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Created December 15, 2017 01:08
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type Color = string;
// Type definitions for Highcharts 6.0.3 (HEAD commit d351c6e on Fri Nov 24 2017 13:38:58 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time))
// Project:
// Definitions generated from
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.6
declare namespace Highcharts {
type PlotOptionsAdParams = {
volumeSeriesID: string; // Default: "volume"
type PlotOptionsAd = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "Accumulation/Distribution"
params: PlotOptionsAdParams;
// plotOptions.atr.params
type PlotOptionsAtrParams = {
period: number; // Default: 14
// plotOptions.atr
type PlotOptionsAtr = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "ATR (14)"
params: PlotOptionsAtrParams;
type PlotOptionsBbParams = {
index: number; // Default: 3
period: number; // Default: 20
standardDeviation: number; // Default: 2
type PlotOptionsBbBottomLineStyles = {
lineColor: string;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
type PlotOptionsBbBottomLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsBbBottomLineStyles;
type PlotOptionsBbTopLineStyles = {
lineColor: any;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
type PlotOptionsBbTopLine = PlotOptionsBbBottomLine & {
styles: PlotOptionsBbTopLineStyles;
type PlotOptionsBbTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> <b> {}</b><br/>\n Top: {}<br/>\n Middle: {point.middle}<br/>\n Bottom: {point.bottom}<br/>"
type PlotOptionsBbMarker = {
enabled: any;
type PlotOptionsBbDataGrouping = {
approximation: string; // Default: "averages"
type PlotOptionsBb = PlotOptionsSma & {
bottomLine: PlotOptionsBbBottomLine;
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsBbDataGrouping;
marker: PlotOptionsBbMarker;
name: string; // Default: "BB (20, 2)"
params: PlotOptionsBbParams;
tooltip: PlotOptionsBbTooltip;
topLine: PlotOptionsBbTopLine;
// plotOptions.cci.params
type PlotOptionsCciParams = {
period: number; // Default: 14
// plotOptions.cci
type PlotOptionsCci = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "CCI (14)"
params: PlotOptionsCciParams;
// plotOptions.cmf.params
type PlotOptionsCmfParams = {
period: number; // Default: 14
volumeSeriesID: string; // Default: "volume"
// plotOptions.cmf
/** Exclude: animationLimit */
type PlotOptionsCmf = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "Chaikin Money Flow (14)"
params: PlotOptionsCmfParams;
// plotOptions.ema.params
type PlotOptionsEmaParams = {
index: any;
period: number; // Default: 14
// plotOptions.ema
type PlotOptionsEma = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "EMA (14)"
params: PlotOptionsEmaParams;
// plotOptions.ikh.params
type PlotOptionsIkhParams = {
period: number; // Default: 26
periodSenkouSpanB: number; // Default: 52
periodTenkan: number; // Default: 9
// plotOptions.ikh.marker
type PlotOptionsIkhMarker = {
enabled: any;
// plotOptions.ikh.tooltip
type PlotOptionsIkhTooltip = {
pointFormat: any;
// plotOptions.ikh.tenkanLine.styles
type PlotOptionsIkhTenkanLineStyles = {
lineColor: number;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.ikh.tenkanLine
type PlotOptionsIkhTenkanLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsIkhTenkanLineStyles;
// plotOptions.ikh.kijunLine.styles
type PlotOptionsIkhKijunLineStyles = {
lineColor: number;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.ikh.kijunLine
type PlotOptionsIkhKijunLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsIkhKijunLineStyles;
// plotOptions.ikh.chikouLine.styles
type PlotOptionsIkhChikouLineStyles = {
lineColor: number;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.ikh.chikouLine
type PlotOptionsIkhChikouLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsIkhChikouLineStyles;
// plotOptions.ikh.senkouSpanA.styles
type PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanAStyles = {
lineColor: number;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.ikh.senkouSpanA
type PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanA = {
styles: PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanAStyles;
// plotOptions.ikh.senkouSpanB.styles
type PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanBStyles = {
lineColor: number;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.ikh.senkouSpanB
type PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanB = {
styles: PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanBStyles;
// plotOptions.ikh.senkouSpan.styles
type PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanStyles = {
fill: number; // Default: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
// plotOptions.ikh.senkouSpan
type PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpan = {
styles: PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanStyles;
// plotOptions.ikh.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsIkhDataGrouping = {
approximation: string; // Default: "averages"
// plotOptions.ikh
/** Exclude: allAreas,colorAxis,compare,compareBase,joinBy,keys,stacking,showInNavigator,navigatorOptions,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,pointPlacement,pointRange,pointStart */
type PlotOptionsIkh = PlotOptionsSma & {
chikouLine: PlotOptionsIkhChikouLine;
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsIkhDataGrouping;
kijunLine: PlotOptionsIkhKijunLine;
marker: PlotOptionsIkhMarker;
name: string; // Default: "IKH (52, 26, 9)"
params: PlotOptionsIkhParams;
senkouSpan: PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpan;
senkouSpanA: PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanA;
senkouSpanB: PlotOptionsIkhSenkouSpanB;
tenkanLine: PlotOptionsIkhTenkanLine;
tooltip: PlotOptionsIkhTooltip;
// plotOptions.sma.tooltip
type PlotOptionsSmaTooltip = {
valueDecimals: number; // Default: 4
// plotOptions.sma.params
type PlotOptionsSmaParams = {
index: number;
period: number; // Default: 14
// plotOptions.sma
/** Exclude: allAreas,colorAxis,compare,compareBase,joinBy,keys,stacking,showInNavigator,navigatorOptions,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,pointPlacement,pointRange,pointStart,joinBy */
type PlotOptionsSma = PlotOptionsLine & {
linkedTo: string;
name: string; // Default: "SMA (14)"
params: PlotOptionsSmaParams;
tooltip: PlotOptionsSmaTooltip;
// plotOptions.macd.params
type PlotOptionsMacdParams = {
longPeriod: number; // Default: 26
period: number; // Default: 26
shortPeriod: number; // Default: 12
signalPeriod: number; // Default: 9
// plotOptions.macd.signalLine.styles
type PlotOptionsMacdSignalLineStyles = {
lineColor: number;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.macd.signalLine
type PlotOptionsMacdSignalLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsMacdSignalLineStyles;
// plotOptions.macd.macdLine.styles
type PlotOptionsMacdMacdLineStyles = {
lineColor: number;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.macd.macdLine
type PlotOptionsMacdMacdLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsMacdMacdLineStyles;
// plotOptions.macd.states.hover.halo
type PlotOptionsMacdStatesHoverHalo = {
size: any;
// plotOptions.macd.states.hover
type PlotOptionsMacdStatesHover = {
halo: PlotOptionsMacdStatesHoverHalo;
// plotOptions.macd.states
type PlotOptionsMacdStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsMacdStatesHover;
// plotOptions.macd.tooltip
type PlotOptionsMacdTooltip = {
pointFormat: any;
// plotOptions.macd
type PlotOptionsMacd = PlotOptionsSma & {
dataGrouping: string; // Default: "averages"
groupPadding: number; // Default: 0.1
macdLine: PlotOptionsMacdMacdLine;
minPointLength: any;
name: string; // Default: "MACD (26, 12, 9)"
params: PlotOptionsMacdParams;
pointPadding: number; // Default: 0.1
signalLine: PlotOptionsMacdSignalLine;
states: PlotOptionsMacdStates;
threshold: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsMacdTooltip;
// plotOptions.mfi.params
/** Exclude: index */
type PlotOptionsMfiParams = {
decimals: number; // Default: 4
period: number; // Default: 14
volumeSeriesID: string; // Default: "volume"
// plotOptions.mfi
type PlotOptionsMfi = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "Money Flow Index (14)"
params: PlotOptionsMfiParams;
// plotOptions.momentum.params
type PlotOptionsMomentumParams = {
period: number; // Default: 14
// plotOptions.momentum
type PlotOptionsMomentum = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "Momentum (14)"
params: PlotOptionsMomentumParams;
// plotOptions.pivotpoints.params
/** Exclude: index */
type PlotOptionsPivotpointsParams = {
algorithm: string; // Default: "standard"
period: number; // Default: 28
// plotOptions.pivotpoints.marker
type PlotOptionsPivotpointsMarker = {
enabled: any;
// plotOptions.pivotpoints.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsPivotpointsDataLabels = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
format: string; // Default: "{point.pivotLine}"
// plotOptions.pivotpoints.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsPivotpointsDataGrouping = {
approximation: string; // Default: "averages"
// plotOptions.pivotpoints
type PlotOptionsPivotpoints = PlotOptionsSma & {
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsPivotpointsDataGrouping;
dataLabels: PlotOptionsPivotpointsDataLabels;
enableMouseTracking: any;
marker: PlotOptionsPivotpointsMarker;
name: string; // Default: "Pivot Points (28)"
params: PlotOptionsPivotpointsParams;
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.marker
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesMarker = {
enabled: any;
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.tooltip
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> <b> {}</b><br/>\n Top: {}<br/>\n Middle: {point.middle}<br/>\n Bottom: {point.bottom}<br/>"
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.params
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesParams = {
