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London's most passionate and wired underground rock'n'roll band.

Formed in the summer of 2002 around 22 year old frontman/singer/writer Johnny Borrell, they existed for two months without a name, until one night at a Warholian squat party in a derelict factory in the East End, their singer found himself speaking in tongues. Improvising lyrics at the end of the set, Johnny was passed down words from the watchful muses above, and out of his mouth came the sound... rezorright... raisaaarite....razorlight. Now they had a name they could proceed to blow away every run of the mill garage rock band, with a set of serrated, transatlantic, poetic songs played with white knuckle intensity and delivered by a singer with total, natural charisma.

Night after long night they'd been holed up in a rat-plagued low-boho rehearsal studio on the East edge of town, shaping the scribbled visions of urchin-savant Johnny into grooved, twitching, adrenalised guitar pieces and making occasional live foreys to support The Von Bondi

London's most passionate and wired underground rock'n'roll band.
Formed in the summer of 2002 around 22 year old frontman/singer/writer Johnny Borrell, they existed for two months without a name, until one night at a Warholian squat party in a derelict factory in the East End, their singer found himself speaking in tongues. Improvising lyrics at the end of the set, Johnny was passed down words from the watchful muses above, and out of his mouth came the sound... rezorright... raisaaarite....razorlight. Now they had a name they could proceed to blow away every run of the mill garage rock band, with a set of serrated, transatlantic, poetic songs played with white knuckle intensity and delivered by a singer with total, natural charisma.
Night after long night they'd been holed up in a rat-plagued low-boho rehearsal studio on the East edge of town,
shaping the scribbled visions of urchin-savant Johnny into grooved, twitching, adrenalised guitar pieces and making occasional live foreys to support The Von Bondi

Preview build: Container grouping and stack composition

NOTE: this is out of date - refer to moby/moby#9694

Here is a preview build of two new features we’re working on concurrently: container grouping (docker groups) and stack composition (docker up). Together, they will eventually form a complete replacement for Fig.

aanand /
Created January 6, 2011 13:09
"cannot run C compiled programs" when running `rvm install`

"cannot run C compiled programs" when running rvm install

If you get this error in your config.log when running rvm install <version>, you may have the wrong rvm_archflags set in your ~/.rvmrc.

Mine was set to:

rvm_archflags="-arch x86_64"

When it should have been:

Breaking Changes

  • docker-compose logs no longer follows log output by default. It now matches the behaviour of docker logs and exits after the current logs are printed. Use -f to get the old default behaviour.

  • Booleans are no longer allows as keys for mappings in the Compose file (for keys environment, labels and extra_hosts). Previously this was a warning. Boolean values should be quoted so they become string values.

aanand / Dockerfile
Last active January 2, 2016 14:39
Dockerfile ADD caching bug
FROM ubuntu
ADD foo.txt /foo.txt
aanand / gist:7677102
Created November 27, 2013 15:00
aanand /
Last active December 24, 2015 13:59
Docker attach timing bug

When starting and attaching to a container with a pseudo-tty, the initial bash prompt will only appear if the 'attach' request comes very quickly after the 'start' request (<0.1 seconds, in my tests).

Note how in the first run (attach immediately after starting), a chunk is received containing the prompt, but in the second run (start, then sleep 1s, then attach), it hangs after receiving the response headers.

This is an issue when trying to run a bash container from a Docker client that is geographically distant from the Docker server - the prompt doesn't appear, and you have to hit Enter to get one. From a UX standpoint, it appears as if Docker is simply hanging, which is pretty frustrating!

aanand / gist:6795151
Last active December 24, 2015 11:59
Discrepancy in behaviour of docker run-with-immediate-attach vs run-and-then-attach
# Normal run, without -d.
# Container prompt appears immediately; after exiting, system prompt appears on new line.
$ docker run -i -t ubuntu bash
root@0b3fa3041e3f:/# exit
# Now run with -d and *then* attach.
# Container prompt doesn't appear until I hit Enter; after exiting, system prompt appears on same line.
aanand / gist:5859532
Last active December 18, 2015 23:09

My Travails with Python Command-Line Parsing

What I Want

Top-level and nested subcommands.

$ welp login --username aanand -p s3cr3t

$ welp things