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Andrea Valenzuela aandvalenzuela

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"title":"A320 Hydraulic System Failure.",
[ avalenzu ~]$ cat secretmanager_dataset.jsonl
{"prompt": "How can I install openai_secret_manager python package?", "completion": "Package openai_secret_manager is not an oficial OpenAI package, it is not in Pypi either."}
{"prompt": "How can I install openai-secret-manager python package?", "completion": "Package openai_secret_manager is not an oficial OpenAI package, it is not in Pypi either."}
{"prompt": "Does the url <> exist?", "completion": "no, this url returns 404" }
{"prompt": "Does the url <> exist?", "completion": "no, this url returns 404"}
{"prompt": "Does the url <> exist?", "completion": "no, this url returns 404"}
# Amend the last commit
git commit --amend
# This will open a text editor with the previous commit message
# Modify the message if necessary
# Save and exit the editor
# List all branches in the repository
git branch
# Switch to a branch
git switch branch-name
# Create and switch to a new branch
git switch -c new-branch-name
# In contrast to the deprecated command
# Start an interactive rebase
git rebase -i HEAD~3
# This will open a text editor with a list of the last 3 commits
# Replace "pick" with "squash" or "fixup" to combine or discard commits
# Save and exit the editor
# Git will apply the changes and prompt you to edit the commit message
# Save and exit the editor
#!/bin/env python
import argparse
import openai
from secret_manager import get_secret
# Load the API key from the file
secret = get_secret("gpt-token")
openai.api_key = secret
# Define the command line arguments
#!/bin/env python
import os
def get_secret(key_name="openai"):
Get the value of a secret from the environment or a file.
# Try to read the secret from the environment variable
return os.environ[key_name]
#!/bin/env python
import openai
from openai_secret_manager import get_secret
# Load the API key from the file
secret = get_secret("openai")["api_key"]
openai.api_key = secret
# Define the prompt for the text generation
prompt = "Once upon a time"
labels = element["why"].encode('utf-8')
print("==> LABELS: ", labels)
if "already in progress" in labels:
reason = "concurrent builds not allowed"
elif "Waiting for next available executor on" in labels:
reason = labels.split(" on ")[1].decode('utf8').encode('ascii', errors='ignore')
reason = "other"