bottomBand: number; // Default: 0.1
period: number; // Default: 20
topBand: number; // Default: 0.1
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.bottomLine.styles
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesBottomLineStyles = {
lineColor: string;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.bottomLine
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesBottomLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesBottomLineStyles;
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.topLine.styles
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesTopLineStyles = {
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.topLine
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesTopLine = PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesBottomLine & {
styles: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesTopLineStyles;
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesDataGrouping = {
approximation: string; // Default: "averages"
// plotOptions.priceenvelopes
type PlotOptionsPriceenvelopes = PlotOptionsSma & {
bottomLine: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesBottomLine;
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesDataGrouping;
marker: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesMarker;
name: string; // Default: "Price envelopes (20, 0.1, 0.1)"
params: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesParams;
tooltip: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesTooltip;
topLine: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopesTopLine;
// plotOptions.psar.marker
type PlotOptionsPsarMarker = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.psar.states.hover
type PlotOptionsPsarStatesHover = {
lineWidthPlus: any;
// plotOptions.psar.states
type PlotOptionsPsarStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsPsarStatesHover;
// plotOptions.psar.params
/** Exclude: index,period */
type PlotOptionsPsarParams = {
decimals: number; // Default: 4
increment: number; // Default: 0.02
index: number; // Default: 2
initialAccelerationFactor: number; // Default: 0.02
maxAccelerationFactor: number; // Default: 0.2
// plotOptions.psar
type PlotOptionsPsar = PlotOptionsSma & {
lineWidth: any;
marker: PlotOptionsPsarMarker;
name: string; // Default: "PSAR"
params: PlotOptionsPsarParams;
states: PlotOptionsPsarStates;
// plotOptions.roc.params
type PlotOptionsRocParams = {
index: number; // Default: 3
period: number; // Default: 9
// plotOptions.roc
type PlotOptionsRoc = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "Rate of Change (9)"
params: PlotOptionsRocParams;
// plotOptions.rsi.params
/** Exclude: index */
type PlotOptionsRsiParams = {
decimals: number; // Default: 4
period: number; // Default: 14
// plotOptions.rsi
type PlotOptionsRsi = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "RSI (14)"
params: PlotOptionsRsiParams;
// plotOptions.stochastic.params
/** Exclude: index,period */
type PlotOptionsStochasticParams = {
periods: any[]; // Default: "[14, 3]"
// plotOptions.stochastic.marker
type PlotOptionsStochasticMarker = {
enabled: any;
// plotOptions.stochastic.tooltip
type PlotOptionsStochasticTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> <b> {}</b><br/>\n %K: {point.y}<br/>\n %D: {point.smoothed}<br/>"
// plotOptions.stochastic.smoothedLine.styles
type PlotOptionsStochasticSmoothedLineStyles = {
lineColor: string;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.stochastic.smoothedLine
type PlotOptionsStochasticSmoothedLine = {
styles: PlotOptionsStochasticSmoothedLineStyles;
// plotOptions.stochastic.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsStochasticDataGrouping = {
approximation: string; // Default: "averages"
// plotOptions.stochastic
type PlotOptionsStochastic = PlotOptionsSma & {
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsStochasticDataGrouping;
marker: PlotOptionsStochasticMarker;
name: string; // Default: "Stochastic (14, 3)"
params: PlotOptionsStochasticParams;
smoothedLine: PlotOptionsStochasticSmoothedLine;
tooltip: PlotOptionsStochasticTooltip;
// plotOptions.vbp.params
/** Exclude: index,period */
type PlotOptionsVbpParams = {
ranges: number; // Default: 12
volumeSeriesID: string; // Default: "volume"
// plotOptions.vbp.zoneLines.styles
type PlotOptionsVbpZoneLinesStyles = {
color: Color; // Default: "#0A9AC9"
dashStyle: string; // Default: "LongDash"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.vbp.zoneLines
type PlotOptionsVbpZoneLines = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
styles: PlotOptionsVbpZoneLinesStyles;
// plotOptions.vbp.volumeDivision.styles
type PlotOptionsVbpVolumeDivisionStyles = {
negativeColor: Color; // Default: "rgba(244, 91, 91, 0.8)"
positiveColor: Color; // Default: "rgba(144, 237, 125, 0.8)"
// plotOptions.vbp.volumeDivision
type PlotOptionsVbpVolumeDivision = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
styles: PlotOptionsVbpVolumeDivisionStyles;
// plotOptions.vbp.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsVbpDataGrouping = {
enabled: any;
type PlotOptionsVbpDataLabelsStyle = {
fontSize: string; // Default: "7px"
// plotOptions.vbp.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsVbpDataLabels = {
allowOverlap: boolean; // Default: true
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
format: string; // Default: "P: {point.volumePos:.2f} | N: {point.volumeNeg:.2f}"
padding: any;
style: PlotOptionsVbpDataLabelsStyle;
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "top"
// plotOptions.vbp
type PlotOptionsVbp = PlotOptionsSma & {
animationLimit: number; // Default: 1000
crisp: boolean; // Default: true
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsVbpDataGrouping;
dataLabels: PlotOptionsVbpDataLabels;
enableMouseTracking: any;
name: string; // Default: "Volume by Price"
params: PlotOptionsVbpParams;
pointPadding: any;
volumeDivision: PlotOptionsVbpVolumeDivision;
zIndex: number; // Default: -1
zoneLines: PlotOptionsVbpZoneLines;
// plotOptions.vwap.params
/** Exclude: index */
type PlotOptionsVwapParams = {
period: number; // Default: 30
volumeSeriesID: string; // Default: "volume"
// plotOptions.vwap
type PlotOptionsVwap = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "VWAP (30)"
params: PlotOptionsVwapParams;
// plotOptions.wma.params
type PlotOptionsWmaParams = {
index: number; // Default: 3
period: number; // Default: 9
// plotOptions.wma
type PlotOptionsWma = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "WMA (9)"
params: PlotOptionsWmaParams;
// plotOptions.zigzag.params
/** Exclude: index,period */
type PlotOptionsZigzagParams = {
deviation: number; // Default: 1
highIndex: number; // Default: 1
lowIndex: number; // Default: 2
// plotOptions.zigzag
type PlotOptionsZigzag = PlotOptionsSma & {
name: string; // Default: "Zig Zag (1%)"
params: PlotOptionsZigzagParams;
// plotOptions.bellcurve.marker
type PlotOptionsBellcurveMarker = {
enabled: any;
// plotOptions.bellcurve
/** Exclude: boostThreshold,connectNulls,stacking,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit */
type PlotOptionsBellcurve = PlotOptionsAreaspline & {
intervals: number; // Default: 3
marker: PlotOptionsBellcurveMarker;
pointsInInterval: number; // Default: 3
type PlotOptionsSeriesLabelStyle = {
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
// plotOptions.series.label
type PlotOptionsSeriesLabel = {
boxesToAvoid: object[];
connectorAllowed: boolean; // Default: true
connectorNeighbourDistance: number; // Default: 24
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
maxFontSize: number;
minFontSize: number;
onArea: boolean;
style: PlotOptionsSeriesLabelStyle;
// plotOptions.series.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsSeriesDataGrouping = {
approximation: Function | "average" | "averages" | "open" | "high" | "low" | "close" | "sum";
dateTimeLabelFormats: object;
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
forced: boolean; // Default: "false"
groupPixelWidth: number; // Default: "2"
smoothed: boolean; // Default: "false"
units: any[];
// plotOptions.series.animation
type PlotOptionsSeriesAnimation = {
duration: number; // Default: 1000
type PlotOptionsSeriesEvents = {
afterAnimate: Function;
checkboxClick: Function;
click: Function;
hide: Function;
legendItemClick: Function;
mouseOut: Function;
mouseOver: Function;
show: Function;
// plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover.animation
type PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStatesHoverAnimation = {
duration: number; // Default: 50
// plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover
type PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStatesHover = {
animation: PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStatesHoverAnimation;
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
fillColor: Color; // Default: "null"
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#ffffff"
lineWidth: number; // Default: "0"
lineWidthPlus: number; // Default: 1
radius: number;
radiusPlus: number; // Default: 2
type PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStatesSelect = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
fillColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#000000"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 2
radius: number;
// plotOptions.series.marker.states
type PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStatesHover;
select: PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStatesSelect;
// plotOptions.series.marker
type PlotOptionsSeriesMarker = {
enabled: boolean;
fillColor: Color; // Default: "null"
height: number; // Default: "null"
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#ffffff"
lineWidth: number; // Default: "0"
radius: number; // Default: 4
states: PlotOptionsSeriesMarkerStates;
symbol: null | "circle" | "square" | "diamond" | "triangle" | "triangle-down"; // Default: "null"
