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Aaron Miller aaron-em

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am aaron-em on github.
  • I am aaronem ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7C64 8A1F A6AF 5406 02F6 3882 5772 90D4 9783 1C01

To claim this, I am signing this object:

use constant EOT => chr(4);
use constant BEL => chr(7);
use constant ESC => chr(27);
use constant FONTSCALE => 1.3;
# FIXME this is not idempotent - calling it a second time hoses up the
# terminal
sub get_term_fontsize {
use constant EOT => chr(4);
use constant BEL => chr(7);
use constant ESC => chr(27);
sub get_term_fontsize {
local $|=1;
my $oldstty = `stty -g`;
my $resp;
(defun kill-and-yank-at-line (line)
"Kill the region and yank it at the given LINE."
(interactive "nLine: ")
(kill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(goto-line line)
(defcustom *expected-packages*
"The list of packages which should be installed in any Emacs
using this init system."
:risky t
:type '(repeat (symbol)))
;; detect and (offer to) install missing packages
(defun package-install-missing nil
"If the current Emacs install lacks packages in
(defun expand-a-thing nil
`(:thing-is ,blah))
(let ((blah "what"))
;; -> (:thing-is "what")
aaron-em / emacs-nofork.patch
Last active December 14, 2015 12:24
A patch for Emacs 24.5 to add a `--nofork' command line option, which turns out to be kinda useless but hey it's neat
--- src/emacs-dist.c 2015-07-17 08:33:53.065388047 -0400
+++ src/emacs.c 2015-07-17 09:54:39.085327207 -0400
@@ -1012,6 +1012,13 @@
#ifndef DOS_NT
pid_t f;
+ int no_fork = 0;
+ if (argmatch(argv, argc, "-nofork", "--nofork", 5, NULL, &skip_args)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Daemon won't background itself.\n");
(defun foo-swab (s)
(mapconcat #'(lambda (s)
(if (string= s "0") "1"
(split-string s "" t) ""))
(foo-swab "10010")
; => "01101"
(mapconcat #'(lambda (s)
(if (string= s "0") "1"
(split-string "10010" "" t) "")