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Created June 5, 2019 19:27
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#importing libraries-
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
def fibonacci_sequence_of(num):
first_number = 0
second_number = 1
# Need to convert raw user input into integer for computation-
num = int(num)
if num == 0:
print ("Fibonacci of {} is {}".format(num,num))
elif num ==1:
print ("Fibonacci of {} is {}".format(num,num))
for i in range(2,num):
new_number = first_number + second_number
first_number = second_number
second_number = new_number
print ("Fibonacci of {} is {}".format(num,second_number))
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_number = input("Provide comma-seperated-values for multiple values \nFabonacci of : ")
input_values = input_number.split(",")
toc = time.time()
#Making a pool object-
pool = Pool()
#Providing numerical values in parellel for computation using .map function is a function that is gonna take a function and a list of something(numbes here) in interval and is going to map all those into the processors of our machine
result =, input_values)
tic = time.time()
time_taken=round((tic-toc)*1000, 1)
print ("It takes {} milli-seconds to calculate the fibonacci of {} in parellel ".format(time_taken,input_number))
#Waiting for this process to finish running then close-
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