width: number; // Default: "null"
type PlotOptionsSeriesPointEvents = {
click: Function;
mouseOut: Function;
mouseOver: Function;
remove: Function;
select: Function;
unselect: Function;
update: Function;
// plotOptions.series.point
type PlotOptionsSeriesPoint = {
events: PlotOptionsSeriesPointEvents;
type PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabelsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "contrast"
fontSize: string; // Default: "11px"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
textOutline: string; // Default: "1px contrast"
// plotOptions.series.dataLabels.filter
type PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabelsFilter = {
operator: string;
property: string;
value: any;
// plotOptions.series.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabels = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "center"
allowOverlap: boolean; // Default: "false"
backgroundColor: Color;
borderColor: Color; // Default: "undefined"
borderRadius: number; // Default: "0"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
className: string;
color: Color;
crop: boolean; // Default: "true"
defer: boolean; // Default: "true"
enabled: boolean; // Default: "false"
filter: PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabelsFilter;
format: string;
formatter: Function;
inside: boolean;
overflow: "justify" | "none"; // Default: "justify"
padding: number; // Default: 5
rotation: number; // Default: "0"
shadow: boolean | object; // Default: "false"
shape: string; // Default: "square"
style: PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabelsStyle; // Default: "{"color": "contrast", "fontSize": "11px", "fontWeight": "bold", "textOutline": "1px contrast" }"
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "bottom"
x: number; // Default: "0"
y: number; // Default: "-6"
zIndex: number; // Default: "6"
// plotOptions.series.states.hover.animation
type PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHoverAnimation = {
duration: number; // Default: 50
// plotOptions.series.states.hover.marker
type PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHoverMarker = PlotOptionsSeriesMarker;
// plotOptions.series.states.hover.halo
type PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHoverHalo = {
attributes: object;
opacity: number; // Default: 0.25
size: number; // Default: 10
// plotOptions.series.states.hover
type PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHover = {
animation: PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHoverAnimation; // Default: "{ "duration": 50 }"
borderColor: Color;
borderWidth: number;
brightness: number; // Default: "0.2"
color: Color;
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
halo: PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHoverHalo;
lineWidth: number; // Default: "undefined"
lineWidthPlus: number; // Default: 1
marker: PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHoverMarker;
/** Exclude: brightness */
type PlotOptionsSeriesStatesSelect = PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHover & {
marker: any;
// plotOptions.series.states.normal
type PlotOptionsSeriesStatesNormal = {
animation: object | boolean; // Default: "true"
// plotOptions.series.states
type PlotOptionsSeriesStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHover;
normal: PlotOptionsSeriesStatesNormal;
select: PlotOptionsSeriesStatesSelect;
// plotOptions.series.tooltip
/** Exclude: animation,backgroundColor,borderColor,borderRadius,borderWidth,crosshairs,enabled,formatter,positioner,shadow,shared,shape,snap,style,useHTML */
type PlotOptionsSeriesTooltip = Tooltip;
// plotOptions.series.zones
type PlotOptionsSeriesZones = {
className: string;
color: Color;
dashStyle: string;
fillColor: Color;
value: number; // Default: "undefined"
// plotOptions.series
type PlotOptionsSeries = {
allAreas: boolean; // Default: "true"
allowPointSelect: boolean; // Default: "false"
animation: PlotOptionsSeriesAnimation;
animationLimit: number;
boostThreshold: number; // Default: "5000"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "1"
className: string;
color: Color;
colorAxis: boolean; // Default: "undefined"
colorIndex: number;
compare: string; // Default: "undefined"
compareBase: 0 | 100; // Default: "0"
compareStart: boolean; // Default: "false"
connectEnds: boolean;
connectNulls: boolean;
cropThreshold: number; // Default: 300
cursor: null | "default" | "none" | "help" | "pointer" | "crosshair";
dashStyle: "Solid" | "ShortDash" | "ShortDot" | "ShortDashDot" | "ShortDashDotDot" | "Dot" | "Dash" | "LongDash" | "DashDot" | "LongDashDot" | "LongDashDotDot"; // Default: "Solid"
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsSeriesDataGrouping;
dataLabels: PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabels;
description: string; // Default: "undefined"
enableMouseTracking: boolean; // Default: "true"
events: PlotOptionsSeriesEvents;
exposeElementToA11y: boolean; // Default: "undefined"
findNearestPointBy: string; // Default: "x"
gapSize: number; // Default: "0"
gapUnit: "relative" | "value"; // Default: "relative"
getExtremesFromAll: boolean; // Default: "false"
joinBy: string | string[];
keys: string[];
label: PlotOptionsSeriesLabel;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 2
linecap: "round" | "square"; // Default: "round"
linkedTo: string;
marker: PlotOptionsSeriesMarker;
navigatorOptions: object; // Default: "undefined"
negativeColor: Color; // Default: "null"
point: PlotOptionsSeriesPoint;
pointDescriptionFormatter: Function;
pointInterval: number; // Default: "1"
pointIntervalUnit: null | "day" | "month" | "year";
pointPlacement: number | null | "on" | "between"; // Default: "null"
pointRange: number; // Default: "0"
pointStart: number; // Default: "0"
selected: boolean; // Default: "false"
shadow: boolean | object; // Default: "false"
showCheckbox: boolean; // Default: "false"
showInLegend: boolean; // Default: "true"
showInNavigator: boolean; // Default: "undefined"
skipKeyboardNavigation: boolean;
softThreshold: boolean; // Default: true
stacking: null | "normal" | "percent"; // Default: "null"
states: PlotOptionsSeriesStates;
step: null | "left" | "center" | "right";
stickyTracking: boolean; // Default: true
threshold: number; // Default: "0"
tooltip: PlotOptionsSeriesTooltip;
turboThreshold: number; // Default: 1000
visible: boolean; // Default: "true"
zIndex: number;
zoneAxis: string; // Default: "y"
zones: PlotOptionsSeriesZones;
// plotOptions.bullet.targetOptions
type PlotOptionsBulletTargetOptions = {
borderColor: Color;
borderWidth: any;
color: Color;
height: number; // Default: 3
width: number | string; // Default: "140%"
// plotOptions.bullet.tooltip
type PlotOptionsBulletTooltip = {
pointFormat: any;
// plotOptions.bullet
/** Exclude: allAreas,boostThreshold,colorAxis,compare,compareBase */
type PlotOptionsBullet = PlotOptionsColumn & {
targetOptions: PlotOptionsBulletTargetOptions;
tooltip: PlotOptionsBulletTooltip;
// plotOptions.funnel.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsFunnelDataLabels = {
connectorWidth: number; // Default: 1
type PlotOptionsFunnelStatesSelect = {
borderColor: string; // Default: "#000000"
color: string; // Default: "#cccccc"
shadow: any;
// plotOptions.funnel.states
type PlotOptionsFunnelStates = {
select: PlotOptionsFunnelStatesSelect;
// plotOptions.funnel
/** Exclude: size */
type PlotOptionsFunnel = PlotOptionsPie & {
animation: any;
center: (string | number)[]; // Default: "["50%", "50%"]"
dataLabels: PlotOptionsFunnelDataLabels;
height: number | string; // Default: "100%"
neckHeight: number | string; // Default: "25%"
neckWidth: number | string; // Default: "30%"
reversed: boolean; // Default: "false"
states: PlotOptionsFunnelStates;
width: number | string; // Default: "90%"
// plotOptions.pyramid
type PlotOptionsPyramid = PlotOptionsFunnel & {
neckHeight: string; // Default: "0%"
neckWidth: string; // Default: "0%"
reversed: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.histogram.tooltip
type PlotOptionsHistogramTooltip = {
headerFormat: any;
pointFormat: any;
// plotOptions.histogram
/** Exclude: boostThreshold,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,stacking */
type PlotOptionsHistogram = PlotOptionsColumn & {
binWidth: number;
binsNumber: number | Function | "square-root" | "sturges" | "rice"; // Default: "square-root"
groupPadding: any;
grouping: any;
pointPadding: any;
pointPlacement: string; // Default: "between"
tooltip: PlotOptionsHistogramTooltip;
// plotOptions.pareto
/** Exclude: allAreas,boostThreshold,borderColor,borderRadius,borderWidth,crisp,colorAxis,depth,data,edgeColor,edgeWidth,findNearestPointBy,gapSize,gapUnit,grouping,groupPadding,groupZPadding,maxPointWidth,keys,negativeColor,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,pointPadding,pointPlacement,pointRange,pointStart,pointWidth,shadow,step,softThreshold,stacking,threshold,zoneAxis,zones */
type PlotOptionsPareto = PlotOptionsLine & {
zIndex: number; // Default: 3
// plotOptions.sankey.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsSankeyDataLabels = {
backgroundColor: string; // Default: "none"
crop: any;
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
format: any;
formatter: any;
inside: boolean; // Default: true
nodeFormat: string;
nodeFormatter: Function;
// plotOptions.sankey.states.hover
type PlotOptionsSankeyStatesHover = {
linkOpacity: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.sankey.states
type PlotOptionsSankeyStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsSankeyStatesHover;
// plotOptions.sankey.tooltip
type PlotOptionsSankeyTooltip = {
followPointer: boolean; // Default: true
headerFormat: string; // Default: "<span class=\"highcharts-header\">{}</span><br/>"
nodeFormat: string; // Default: "{}: <b>{point.sum}</b><br/>"
nodeFormatter: Function;
pointFormat: string; // Default: "{} → {}: <b>{point.weight}</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.sankey
