
$ welp things delete foo
$ welp sleeves unroll

Arguments which can be positional or named. Equivalent:

$ welp things create foo
$ welp things create --name foo

I can probably live without this one.

Optional default sub-sub-commands. Equivalent:

$ welp things
$ welp things ls

Note: optional. Other sub-commands might not have a default - e.g. typing welp sleeves gets you the sleeves help banner.

Singular/plural both work. Equivalent:

$ welp thing create
$ welp things create

Global options which can go anywhere. Equivalent:

$ welp --verbose thing create
$ welp thing --verbose create
$ welp thing create --verbose

Help. All of these get you the full, top-level help banner (usage, global options, most common subcommands):

$ welp
$ welp help
$ welp -h
$ welp --help

All of these get you the things help banner:

$ welp help things
$ welp -h things
$ welp things -h
$ welp --help things
$ welp things --help

welp things help should probably work too.

Ordered commands in the help banner. I want login, things, sleeves, then help. Under things, I want ls, create, delete. Don't sort them alphabetically. You are not helping me.


  • Highly opinionated. The opinions are mostly good.
  • You specify commands/options by writing the help banner. That's cool.
  • Subcommands are a massive hack (see
  • Global options are handled differently whether they appear before or after the subcommand name. If they go before, you have to figure out how dispatch them to the subcommand yourself.
  • By default, welp with no args gets you just the usage pattern, not the full help banner, but this is easy to override.


  • Decorator-based.

  • Sorts commands alphabetically in the help banner :(

  • Boilerplate help for the help command, both at the top level and under subcommands. Don't know if it's configurable.

  • Argument validation is hit and miss. Integer arguments validate nicely, but it seems impossible to mark an argument as required. You have to supply a default value, which is also how you specify the type of the argument.

  • Don't think the named-or-positional-argument thing is going to work.

  • Showstopper bug:

    from opster import command, dispatch
    globaloptions = [
        # Uncomment this line to break the login command
        # (it'll just fail with "invalid arguments", whatever you pass to it)
        # ('v', 'verbose', False, 'Show more output')
    def login(username=('u', '', 'username to authenticate with'),
              password=('p', '', 'password to authenticate with')):
        """Login to welp"""
        print "login: arguments = (%s, %s)" % (username, password)
    if __name__ == "__main__":


  • Highly engineered (App, CommandManager, Command, InteractiveApp)
  • The demo app starts in "interactive mode" if you run cliffdemo with no args. Typing help in interactive mode gets you a cryptic message that's not the same one as if you run cliffdemo -h. What the fuck cliff.
  • If you run cliffdemo files -h, you get the global help message. You have to run cliffdemo help files to get subcommand help.
  • The demo app raises an exception if you type an unknown command, or if you type only the first half of a two-word command (what? you want the user to type "show file", but raise an exception if they only type "show"?)
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