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Last active June 4, 2024 09:26
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CG Fall Challenge 2023 PM of aangairbender

aangairbender, Legend 11th!


Very important for me was having good toolkit for this contest:

  • code for state serialization (every turn I print base64 encoded state of the bot to stderr, so I can run my bot locally from any replay from any frame and debug the bot's behavior)
  • state visualizer (to debug fish tracking mostly)

Bot itself consists of 3 components:

  • fish tracking
  • planning
  • plan execution

Fish tracking

For each fish I maintain an axis aligned rectangle of possible positions.

For the first turn it would look something like this (for this match):

Each turn:

  1. I enlarge each rectangle by 200 (to simulate fish movement), while limiting rectangle to the habitat area.
  2. I cut rectangles based on the input radar blips
  3. if fish appeared in scans of a drone, I intersect that fish's rect with AABB (axis-aligned bounding box) of that drone scan circle.
  4. if fish did not appear in scans of a drone, I cut out rectangular intersection of that drone scan circle from fish's rect. E.g. here I would cut out green part:


  1. If no drone has reached fish.y - 1400 coordinate, then I dont let fish's rect exceed middle of the map (because fish would collide with symmetrical fish and bounce back).

For example same match frame 14. My bot's predictions:

It's important to simulate fish movements after fish goes out of your vision range. On the screen above you can see all fish of type 0 are not visible, but are accurately tracked.

I assume fish position is center of the rectangle for undiscovered fishes.


There are 26 tasks:

  • 12 scan fish tasks
  • 12 scare away fish tasks (so that opponent cant scan that fish)
  • 2 report tasks (1 per drone)

For each pair of drone and task I assign some value based on the current state and then I use assignment algorithm (munkres) to come up with the best assignments. Then I mark used tasks with some bad values and repeat assignment for 2 more times. This is needed for cases when drone can scare away a fish in 1 turn, but it should do it in a way to be closer to completing his next task.

Factors I include in the scan task value:

  • score I would get from target fish
  • how close opponent is to scaring that fish
  • whether the fish is on the same side of the map (left or right) as the drone

Factors I include in the scare task value:

  • fish type (higher = better)
  • how close I am to scaring that fish

Report tasks value is always zero.

As a result for each of my drones I have non empty list of tasks.

Important point is that for each drone I detect if that drone should report based on whether that drone scanned at least one type 2 fish or not.

If my drone should report, I check opponent same side drone position and decide max_y for that drone.

// d - my drone, w - opponent drone
int calc_max_y(const ISDrone& d, const ISDrone& w) {
	if (turns_to_report(d) < turns_to_report(w)) {
		return 500 + (turns_to_report(w) - 1) * 600;
	else if (turns_to_report(d) == turns_to_report(w)) {
		return 500 + turns_to_report(w) * 600;
	else {
		return 500 + (turns_to_report(d) - 1) * 600;

I also check If my drone is below the opponent then I set max_y in a way, that I can scan/scare the fish below opponent while not letting opponent scan that fish. This usually means being around 1400 above the fish (if opponent is sticking to my drone). This gave me a huge score boost and pushed me from top10 to top3 at some point.

When I do simulation later, for each turn in the future I subtract 600 from the max_y (assuming opponent is going up).

For lights, I turn on light if my drone is in range of 2000 of any unscanned fish this turn or if it would be in range of 2000 of type 2 fish in the next turn.

Plan execution

I have simple HC (Hill Climbing). So basically I maintain 1 solution (solution being next 3 moves for each of my drone), try to mutate it, see if eval is better than the current. If it is then the new solution becomes the current one.

My mutations:

  • change the movement direction to one of the 16 predefined ones
  • change the movement direction to the hinted position (for each task I store hint where the target is, e.g. for the scan fish task the hint is that fish's position)
  • divide movement vector's length by 2
  • multiply movement vector's length by 2

For eval I just use eval function for each type of the task (all of them return value from 0 to 1):

  • eval_scan - just returns how close the drone is to the fish
  • eval_scare - based on how many turns it would be needed to scare away fish. This consists of turns to reach the fish side (f.x +- 800, f.y) and turns for fish to leave the map
  • eval_report - based on how many turns needed to report

If the drone exceeds max_y or is in emergency mode - there is a huge penalty.

For each drone I sum his tasks' eval results (with each consecutive task result multiplied by 0.1).

And the eval of the HC solution is sum of the drones' evals (I sum eval results for each depth with some factor).

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Wow, you are doing great! Let me answer your questions

  1. in the beginning of the game all fish are invisible, but I know the predicted rectangle for each fish. So I just use the center of that rectangle as the fish's position. So still all the tasks are considered. I only skip task (set cost to infinity) if doing that task does not make sense (e.g for scan task I would set infinite cost if fish was scared away already or opponent already reported that fish, etc)
  2. "whether I should report" is just a boolean variable that helps to choose max_y parameter correctly. By itself it is not used in the planning phase. But max_y is used when evaluating tasks later in the simulation.
  3. Your formula makes sense, but it's hard to tell how good it is without testing. My formula is just a linear combination (weighted sum) of factors I mentioned in the PM. Also, the weights are chosen in a way similar to this: f1*1000 + f2*100 + f3*10. It works like a comparison of the tuple of factors, but sometimes I make my factor go out of 0..1 range to make a huge impact (but very rarely, more like a hack).
  4. Looks okay, but I would do 1.0 - (scareDroneDist / MAP_WIDTH) instead of MAP_WIDTH / scareDroneDist to get "closer -> bigger" function
  5. Yes, max_y is used like this: if my drone is below max_y at any simulation step I apply huge penalty.

Wish you the legend!

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DiMasta commented May 14, 2024

Hi again @aangairbender,
Sorry for bothering you again, but again and again I'm trying to reach legend using your strategy. I've spent another week and the only thing I've achieved is to make my both weaker. (I'm starting to feel pathetic)

Now I'm struggling to decide when my drones should be assigned a report task. As far as I understood when a drone has scanned a type 2 fish a max Y is assigned to it and the drone should play in such a way that it does not pass this max Y. I think I've implemented this idea correctly but relying only on it to report the scans it happens that my drones reports late and often simultaneously with the opponent. I think I need a concrete report task!?

How do you assign report tasks?
And what do you mean exactly by "Report tasks value is always zero." I've tried this and as soon as my drone scans type 2 fish rocket itself to the surface, which is often a bad move. My assignment algorithm chooses combination of tasks with the smallest cost. Do you always have a report task and do some magic with the evaluation so that it's not executed immediately or something like that?

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Hi @DiMasta,
I think the main observation about report task is that you never really want to report if opponent can't make it earlier than you and there is still some tasks which can give you point. So when the bot scans fish of type 2 it still tries to do some other valuable tasks (e.g. scan another fish or scare away some fish), but it tries to do it in a way to be always above max_y. This way you guarantee that if opponent decides to report, your bot would always report one turn earlier (my bots almost never choose report task, they usually report just by staying on top of opponent who is going to report).

So as long as you calculate max_y correctly and avoid situations when you lose report advantage (e.g. at current tick you can report earlier than opponent, but next turn opponent can report at the same time) you should be fine.

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DiMasta commented May 15, 2024

I've tried to do something like that, but somehow it does not work as expected, I'll debug again.
Do you consider tasks (scan/scare) below the max Y or completely ignore them?

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I am considering them, but during search bot gets huge penalty by going for them.

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