/** Exclude: animationLimit,boostThreshold,borderColor,borderRadius,borderWidth,crisp,cropThreshold,depth,edgeColor,edgeWidth,findNearestPointBy,grouping,groupPadding,groupZPadding,maxPointWidth,negativeColor,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,pointPadding,pointPlacement,pointRange,pointStart,pointWidth,shadow,softThreshold,stacking,threshold,zoneAxis,zones */
type PlotOptionsSankey = PlotOptionsColumn & {
colorByPoint: boolean; // Default: true
curveFactor: number; // Default: 0.33
dataLabels: PlotOptionsSankeyDataLabels;
linkOpacity: number; // Default: 0.5
nodePadding: number; // Default: 10
nodeWidth: number; // Default: 20
showInLegend: any;
states: PlotOptionsSankeyStates;
tooltip: PlotOptionsSankeyTooltip;
// plotOptions.solidgauge
/** Exclude: dial,pivot */
type PlotOptionsSolidgauge = PlotOptionsGauge & {
colorByPoint: boolean; // Default: true
linecap: "square" | "round"; // Default: "round"
rounded: boolean; // Default: "false"
threshold: number; // Default: "null"
// plotOptions.streamgraph.marker
type PlotOptionsStreamgraphMarker = {
enabled: any;
// plotOptions.streamgraph
type PlotOptionsStreamgraph = PlotOptionsAreaspline & {
fillOpacity: number; // Default: 1
lineWidth: any;
marker: PlotOptionsStreamgraphMarker;
stacking: string; // Default: "stream"
type PlotOptionsSunburstDataLabelsStyle = {
textOverflow: string; // Default: "ellipsis"
// plotOptions.sunburst.dataLabels
/** Exclude: align,allowOverlap,staggerLines,step */
type PlotOptionsSunburstDataLabels = PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabels & {
defer: boolean; // Default: true
rotationMode: "perpendicular" | "parallel"; // Default: "perpendicular"
style: PlotOptionsSunburstDataLabelsStyle;
// plotOptions.sunburst.levels.colorVariation
type PlotOptionsSunburstLevelsColorVariation = {
key: string;
to: number;
// plotOptions.sunburst.levels
type PlotOptionsSunburstLevels = {
borderColor: Color;
borderDashStyle: string;
borderWidth: number;
color: Color;
colorVariation: PlotOptionsSunburstLevelsColorVariation;
dataLabels: object;
rotation: number;
rotationMode: string;
// plotOptions.sunburst
/** Exclude: allAreas,center,clip,colorAxis,compare,compareBase,dataGrouping,depth,endAngle,gapSize,gapUnit,ignoreHiddenPoint,innerSize,joinBy,legendType,linecap,minSize,navigatorOptions,pointRange,slicedOffset */
type PlotOptionsSunburst = PlotOptionsPie & {
allowDrillToNode: boolean; // Default: "false"
center: (string | number)[];
dataLabels: PlotOptionsSunburstDataLabels;
levelIsConstant: boolean; // Default: true
levels: PlotOptionsSunburstLevels;
rootId: string | undefined; // Default: "undefined"
// plotOptions.tilemap.states.hover.halo.attributes
type PlotOptionsTilemapStatesHoverHaloAttributes = {
zIndex: number; // Default: 3
// plotOptions.tilemap.states.hover.halo
type PlotOptionsTilemapStatesHoverHalo = {
attributes: PlotOptionsTilemapStatesHoverHaloAttributes;
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
opacity: number; // Default: 0.5
size: number; // Default: 2
// plotOptions.tilemap.states.hover
type PlotOptionsTilemapStatesHover = {
halo: PlotOptionsTilemapStatesHoverHalo;
// plotOptions.tilemap.states
type PlotOptionsTilemapStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsTilemapStatesHover;
type PlotOptionsTilemapData = {
color: Color;
x: number;
y: number; // Default: "undefined"
// plotOptions.tilemap
/** Exclude: joinBy,shadow,allAreas,mapData,data */
type PlotOptionsTilemap = PlotOptionsHeatmap & {
colsize: number; // Default: "1"
data: PlotOptionsTilemapData;
pointPadding: number; // Default: 2
rowsize: number; // Default: "1"
states: PlotOptionsTilemapStates;
tileShape: string; // Default: "hexagon"
// plotOptions.treemap.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsTreemapDataLabels = PlotOptionsHeatmapDataLabels & {
defer: any;
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
formatter: any;
inside: boolean; // Default: true
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "middle"
// plotOptions.treemap.tooltip
type PlotOptionsTreemapTooltip = {
headerFormat: any;
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<b>{}</b>: {point.value}<br/>"
// plotOptions.treemap.drillUpButton.position
type PlotOptionsTreemapDrillUpButtonPosition = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "right"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "top"
x: number; // Default: -10
y: number; // Default: 10
// plotOptions.treemap.drillUpButton
type PlotOptionsTreemapDrillUpButton = {
position: PlotOptionsTreemapDrillUpButtonPosition;
// plotOptions.treemap.states.hover.halo
type PlotOptionsTreemapStatesHoverHalo = PlotOptionsHeatmapStatesHoverHalo;
// plotOptions.treemap.states.hover
/** Exclude: halo */
type PlotOptionsTreemapStatesHover = PlotOptionsHeatmapStatesHover & {
borderColor: string; // Default: "#999999"
brightness: number; // Default: "null"
halo: PlotOptionsTreemapStatesHoverHalo;
opacity: number; // Default: 0.75
shadow: any;
// plotOptions.treemap.states
type PlotOptionsTreemapStates = PlotOptionsHeatmapStates & {
hover: PlotOptionsTreemapStatesHover;
// plotOptions.treemap.levels.colorVariation
type PlotOptionsTreemapLevelsColorVariation = {
key: "brightness";
to: number;
// plotOptions.treemap.levels
type PlotOptionsTreemapLevels = {
borderColor: Color;
borderDashStyle: string;
borderWidth: number;
color: Color;
colorVariation: PlotOptionsTreemapLevelsColorVariation;
dataLabels: object; // Default: "undefined"
layoutAlgorithm: "sliceAndDice" | "stripes" | "squarified" | "strip";
layoutStartingDirection: "vertical" | "horizontal";
level: number;
// plotOptions.treemap
/** Exclude: marker */
type PlotOptionsTreemap = PlotOptionsScatter & {
allowDrillToNode: boolean; // Default: "false"
alternateStartingDirection: boolean; // Default: "false"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#e6e6e6"
borderWidth: number; // Default: 1
cropThreshold: number; // Default: "300"
dataLabels: PlotOptionsTreemapDataLabels;
drillUpButton: PlotOptionsTreemapDrillUpButton;
ignoreHiddenPoint: boolean; // Default: true
interactByLeaf: boolean;
layoutAlgorithm: "sliceAndDice" | "stripes" | "squarified" | "strip"; // Default: "sliceAndDice"
layoutStartingDirection: "vertical" | "horizontal"; // Default: "vertical"
levelIsConstant: boolean; // Default: true
levels: PlotOptionsTreemapLevels;
opacity: number; // Default: 0.15
showInLegend: boolean; // Default: "false"
sortIndex: number;
states: PlotOptionsTreemapStates;
tooltip: PlotOptionsTreemapTooltip;
// plotOptions.variablepie.tooltip
type PlotOptionsVariablepieTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"color:{point.color}\">●</span> {}<br/>Value: {point.y}<br/>Size: {point.z}<br/>"
// plotOptions.variablepie
type PlotOptionsVariablepie = PlotOptionsPie & {
maxPointSize: string | number; // Default: "100%"
minPointSize: string | number; // Default: "10%"
sizeBy: "area" | "radius"; // Default: "area"
tooltip: PlotOptionsVariablepieTooltip;
zMax: number;
zMin: number;
// plotOptions.variwide
/** Exclude: boostThreshold,crisp,depth,edgeColor,edgeWidth,groupZPadding */
type PlotOptionsVariwide = PlotOptionsColumn & {
groupPadding: any;
pointPadding: any;
// plotOptions.vector.states.hover
type PlotOptionsVectorStatesHover = {
lineWidthPlus: number; // Default: 1
// plotOptions.vector.states
type PlotOptionsVectorStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsVectorStatesHover;
// plotOptions.vector.tooltip
type PlotOptionsVectorTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<b>[{point.x}, {point.y}]</b><br/>Length: <b>{point.length}</b><br/>Direction: <b>{point.direction}°</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.vector
/** Exclude: boostThreshold,marker,connectEnds,connectNulls,cropThreshold,dashStyle,gapSize,gapUnit,dataGrouping,linecap,shadow,stacking,step */
type PlotOptionsVector = PlotOptionsScatter & {
lineWidth: number; // Default: 2
rotationOrigin: "start" | "center" | "end"; // Default: "center"
states: PlotOptionsVectorStates;
tooltip: PlotOptionsVectorTooltip;
vectorLength: number; // Default: 20
// plotOptions.windbarb.states.hover
type PlotOptionsWindbarbStatesHover = {
lineWidthPlus: any;
// plotOptions.windbarb.states
type PlotOptionsWindbarbStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsWindbarbStatesHover;
// plotOptions.windbarb.tooltip
type PlotOptionsWindbarbTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<b>{}</b>: {point.value} ({point.beaufort})<br/>"
// plotOptions.windbarb
/** Exclude: boostThreshold,marker,connectEnds,connectNulls,cropThreshold,dashStyle,gapSize,gapUnit,dataGrouping,linecap,shadow,stacking,step */
type PlotOptionsWindbarb = PlotOptionsColumn & {
lineWidth: number; // Default: 2
onSeries: string | null;
states: PlotOptionsWindbarbStates;
tooltip: PlotOptionsWindbarbTooltip;
vectorLength: number; // Default: 20
yOffset: number; // Default: -20
// plotOptions.wordcloud.animation
type PlotOptionsWordcloudAnimation = {
duration: number; // Default: 500
// plotOptions.wordcloud.rotation
type PlotOptionsWordcloudRotation = {
from: any;
orientations: number; // Default: 2
to: number; // Default: 90
type PlotOptionsWordcloudStyle = {
fontFamily: string; // Default: "Impact, sans-serif"
// plotOptions.wordcloud.tooltip
type PlotOptionsWordcloudTooltip = {
followPointer: boolean; // Default: true
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"color:{point.color}\">●</span> {}: <b>{point.weight}</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.wordcloud
/** Exclude: allAreas,boostThreshold,clip,colorAxis,compare,compareBase,crisp,cropTreshold,dataGrouping,dataLabels,depth,edgeColor,findNearestPointBy,getExtremesFromAll,grouping,groupPadding,groupZPadding,joinBy,maxPointWidth,minPointLength,navigatorOptions,negativeColor,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,pointPadding,pointPlacement,pointRange,pointStart,pointWidth,pointStart,pointWidth,shadow,showCheckbox,showInNavigator,softThreshold,stacking,threshold,zoneAxis,zones */
