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Created March 20, 2016 22:43
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Save aaronash/054cc8955420ebeaee90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple example Sketch plugin script to export layers into json data. This was an experiment. It's not pretty.
// Sketch export layers to json script
// This was hacked together for experimentation purposes, the code is ugly.
// logs:
// tail -f /var/log/system.log | grep Sketch
//I only later realized that there are methods to get the parent or children
//layers... oops. Seriously, I just threw this together.
function makeChildrenArray(layerGroup, dict, allLayers) {
// log("called makeChildrenArray for " + layerGroup)
// result = new Array()
for (var i = 0; i < layerGroup.layers().count(); i++) {
someLayer = layerGroup.layers().objectAtIndex(i)
if ([someLayer isKindOfClass:[MSShapePathLayer class]]) {
dict[someLayer] = layerGroup
if ([someLayer isKindOfClass:[MSLayerGroup class]]) {
sub = makeChildrenArray(someLayer, dict, allLayers)
var onRun = function(context) {
var documentName = context.document.displayName();
log('The current document is named: ' + documentName);
var selectedLayers = context.selection;
var selectedCount = selectedLayers.count();
if (selectedCount == 0) {
log('No layers are selected.');
} else {
// var layer = selectedLayers[0];
log('Selected layer: ' + selectedLayers[0]);
var allLayersParents = {}
var allLayers = []
makeChildrenArray(selectedLayers[0], allLayersParents, allLayers);
var layerInfo = {}
layerInfo["layers"] = []
//add root layer
layerInfo["root"] = {}
layerInfo["root"]["descriptionKey"] = String(selectedLayers[0])
layerInfo["root"]["name"] = "rootView"
//there must be a prettier way to extract these variables in javascript.
//feel free to enlighten me.
for (i = 0; i < allLayers.length; i++) {
var layer = allLayers[i];
var info = {}
var frame = layer.rect()
info["frame"] = {}
info["frame"]["x"] = String(frame.origin.x.toString());
info["frame"]["y"] = String(frame.origin.y);
info["frame"]["width"] = String(frame.size.width);
info["frame"]["height"] = String(frame.size.height);
info["type"] = String([layer class])
info["name"] = String([layer name])
info["isVisible"] = String([layer isVisible])
info["descriptionKey"] = String([layer description])
info["descriptionKeyParent"] = String(allLayersParents[layer])
if ([layer isKindOfClass:[MSTextLayer class]]) {
info["text"] = {}
info["text"]["stringValue"] = String([layer stringValue])
info["text"]["textAlignment"] = String([layer textAlignment])
info["text"]["textColor"] = String([layer textColor])
info["text"]["fontSize"] = String([layer fontSize])
info["text"]["fontPostscriptName"] = String([layer fontPostscriptName])
if ([layer isKindOfClass:[MSStyleBorder class]]) {
info["border"] = {}
info["border"]["position"] = String([layer position])
info["border"]["thickness"] = String([layer thickness])
info["border"]["fillType"] = String([layer fillType])
info["border"]["gradient"] = String([layer gradient])
info["border"]["isEnabled"] = String([layer isEnabled])
if ([layer isKindOfClass:[MSStyleFill class]]) {
info["fill"] = {}
info["fill"]["fillType"] = String([layer fillType])
info["fill"]["colorGeneric"] = String([layer colorGeneric])
info["fill"]["image"] = String([layer image])
info["fill"]["noiseIntensity"] = String([layer noiseIntensity])
info["fill"]["isEnabled"] = String([layer isEnabled])
if ([layer isKindOfClass:[MSStyleInnerShadow class]]) {
info["innerShadow"] = {}
info["innerShadow"]["offsetX"] = String([layer offsetX])
info["innerShadow"]["offsetY"] = String([layer offsetY])
info["innerShadow"]["blurRadius"] = String([layer blurRadius])
info["innerShadow"]["spread"] = String([layer spread])
info["innerShadow"]["color"] = String([layer color])
info["innerShadow"]["isEnabled"] = String([layer isEnabled])
if ([layer isKindOfClass:[MSStyleInnerShadow class]]) {
info["shadow"] = {}
info["shadow"]["offsetX"] = String([layer offsetX])
info["shadow"]["offsetY"] = String([layer offsetY])
info["shadow"]["blurRadius"] = String([layer blurRadius])
info["shadow"]["spread"] = String([layer spread])
info["shadow"]["color"] = String([layer color])
info["shadow"]["isEnabled"] = String([layer isEnabled])
if ( {
if ( > 0) {
// log("has fill: " +
fill =[0]
info["style"] = {}
info["style"]["fill"] = {}
info["style"]["fill"]["fillType"] = String([fill fillType])
info["style"]["fill"]["colorGeneric"] = String([fill colorGeneric])
info["style"]["fill"]["isEnabled"] = String([fill isEnabled])
if ( > 0) {
// log("has fill: " +
border =[0]
if (!("style" in info)) {
info["style"] = {}
log("added style")
if (!("border" in info["style"])) {
info["style"]["border"] = {}
log("added style border")
info["style"]["border"]["fillType"] = String([border fillType])
info["style"]["border"]["position"] = String([border position])
info["style"]["border"]["thickness"] = String([border thickness])
info["style"]["border"]["colorGeneric"] = String([border colorGeneric])
info["style"]["border"]["isEnabled"] = String([border isEnabled])
var someString = [NSString stringWithFormat:"%@", JSON.stringify(layerInfo, null, 2)],
filePath = "/Users/"+ NSUserName() +"/Desktop/layerInfo.json";
[someString writeToFile:filePath atomically:true encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
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