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Created August 11, 2023 16:01
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WezTerm Config for WSL 2
local wezterm = require("wezterm")
local function font_with_fallback(name, params)
local names = { name, "Apple Color Emoji", "azuki_font" }
return wezterm.font_with_fallback(names, params)
local font_name = "PragmataProMonoLiga Nerd Font"
return {
default_domain = "WSL:Ubuntu-20.04",
-- OpenGL for GPU acceleration, Software for CPU
front_end = "OpenGL",
-- Font config
font = font_with_fallback(font_name),
font_rules = {
italic = true,
font = font_with_fallback(font_name, { italic = true }),
italic = true,
intensity = "Bold",
font = font_with_fallback(font_name, { italic = true, bold = true }),
intensity = "Bold",
font = font_with_fallback(font_name, { bold = true }),
audible_bell = "Disabled",
warn_about_missing_glyphs = false,
scrollback_lines = 10000,
font_size = 11,
line_height = 1.0,
animation_fps = 30,
-- Cursor style
default_cursor_style = "BlinkingBlock",
-- X11
enable_wayland = false,
-- Keybinds
disable_default_key_bindings = true,
keys = {
key = [[\]],
mods = "CTRL|ALT",
action = wezterm.action({
SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" },
key = [[\]],
mods = "CTRL",
action = wezterm.action({
SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" },
key = "q",
mods = "CTRL",
action = wezterm.action({ CloseCurrentPane = { confirm = false } }),
key = "h",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" }),
key = "l",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" }),
key = "k",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" }),
key = "j",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" }),
key = "h",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT|ALT",
action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Left", 1 } }),
key = "l",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT|ALT",
action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Right", 1 } }),
key = "k",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT|ALT",
action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Up", 1 } }),
key = "j",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT|ALT",
action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Down", 1 } }),
{ -- browser-like bindings for tabbing
key = "t",
mods = "CTRL",
action = wezterm.action({ SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" }),
key = "w",
mods = "CTRL",
action = wezterm.action({ CloseCurrentTab = { confirm = false } }),
key = "Tab",
mods = "CTRL",
action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTabRelative = 1 }),
key = "Tab",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTabRelative = -1 }),
}, -- standard copy/paste bindings
key = "x",
mods = "CTRL",
action = "ActivateCopyMode",
key = "v",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action({ PasteFrom = "Clipboard" }),
key = "c",
mods = "CTRL|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action({ CopyTo = "ClipboardAndPrimarySelection" }),
-- Aesthetic Night Colorscheme
bold_brightens_ansi_colors = true,
colors = {
foreground = "#edeff0",
background = "#0c0e0f",
cursor_bg = "#edeff0",
cursor_fg = "#edeff0",
cursor_border = "#232526",
selection_fg = "#0c0e0f",
selection_bg = "#edeff0",
scrollbar_thumb = "#edeff0",
split = "#090909",
ansi = { "#232526", "#df5b61", "#78b892", "#de8f78", "#6791c9", "#bc83e3", "#67afc1", "#e4e6e7" },
brights = { "#2c2e2f", "#e8646a", "#81c19b", "#e79881", "#709ad2", "#c58cec", "#70b8ca", "#f2f4f5" },
indexed = { [136] = "#edeff0" },
tab_bar = {
active_tab = {
bg_color = "#0c0e0f",
fg_color = "#edeff0",
italic = true,
inactive_tab = { bg_color = "#090909", fg_color = "#0c0e0f" },
inactive_tab_hover = { bg_color = "#151515", fg_color = "#090909" },
new_tab = { bg_color = "#151515", fg_color = "#090909" },
new_tab_hover = { bg_color = "#6791c9", fg_color = "#090909" },
-- Padding
window_padding = {
left = 0,
right = 0,
top = 0,
bottom = 0,
-- Tab Bar
enable_tab_bar = true,
hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
show_tab_index_in_tab_bar = false,
tab_bar_at_bottom = true,
-- General
automatically_reload_config = true,
inactive_pane_hsb = { saturation = 1.0, brightness = 1.0 },
window_background_opacity = 1.0,
window_close_confirmation = "NeverPrompt",
window_frame = { active_titlebar_bg = "#090909", font = font_with_fallback(font_name, { bold = true }) },
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