type PlotOptionsWordcloud = PlotOptionsColumn & {
animation: PlotOptionsWordcloudAnimation;
borderWidth: any;
clip: any;
colorByPoint: boolean; // Default: true
placementStrategy: string; // Default: "center"
rotation: PlotOptionsWordcloudRotation;
showInLegend: any;
spiral: string; // Default: "rectangular"
style: PlotOptionsWordcloudStyle; // Default: "{"fontFamily":"Impact, sans-serif"}"
tooltip: PlotOptionsWordcloudTooltip;
// plotOptions.xrange.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsXrangeDataLabels = {
formatter: any;
inside: boolean; // Default: true
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "middle"
// plotOptions.xrange.tooltip
type PlotOptionsXrangeTooltip = {
headerFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"font-size: 0.85em\">{point.x} - {point.x2}</span><br/>"
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"color:{point.color}\">●</span> {}: <b>{point.yCategory}</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.xrange.partialFill
type PlotOptionsXrangePartialFill = {
fill: Color;
type PlotOptionsXrangeDataPartialFill = {
amount: number;
fill: Color;
type PlotOptionsXrangeData = {
partialFill: PlotOptionsXrangeDataPartialFill;
x2: number;
// plotOptions.xrange
/** Exclude: boostThreshold,crisp,cropThreshold,depth,edgeColor,edgeWidth,findNearestPointBy,getExtremesFromAll,grouping,groupPadding,negativeColor,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,pointPlacement,pointRange,pointStart,softThreshold,stacking,threshold,data */
type PlotOptionsXrange = PlotOptionsColumn & {
borderRadius: number; // Default: 3
colorByPoint: boolean; // Default: true
data: PlotOptionsXrangeData;
dataLabels: PlotOptionsXrangeDataLabels;
partialFill: PlotOptionsXrangePartialFill;
pointRange: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsXrangeTooltip;
// plotOptions.area
type PlotOptionsArea = PlotOptionsLine & {
fillColor: Color; // Default: "null"
fillOpacity: number;
lineColor: Color; // Default: "null"
negativeFillColor: Color;
softThreshold: boolean; // Default: "false"
threshold: number; // Default: "0"
trackByArea: boolean; // Default: "false"
// plotOptions.areaspline
/** Exclude: step */
type PlotOptionsAreaspline = PlotOptionsArea;
type PlotOptionsBarDataLabels = {
align: string; // Default: "left"
x: number; // Default: "5"
type PlotOptionsBar = PlotOptionsColumn & {
dataLabels: PlotOptionsBarDataLabels;
// plotOptions.candlestick.states.hover
type PlotOptionsCandlestickStatesHover = PlotOptionsColumnStatesHover & {
lineWidth: number; // Default: 2
// plotOptions.candlestick.states
type PlotOptionsCandlestickStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsCandlestickStatesHover;
// plotOptions.candlestick.tooltip
type PlotOptionsCandlestickTooltip = PlotOptionsOhlcTooltip;
// plotOptions.candlestick.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsCandlestickDataGrouping = {
approximation: any; // Default: "ohlc"
// plotOptions.candlestick
/** Exclude: borderColor,borderRadius,borderWidth */
type PlotOptionsCandlestick = PlotOptionsOhlc & {
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsCandlestickDataGrouping;
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#000000"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
states: PlotOptionsCandlestickStates;
stickyTracking: boolean; // Default: true
threshold: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsCandlestickTooltip;
upColor: Color; // Default: "#ffffff"
upLineColor: Color; // Default: "null"
// plotOptions.column.states.hover
/** Exclude: halo,lineWidth,lineWidthPlus,marker */
type PlotOptionsColumnStatesHover = PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHover & {
borderColor: Color;
brightness: number; // Default: 0.1
color: Color; // Default: "undefined"
type PlotOptionsColumnStatesSelect = {
borderColor: string; // Default: "#000000"
color: string; // Default: "#cccccc"
// plotOptions.column.states
type PlotOptionsColumnStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsColumnStatesHover;
select: PlotOptionsColumnStatesSelect;
// plotOptions.column.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsColumnDataLabels = {
align: any;
verticalAlign: any;
y: any;
// plotOptions.column.tooltip
type PlotOptionsColumnTooltip = {
distance: number; // Default: 6
// plotOptions.column.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsColumnDataGrouping = {
groupPixelWidth: number; // Default: "10"
// plotOptions.column
/** Exclude: connectNulls,dashStyle,gapSize,gapUnit,linecap,lineWidth,marker,connectEnds,step */
type PlotOptionsColumn = PlotOptionsLine & {
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#ffffff"
borderRadius: number; // Default: "0"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "1"
colorByPoint: boolean; // Default: "false"
colors: Color[];
crisp: boolean; // Default: true
cropThreshold: number; // Default: 50
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsColumnDataGrouping;
dataLabels: PlotOptionsColumnDataLabels;
depth: number; // Default: "25"
edgeColor: Color;
edgeWidth: number; // Default: "1"
groupPadding: number; // Default: 0.2
groupZPadding: number; // Default: "1"
grouping: boolean; // Default: "true"
marker: boolean; // Default: "true"
maxPointWidth: number; // Default: "null"
minPointLength: number; // Default: "0"
pointPadding: number; // Default: 0.1
pointRange: number; // Default: "null"
pointWidth: number; // Default: "null"
softThreshold: boolean;
states: PlotOptionsColumnStates;
stickyTracking: any;
threshold: number; // Default: "0"
tooltip: PlotOptionsColumnTooltip;
// plotOptions.flags.tooltip
/** Exclude: changeDecimals,valueDecimals,valuePrefix,valueSuffix */
type PlotOptionsFlagsTooltip = PlotOptionsSeriesTooltip & {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "{point.text}<br/>"
// plotOptions.flags.states.hover
type PlotOptionsFlagsStatesHover = PlotOptionsColumnStatesHover & {
fillColor: string; // Default: "#ccd6eb"
lineColor: string; // Default: "#000000"
// plotOptions.flags.states
type PlotOptionsFlagsStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsFlagsStatesHover;
type PlotOptionsFlagsStyle = {
fontSize: string; // Default: "11px"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
// plotOptions.flags
/** Exclude: animation,borderColor,borderRadius,borderWidth,colorByPoint,dataGrouping,pointPadding,pointWidth,turboThreshold */
type PlotOptionsFlags = PlotOptionsColumn & {
fillColor: string; // Default: "#ffffff"
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#000000"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
onKey: "y" | "open" | "high" | "low" | "close"; // Default: "y"
onSeries: string; // Default: "undefined"
pointRange: string; // Default: "undefined"
shape: "flag" | "circlepin" | "squarepin"; // Default: "flag"
stackDistance: number; // Default: 12
states: PlotOptionsFlagsStates;
style: PlotOptionsFlagsStyle; // Default: "{ "fontSize": "11px", "fontWeight": "bold" }"
textAlign: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "center"
threshold: any;
title: string; // Default: ""A""
tooltip: PlotOptionsFlagsTooltip;
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
y: number; // Default: -30
// plotOptions.ohlc.tooltip
type PlotOptionsOhlcTooltip = {
pointFormat: any;
// plotOptions.ohlc.states.hover
type PlotOptionsOhlcStatesHover = PlotOptionsColumnStatesHover & {
lineWidth: number; // Default: 3
// plotOptions.ohlc.states
type PlotOptionsOhlcStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsOhlcStatesHover;
// plotOptions.ohlc.dataGrouping
type PlotOptionsOhlcDataGrouping = {
groupPixelWidth: number; // Default: "5"
// plotOptions.ohlc
/** Exclude: borderColor,borderRadius,borderWidth */
type PlotOptionsOhlc = PlotOptionsColumn & {
dataGrouping: PlotOptionsOhlcDataGrouping;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
states: PlotOptionsOhlcStates;
stickyTracking: Color; // Default: true
threshold: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsOhlcTooltip;
upColor: Color;
// plotOptions.pie.dataLabels
/** Exclude: align,allowOverlap,staggerLines,step */
type PlotOptionsPieDataLabels = PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabels & {
connectorColor: string; // Default: "{point.color}"
connectorPadding: number; // Default: "5"
connectorWidth: number; // Default: "1"
distance: number; // Default: 30
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
formatter: any;
softConnector: number;
x: number;
// plotOptions.pie.tooltip
type PlotOptionsPieTooltip = {
followPointer: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.pie.states.hover
type PlotOptionsPieStatesHover = PlotOptionsSeriesStatesHover & {
brightness: number; // Default: 0.1
shadow: any;
// plotOptions.pie.states
type PlotOptionsPieStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsPieStatesHover;
type PlotOptionsPieEvents = {
checkboxClick: Function;
legendItemClick: Function;
type PlotOptionsPiePointEvents = {
legendItemClick: Function;
// plotOptions.pie.point
type PlotOptionsPiePoint = {
events: PlotOptionsPiePointEvents;
// plotOptions.pie
/** Exclude: animationLimit,boostThreshold,connectEnds,connectNulls,cropThreshold,dashStyle,findNearestPointBy,getExtremesFromAll,lineWidth,marker,negativeColor,pointInterval,pointIntervalUnit,pointPlacement,pointStart,softThreshold,stacking,step,threshold,turboThreshold,zoneAxis,zones */
type PlotOptionsPie = PlotOptionsLine & {
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#ffffff"
borderWidth: number; // Default: 1
center: (string | number)[]; // Default: "[null, null]"
clip: any;
colors: Color[];
dataLabels: PlotOptionsPieDataLabels;
depth: number; // Default: "0"
endAngle: number; // Default: "null"
events: PlotOptionsPieEvents;
ignoreHiddenPoint: boolean; // Default: true
innerSize: string | number; // Default: "0"
