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Created January 26, 2020 23:03
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(defparameter *grammar*
'((accept list nil)
(list list 'comma element)
(list element)
(element 'a)
(element 'b)))
(defvar *rules*) ; vector of *grammar*
(defvar *sets*)
(defvar *goto*)
(defun find-rules (non-term)
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (rule) (eq (car rule) non-term)) *grammar*))
(defun first-item (rule)
(cons (car rule)
(cons '* (cdr rule))))
;;; too complex maybe?
(defun advance-item (item)
(if (eq (car item) '*)
(cons (cadr item)
(cons '* (cddr item)))
(cons (car item)
(advance-item (cdr item)))))
(defun next-in-item (item)
(cadr (nthcdr (search '(*) item) item)))
(defun reduction-item-p (item)
(eq (car (last item)) '*))
;;; same as set-difference really but preserve order (not necessary)
(defun remove-existing (items new)
(remove-if #'(lambda (i) (member i items :test #'equal)) new))
(defun construct-closure (set)
(let* ((non-terms (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'next-in-item set)))
(items (mapcar #'first-item (mapcan #'find-rules non-terms)))
(new-items (remove-existing set items)))
(when new-items
(nconc set new-items)
(construct-closure set))
(defun construct-next-sets (set index)
(let* ((items (mapcar #'(lambda (i) (cons (next-in-item i)
(advance-item i)))
(symbols (remove nil (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'car items))))
(nexts (mapcar #'(lambda (sym)
(mapcan #'(lambda (i)
(if (equal (car i) sym)
(list (cdr i))
(let* ((a nil)
(first (length *goto*))
;; close new sets and check if they existed already
(newset (mapcar #'(lambda (set sym)
(construct-closure set)
(let ((pos (position set *sets* :test #'equal)))
(if pos
(progn (push (cons sym pos) a)
(progn (push (cons sym (length *sets*)) a)
(nconc *sets* (list set))
(vector-push-extend nil *goto*)))))
nexts symbols)))
(setf (aref *goto* index) a)
(do ((i first (1+ i))
(nexts nexts (cdr nexts))
(newset newset (cdr newset)))
((null nexts))
(when (car newset)
(construct-next-sets (car nexts) i))))))
(defun construct-sets ()
(setq *sets* (list (list (first-item (car *grammar*))))
*goto* (make-array 1 :initial-element nil :adjustable t :fill-pointer t))
(construct-closure (car *sets*))
(construct-next-sets (car *sets*) 0)
(setq *sets* (apply #'vector *sets*))
(setq *rules* (apply #'vector *grammar*)))
(defun generate-action (set goto)
(let ((actions (remove-if #'atom goto :key #'car))
(reductions (remove-if-not #'reduction-item-p set)))
;; find end
(dolist (item set)
(when (equal (last item 2) '(* nil))
(push (cons nil 'done) actions)))
;; complain about conflicts
(when (and actions reductions)
(format t "shift-reduce conflict~%")
(return-from generate-action nil))
(when (cdr reductions)
(format t "reduce-reduce conflict~%")
(return-from generate-action nil))
(cond (actions
`(case in
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (action)
(let ((in (car action))
(state (cdr action)))
(if (null in)
'((nil) (return-from parse 'done))
`(,(if (and (consp in)
(eq (car in) 'quote))
(cadr in)
(progn (format t "unknown token")
(return-from generate-action nil)))
(shift ,state)))))
(t (err "unexpected"))))
`(reduc (aref *rules*
,(position (butlast (car reductions))
*rules* :test #'equal))))
(t nil))))
(defun generate-actions ()
(let ((i 0))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (prog1 (list i x) (incf i)))
(map 'list #'generate-action *sets* *goto*))))
(defun generate-goto (symbol goto)
(let ((targets (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cdr (assoc symbol x))) goto))
(i 0))
`(,symbol (case state
,@(mapcan #'(lambda (targ)
(prog1 (if targ (list (list i targ)) nil)
(incf i)))
(t (err "goto state"))))))
(defun generate-gotos ()
(let* ((goto (map 'list #'(lambda (x)
(remove-if-not #'atom x :key #'car))
;; extract all possible non-terminal symbols
(atoms (remove-duplicates
(apply #'append
(remove nil (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(mapcar #'car x))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (generate-goto x goto)) atoms)))
;; if *grammar* is defined, this should do the rest:
(eval `(defun parse (input)
(let ((stack nil))
(labels ((err (x)
(format t "error: ~A~%" x)
(return-from parse nil))
(shift (state)
(push (cons state (pop input)) stack))
(reduc (rule)
(let ((result (car rule))
(symbols (cdr rule)))
;; pop elements on right side of rule
(dolist (s symbols)
(pop stack))
;; go to next state
(push (cons (goto (caar stack) result)
(goto (state in)
(case in
(t (err "goto state"))))
(action ()
(let ((in (car input)))
(case (caar stack)
(t (err "invalid state"))))))
(push (cons 0 'end) stack)
(do () (nil)
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