minSize: number; // Default: "80"
point: PlotOptionsPiePoint;
showInLegend: boolean;
size: string | number;
slicedOffset: number; // Default: 10
startAngle: number; // Default: "0"
states: PlotOptionsPieStates;
stickyTracking: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsPieTooltip;
// plotOptions.scatter.marker
type PlotOptionsScatterMarker = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.scatter.tooltip
type PlotOptionsScatterTooltip = {
headerFormat: string; // Default: "<span class=\"highcharts-color-{point.colorIndex}\">●</span> <span class=\"highcharts-header\"> {}</span><br/>"
pointFormat: string; // Default: "x: <b>{point.x}</b><br/>y: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.scatter
type PlotOptionsScatter = PlotOptionsLine & {
findNearestPointBy: string; // Default: "xy"
lineWidth: number; // Default: "0"
marker: PlotOptionsScatterMarker;
stickyTracking: boolean; // Default: "false"
tooltip: PlotOptionsScatterTooltip;
// plotOptions.line
type PlotOptionsLine = PlotOptionsSeries & {
linecap: "round" | "butt" | "square"; // Default: "round"
// plotOptions.spline
/** Exclude: step */
type PlotOptionsSpline = PlotOptionsSeries;
// plotOptions.scatter3d.tooltip
type PlotOptionsScatter3dTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "x: <b>{point.x}</b><br/>y: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>z: <b>{point.z}</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.scatter3d
type PlotOptionsScatter3d = PlotOptionsScatter & {
tooltip: PlotOptionsScatter3dTooltip;
// plotOptions.arearange.tooltip
type PlotOptionsArearangeTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"color:{series.color}\">●</span> {}: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.arearange.dataLabels
/** Exclude: x,y */
type PlotOptionsArearangeDataLabels = PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabels & {
align: any;
verticalAlign: any;
xHigh: number; // Default: "0"
xLow: number; // Default: "0"
yHigh: number; // Default: "-6"
yLow: number; // Default: "16"
// plotOptions.arearange
type PlotOptionsArearange = PlotOptionsArea & {
dataLabels: PlotOptionsArearangeDataLabels;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
shadow: boolean | object;
threshold: any; // Default: "null"
tooltip: PlotOptionsArearangeTooltip;
trackByArea: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.areasplinerange
/** Exclude: step */
type PlotOptionsAreasplinerange = PlotOptionsArearange;
// plotOptions.boxplot.tooltip
type PlotOptionsBoxplotTooltip = {
pointFormat: any;
// plotOptions.boxplot.states.hover
type PlotOptionsBoxplotStatesHover = {
brightness: any;
// plotOptions.boxplot.states
type PlotOptionsBoxplotStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsBoxplotStatesHover;
// plotOptions.boxplot
type PlotOptionsBoxplot = PlotOptionsColumn & {
fillColor: Color; // Default: "#ffffff"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
medianColor: Color; // Default: "null"
medianWidth: number; // Default: 2
states: PlotOptionsBoxplotStates;
stemColor: Color; // Default: "null"
stemDashStyle: "Solid" | "ShortDash" | "ShortDot" | "ShortDashDot" | "ShortDashDotDot" | "Dot" | "Dash" | "LongDash" | "DashDot" | "LongDashDot" | "LongDashDotDot"; // Default: "Solid"
stemWidth: number; // Default: "null"
threshold: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsBoxplotTooltip;
whiskerColor: Color; // Default: "null"
whiskerLength: number | string; // Default: "50%"
whiskerWidth: number; // Default: 2
// plotOptions.bubble.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsBubbleDataLabels = {
formatter: any;
inside: boolean; // Default: true
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "middle"
// plotOptions.bubble.marker.states.hover
type PlotOptionsBubbleMarkerStatesHover = {
radiusPlus: any;
// plotOptions.bubble.marker.states
type PlotOptionsBubbleMarkerStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsBubbleMarkerStatesHover;
// plotOptions.bubble.marker
/** Exclude: enabled,height,radius,width */
type PlotOptionsBubbleMarker = PlotOptionsSeriesMarker & {
lineColor: any;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
radius: any;
states: PlotOptionsBubbleMarkerStates;
symbol: "circle" | "square" | "diamond" | "triangle" | "triangle-down"; // Default: "circle"
// plotOptions.bubble.states.hover.halo
type PlotOptionsBubbleStatesHoverHalo = {
size: number; // Default: 5
// plotOptions.bubble.states.hover
type PlotOptionsBubbleStatesHover = {
halo: PlotOptionsBubbleStatesHoverHalo;
// plotOptions.bubble.states
type PlotOptionsBubbleStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsBubbleStatesHover;
// plotOptions.bubble.tooltip
type PlotOptionsBubbleTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "({point.x}, {point.y}), Size: {point.z}"
// plotOptions.bubble
type PlotOptionsBubble = PlotOptionsScatter & {
dataLabels: PlotOptionsBubbleDataLabels;
displayNegative: boolean; // Default: "true"
marker: PlotOptionsBubbleMarker;
maxSize: string; // Default: "20%"
minSize: string; // Default: 8
negativeColor: Color; // Default: "null"
sizeBy: "area" | "width"; // Default: "area"
sizeByAbsoluteValue: boolean; // Default: "false"
softThreshold: boolean; // Default: "false"
states: PlotOptionsBubbleStates;
tooltip: PlotOptionsBubbleTooltip;
turboThreshold: any;
zMax: number; // Default: "null"
zMin: number; // Default: "null"
zThreshold: number; // Default: "0"
zoneAxis: string; // Default: "z"
// plotOptions.columnrange.states
type PlotOptionsColumnrangeStates = {
hover: any;
// plotOptions.columnrange.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsColumnrangeDataLabels = PlotOptionsArearangeDataLabels;
// plotOptions.columnrange
/** Exclude: negativeColor,stacking,softThreshold,threshold */
type PlotOptionsColumnrange = PlotOptionsColumn & {
dataLabels: PlotOptionsColumnrangeDataLabels;
marker: any;
pointRange: any;
states: PlotOptionsColumnrangeStates;
// plotOptions.errorbar.tooltip
type PlotOptionsErrorbarTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"color:{point.color}\">●</span> {}: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>"
// plotOptions.errorbar
type PlotOptionsErrorbar = PlotOptionsBoxplot & {
color: Color; // Default: "#000000"
grouping: any;
linkedTo: string; // Default: ":previous"
tooltip: PlotOptionsErrorbarTooltip;
whiskerWidth: number; // Default: "null"
// plotOptions.gauge.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsGaugeDataLabels = PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabels & {
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
borderRadius: number; // Default: 3
borderWidth: number; // Default: 1
crop: any;
defer: any;
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "top"
y: number; // Default: 15
zIndex: number; // Default: 2
// plotOptions.gauge.dial
type PlotOptionsGaugeDial = {
backgroundColor: Color; // Default: "#000000"
baseLength: string; // Default: "70%"
baseWidth: number; // Default: "3"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
radius: string; // Default: "80%"
rearLength: string; // Default: "10%"
topWidth: number; // Default: "1"
// plotOptions.gauge.pivot
type PlotOptionsGaugePivot = {
backgroundColor: Color; // Default: "#000000"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
radius: number; // Default: "5"
// plotOptions.gauge.tooltip
type PlotOptionsGaugeTooltip = {
headerFormat: any;
// plotOptions.gauge
/** Exclude: animationLimit,boostThreshold,connectEnds,connectNulls,cropThreshold,dashStyle,findNearestPointBy,getExtremesFromAll,marker,pointPlacement,softThreshold,stacking,step,threshold,turboThreshold,zoneAxis,zones */
type PlotOptionsGauge = PlotOptionsLine & {
dataLabels: PlotOptionsGaugeDataLabels;
dial: PlotOptionsGaugeDial;
overshoot: number; // Default: "0"
pivot: PlotOptionsGaugePivot;
showInLegend: boolean;
tooltip: PlotOptionsGaugeTooltip;
wrap: boolean; // Default: "true"
// plotOptions.polygon.marker.states.hover
type PlotOptionsPolygonMarkerStatesHover = {
enabled: any;
// plotOptions.polygon.marker.states
type PlotOptionsPolygonMarkerStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsPolygonMarkerStatesHover;
// plotOptions.polygon.marker
type PlotOptionsPolygonMarker = {
enabled: any;
states: PlotOptionsPolygonMarkerStates;
// plotOptions.polygon.tooltip
type PlotOptionsPolygonTooltip = {
followPointer: boolean; // Default: true
pointFormat: any;
// plotOptions.polygon
/** Exclude: softThreshold,threshold */
type PlotOptionsPolygon = PlotOptionsScatter & {
marker: PlotOptionsPolygonMarker;
stickyTracking: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsPolygonTooltip;
trackByArea: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.waterfall.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsWaterfallDataLabels = {
inside: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.waterfall.states.hover
type PlotOptionsWaterfallStatesHover = {
lineWidthPlus: any;
// plotOptions.waterfall.states
type PlotOptionsWaterfallStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsWaterfallStatesHover;
// plotOptions.waterfall
type PlotOptionsWaterfall = PlotOptionsColumn & {
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#333333"
dashStyle: string; // Default: "dot"
dataLabels: PlotOptionsWaterfallDataLabels;
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#333333"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
states: PlotOptionsWaterfallStates;
upColor: Color;
// plotOptions.heatmap.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsHeatmapDataLabels = {
crop: any;
formatter: any;
inside: boolean; // Default: true
overflow: any;
padding: any;
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "middle"
// plotOptions.heatmap.tooltip
type PlotOptionsHeatmapTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "{point.x}, {point.y}: {point.value}<br/>"
// plotOptions.heatmap.states.normal
type PlotOptionsHeatmapStatesNormal = {
animation: boolean; // Default: true
// plotOptions.heatmap.states.hover
type PlotOptionsHeatmapStatesHover = {
brightness: number; // Default: 0.2
halo: any;
// plotOptions.heatmap.states
type PlotOptionsHeatmapStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsHeatmapStatesHover;
normal: PlotOptionsHeatmapStatesNormal;
// plotOptions.heatmap
/** Exclude: marker,pointRange */
type PlotOptionsHeatmap = PlotOptionsScatter & {
animation: any;
borderWidth: any;
color: Color; // Default: "null"
colsize: number; // Default: "1"
dataLabels: PlotOptionsHeatmapDataLabels;
nullColor: Color; // Default: "#f7f7f7"
pointPadding: number; // Default: "0"
rowsize: number; // Default: "1"
states: PlotOptionsHeatmapStates;
tooltip: PlotOptionsHeatmapTooltip;
// plotOptions.mapbubble.tooltip
type PlotOptionsMapbubbleTooltip = {
pointFormat: string; // Default: "{}: {point.z}"
// plotOptions.mapbubble
type PlotOptionsMapbubble = PlotOptionsBubble & {
animationLimit: number; // Default: 500
color: Color;
displayNegative: boolean; // Default: "true"
maxSize: string; // Default: "20%"
minSize: string; // Default: "8"
negativeColor: Color; // Default: "null"
sizeBy: "area" | "width"; // Default: "area"
sizeByAbsoluteValue: boolean; // Default: "false"
tooltip: PlotOptionsMapbubbleTooltip;
zMax: number; // Default: "null"
zMin: number; // Default: "null"
zThreshold: number; // Default: "0"
// plotOptions.mapline
type PlotOptionsMapline = PlotOptionsMap & {
fillColor: Color; // Default: "none"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
type PlotOptionsMappointDataLabelsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#000000"
// plotOptions.mappoint.dataLabels
type PlotOptionsMappointDataLabels = {
crop: any;
defer: any;
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
format: any; // Default: "{}"
formatter: any;
overflow: any;
style: PlotOptionsMappointDataLabelsStyle;
// plotOptions.mappoint
type PlotOptionsMappoint = PlotOptionsScatter & {
dataLabels: PlotOptionsMappointDataLabels;
type PlotOptionsMapDataLabels = {
crop: any;
formatter: any;
inside: boolean; // Default: true
overflow: any;
padding: any;
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "middle"
type PlotOptionsMapTooltip = {
followPointer: boolean; // Default: true
pointFormat: string; // Default: "{}: {point.value}<br/>"
type PlotOptionsMapStatesNormal = {
animation: object | boolean; // Default: true
type PlotOptionsMapStatesHover = {
brightness: number; // Default: 0.2
halo: any;
type PlotOptionsMapStatesSelect = {
color: string; // Default: "#cccccc"
type PlotOptionsMapStates = {
hover: PlotOptionsMapStatesHover;
normal: PlotOptionsMapStatesNormal;
select: PlotOptionsMapStatesSelect;
/** Exclude: marker */
type PlotOptionsMap = PlotOptionsScatter & {
allAreas: boolean; // Default: true
animation: any;
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
borderWidth: number; // Default: 1
dataLabels: PlotOptionsMapDataLabels;
joinBy: string | string[]; // Default: "hc-key"
nullColor: Color; // Default: "#f7f7f7"
nullInteraction: boolean; // Default: "false"
states: PlotOptionsMapStates;
stickyTracking: any;
tooltip: PlotOptionsMapTooltip;
// plotOptions
type PlotOptions = {
ad: PlotOptionsAd;
area: PlotOptionsArea;
arearange: PlotOptionsArearange;
areaspline: PlotOptionsAreaspline;
areasplinerange: PlotOptionsAreasplinerange;
atr: PlotOptionsAtr;
bar: PlotOptionsBar;
bb: PlotOptionsBb;
bellcurve: PlotOptionsBellcurve;
boxplot: PlotOptionsBoxplot;
bubble: PlotOptionsBubble;
bullet: PlotOptionsBullet;
candlestick: PlotOptionsCandlestick;
cci: PlotOptionsCci;
cmf: PlotOptionsCmf;
column: PlotOptionsColumn;
columnrange: PlotOptionsColumnrange;
ema: PlotOptionsEma;
errorbar: PlotOptionsErrorbar;
flags: PlotOptionsFlags;
funnel: PlotOptionsFunnel;
gauge: PlotOptionsGauge;
heatmap: PlotOptionsHeatmap;
histogram: PlotOptionsHistogram;
ikh: PlotOptionsIkh;
line: PlotOptionsLine;
macd: PlotOptionsMacd;
map: PlotOptionsMap;
mapbubble: PlotOptionsMapbubble;
mapline: PlotOptionsMapline;
mappoint: PlotOptionsMappoint;
mfi: PlotOptionsMfi;
momentum: PlotOptionsMomentum;
ohlc: PlotOptionsOhlc;
pareto: PlotOptionsPareto;
pie: PlotOptionsPie;
pivotpoints: PlotOptionsPivotpoints;
polygon: PlotOptionsPolygon;
priceenvelopes: PlotOptionsPriceenvelopes;
psar: PlotOptionsPsar;
pyramid: PlotOptionsPyramid;
roc: PlotOptionsRoc;
rsi: PlotOptionsRsi;
sankey: PlotOptionsSankey;
scatter: PlotOptionsScatter;
scatter3d: PlotOptionsScatter3d;
series: PlotOptionsSeries;
sma: PlotOptionsSma;
solidgauge: PlotOptionsSolidgauge;
spline: PlotOptionsSpline;
stochastic: PlotOptionsStochastic;
streamgraph: PlotOptionsStreamgraph;
sunburst: PlotOptionsSunburst;
tilemap: PlotOptionsTilemap;
treemap: PlotOptionsTreemap;
variablepie: PlotOptionsVariablepie;
variwide: PlotOptionsVariwide;
vbp: PlotOptionsVbp;
vector: PlotOptionsVector;
vwap: PlotOptionsVwap;
waterfall: PlotOptionsWaterfall;
windbarb: PlotOptionsWindbarb;
wma: PlotOptionsWma;
wordcloud: PlotOptionsWordcloud;
xrange: PlotOptionsXrange;
zigzag: PlotOptionsZigzag;
type SeriesAdData = SeriesSmaData;
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesAd = Series & PlotOptionsAd & {
data: SeriesAdData;
type SeriesAtrData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.atr
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesAtr = Series & PlotOptionsAtr & {
data: SeriesAtrData;
type SeriesBbData = SeriesLineData;
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesBb = Series & PlotOptionsBb & {
data: SeriesBbData;
type SeriesCciData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.cci
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesCci = Series & PlotOptionsCci & {
data: SeriesCciData;
type SeriesCmfData = SeriesLineData;
// series.cmf
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesCmf = Series & PlotOptionsCmf & {
data: SeriesCmfData;
type SeriesEmaData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.ema
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesEma = Series & PlotOptionsEma & {
data: SeriesEmaData;
// series.ikh
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesIkh = Series & PlotOptionsSma;
type SeriesSmaData = SeriesLineData;
// series.sma
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesSma = Series & PlotOptionsSma & {
data: SeriesSmaData;
type SeriesMacdData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.macd
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesMacd = Series & PlotOptionsMacd & {
data: SeriesMacdData;
type SeriesMfiData = SeriesLineData;
// series.mfi
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesMfi = Series & PlotOptionsMfi & {
data: SeriesMfiData;
type SeriesMomentumData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.momentum
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesMomentum = Series & PlotOptionsMomentum & {
data: SeriesMomentumData;
type SeriesPivotpointsData = SeriesLineData;
// series.pivotpoints
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesPivotpoints = Series & PlotOptionsPivotpoints & {
data: SeriesPivotpointsData;
type SeriesPriceenvelopesData = SeriesLineData;
// series.priceenvelopes
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesPriceenvelopes = Series & PlotOptionsPriceenvelopes & {
data: SeriesPriceenvelopesData;
type SeriesPsarData = SeriesLineData;
// series.psar
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesPsar = Series & PlotOptionsPsar & {
data: SeriesPsarData;
type SeriesRocData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.roc
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesRoc = Series & PlotOptionsRoc & {
data: SeriesRocData;
type SeriesRsiData = SeriesLineData;
// series.rsi
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesRsi = Series & PlotOptionsRsi & {
data: SeriesRsiData;
type SeriesStochasticData = SeriesLineData;
// series.stochastic
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesStochastic = Series & PlotOptionsStochastic & {
data: SeriesStochasticData;
type SeriesVbpData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.vbp
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesVbp = Series & PlotOptionsVbp & {
data: SeriesVbpData;
type SeriesVwapData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.vwap
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesVwap = Series & PlotOptionsVwap & {
data: SeriesVwapData;
type SeriesWmaData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.wma
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesWma = Series & PlotOptionsWma & {
data: SeriesWmaData;
type SeriesZigzagData = SeriesSmaData;
// series.zigzag
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesZigzag = Series & PlotOptionsZigzag & {
data: SeriesZigzagData;
type SeriesBellcurveData = SeriesBellcurveData;
// series.bellcurve
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,data */
type SeriesBellcurve = Series & PlotOptionsBellcurve & {
baseSeries: number | string; // Default: "undefined"
data: SeriesBellcurveData;
type SeriesBulletDataTargetOptions = SeriesBulletTargetOptions;
type SeriesBulletData = SeriesColumnData & {
target: number;
targetOptions: SeriesBulletDataTargetOptions;
// series.bullet
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesBullet = Series & PlotOptionsBullet & {
data: SeriesBulletData;
type SeriesLineDataEvents = PlotOptionsSeriesPointEvents;
type SeriesLineDataMarker = PlotOptionsSeriesMarker;
type SeriesLineData = {
className: string;
color: Color; // Default: "undefined"
colorIndex: number;
dataLabels: object;
description: string; // Default: "undefined"
drilldown: string;
events: SeriesLineDataEvents;
id: string; // Default: "null"
labelrank: number;
marker: SeriesLineDataMarker;
name: string;
selected: boolean; // Default: "false"
x: number;
y: number; // Default: "null"
// series.line
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesLine = Series & PlotOptionsLine & {
data: SeriesLineData;
/** Exclude: sliced */
type SeriesFunnelData = SeriesPieData;
// series.funnel
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack,xAxis,yAxis */
type SeriesFunnel = Series & PlotOptionsFunnel & {
data: SeriesFunnelData;
/** Exclude: sliced */
type SeriesPyramidData = SeriesPieData;
// series.pyramid
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack,xAxis,yAxis */
type SeriesPyramid = Series & PlotOptionsPyramid & {
data: SeriesPyramidData;
type SeriesHistogramData = SeriesHistogramData;
// series.histogram
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,data */
type SeriesHistogram = Series & PlotOptionsHistogram & {
baseSeries: number | string; // Default: "undefined"
data: SeriesHistogramData;
type SeriesParetoData = SeriesColumnData;
// series.pareto
/** Exclude: data,dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesPareto = Series & PlotOptionsPareto & {
baseSeries: number | string; // Default: "undefined"
data: SeriesParetoData;
// series.sankey.nodes
type SeriesSankeyNodes = {
color: Color;
colorIndex: number;
id: string;
/** Exclude: drilldown,marker,x,y */
type SeriesSankeyData = SeriesLineData & {
from: string;
outgoing: boolean; // Default: "false"
to: string;
weight: number;
// series.sankey
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesSankey = Series & PlotOptionsSankey & {
data: SeriesSankeyData;
nodes: SeriesSankeyNodes;
type SeriesSolidgaugeData = SeriesGaugeData & {
innerRadius: number | string;
radius: number | string;
// series.solidgauge
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesSolidgauge = Series & PlotOptionsSolidgauge & {
data: SeriesSolidgaugeData;
type SeriesStreamgraphData = SeriesLineData;
// series.streamgraph
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesStreamgraph = Series & PlotOptionsStreamgraph & {
data: SeriesStreamgraphData;
/** Exclude: x,y */
type SeriesSunburstData = SeriesTreemapData & {
name: string; // Default: "undefined"
value: number; // Default: "undefined"
weight: number; // Default: "undefined"
// series.sunburst
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesSunburst = PlotOptionsSunburst & {
data: SeriesSunburstData;
/** Exclude: x,y */
type SeriesTreemapData = SeriesHeatmapData & {
colorValue: number; // Default: "undefined"
parent: string; // Default: "undefined"
value: number;
// series.treemap
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesTreemap = Series & PlotOptionsTreemap & {
data: SeriesTreemapData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesTilemapData = SeriesHeatmapData;
// series.tilemap
/** Exclude: joinBy,shadow,allAreas,mapData */
type SeriesTilemap = Series & PlotOptionsTilemap & {
data: SeriesTilemapData;
/** Exclude: marker,x */
type SeriesVariablepieData = SeriesPieData;
// series.variablepie
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack,xAxis,yAxis */
type SeriesVariablepie = Series & PlotOptionsVariablepie & {
data: SeriesVariablepieData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesVariwideData = SeriesLineData & {
z: number;
// series.variwide
type SeriesVariwide = Series & PlotOptionsVariwide & {
data: SeriesVariwideData;
type SeriesVectorData = SeriesLineData & {
direction: number;
length: number;
// series.vector
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesVector = Series & PlotOptionsVector & {
data: SeriesVectorData;
type SeriesWindbarbData = SeriesLineData & {
direction: number;
value: number;
// series.windbarb
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesWindbarb = Series & PlotOptionsWindbarb & {
data: SeriesWindbarbData;
/** Exclude: drilldown,marker,x,y */
type SeriesWordcloudData = SeriesLineData;
// series.wordcloud
type SeriesWordcloud = PlotOptionsWordcloud & {
data: SeriesWordcloudData;
type SeriesXrangeData = SeriesLineData;
// series.xrange
type SeriesXrange = Series & PlotOptionsXrange & {
data: SeriesXrangeData;
type SeriesAreaData = SeriesLineData;
// series.area
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesArea = Series & PlotOptionsArea & {
data: SeriesAreaData;
type SeriesAreasplineData = SeriesLineData;
// series.areaspline
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesAreaspline = Series & PlotOptionsAreaspline & {
data: SeriesAreasplineData;
type SeriesBarData = SeriesColumnData;
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesBar = Series & PlotOptionsBar & {
data: SeriesBarData;
/** Exclude: y */
type SeriesCandlestickData = SeriesOhlcData;
// series.candlestick
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesCandlestick = Series & PlotOptionsCandlestick & {
data: SeriesCandlestickData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesColumnData = SeriesLineData;
// series.column
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,marker */
type SeriesColumn = Series & PlotOptionsColumn & {
data: SeriesColumnData;
/** Exclude: y,dataLabels,marker,name */
type SeriesFlagsData = SeriesLineData & {
fillColor: Color;
text: string;
title: string;
// series.flags
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesFlags = Series & PlotOptionsFlags & {
data: SeriesFlagsData;
/** Exclude: y,marker */
type SeriesOhlcData = SeriesArearangeData & {
close: number;
open: number;
// series.ohlc
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesOhlc = Series & PlotOptionsOhlc & {
data: SeriesOhlcData;
/** Exclude: marker,x */
type SeriesPieData = SeriesLineData & {
legendIndex: number;
sliced: boolean;
// series.pie
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack,xAxis,yAxis */
type SeriesPie = Series & PlotOptionsPie & {
data: SeriesPieData;
type SeriesScatterData = SeriesLineData;
// series.scatter
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesScatter = Series & PlotOptionsScatter & {
data: SeriesScatterData;
type SeriesSplineData = SeriesLineData;
// series.spline
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesSpline = Series & PlotOptionsSpline & {
data: SeriesSplineData;
type SeriesScatter3dData = SeriesScatterData & {
z: number;
// series.scatter3d
type SeriesScatter3d = Series & PlotOptionsScatter3d & {
data: SeriesScatter3dData;
/** Exclude: marker,y */
type SeriesArearangeData = SeriesLineData & {
high: number;
low: number;
// series.arearange
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesArearange = Series & PlotOptionsArearange & {
data: SeriesArearangeData;
type SeriesAreasplinerangeData = SeriesArearangeData;
// series.areasplinerange
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesAreasplinerange = Series & PlotOptionsAreasplinerange & {
data: SeriesAreasplinerangeData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesBoxplotData = SeriesLineData & {
high: number;
low: number;
median: number;
q1: number;
q3: number;
// series.boxplot
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesBoxplot = Series & PlotOptionsBoxplot & {
data: SeriesBoxplotData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesBubbleData = SeriesLineData & {
z: number;
// series.bubble
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesBubble = Series & PlotOptionsBubble & {
data: SeriesBubbleData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesColumnrangeData = SeriesArearangeData;
// series.columnrange
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesColumnrange = Series & PlotOptionsColumnrange & {
data: SeriesColumnrangeData;
/** Exclude: dataLabels,drilldown,marker */
type SeriesErrorbarData = SeriesArearangeData;
// series.errorbar
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesErrorbar = Series & PlotOptionsErrorbar & {
data: SeriesErrorbarData;
/** Exclude: drilldown,marker,x */
type SeriesGaugeData = SeriesLineData;
// series.gauge
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesGauge = Series & PlotOptionsGauge & {
data: SeriesGaugeData;
type SeriesPolygonData = SeriesLineData;
// series.polygon
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesPolygon = Series & PlotOptionsPolygon & {
data: SeriesPolygonData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesWaterfallData = SeriesLineData & {
isIntermediateSum: boolean; // Default: "false"
isSum: boolean; // Default: "false"
// series.waterfall
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesWaterfall = Series & PlotOptionsWaterfall & {
data: SeriesWaterfallData;
/** Exclude: marker */
type SeriesHeatmapData = SeriesLineData & {
color: Color;
pointPadding: number;
value: number;
x: number;
y: number;
// series.heatmap
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL,stack */
type SeriesHeatmap = Series & PlotOptionsHeatmap & {
data: SeriesHeatmapData;
/** Exclude: labelrank,middleX,middleY,path,value,x,y,lat,lon */
type SeriesMapbubbleData = SeriesMappointData & {
z: number;
// series.mapbubble
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesMapbubble = Series & PlotOptionsMapbubble & {
data: SeriesMapbubbleData;
// series.mapline
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesMapline = Series & PlotOptionsMapline & {
data: object[];
/** Exclude: labelrank,middleX,middleY,path,value */
type SeriesMappointData = SeriesMapData & {
lat: number;
lon: number;
x: number;
y: number;
// series.mappoint
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesMappoint = Series & PlotOptionsMappoint & {
data: SeriesMappointData;
type SeriesMapDataEvents = PlotOptionsSeriesPointEvents;
type SeriesMapData = {
color: Color; // Default: "undefined"
dataLabels: object;
drilldown: string;
events: SeriesMapDataEvents;
id: string;
labelrank: number;
middleX: number; // Default: "0.5"
middleY: number; // Default: "0.5"
name: string;
path: string;
value: number;
/** Exclude: dataParser,dataURL */
type SeriesMap = Series & PlotOptionsMap & {
data: SeriesMapData;
// series
type Series = {
ad: SeriesAd;
area: SeriesArea;
arearange: SeriesArearange;
areaspline: SeriesAreaspline;
areasplinerange: SeriesAreasplinerange;
atr: SeriesAtr;
bar: SeriesBar;
bb: SeriesBb;
bellcurve: SeriesBellcurve;
boxplot: SeriesBoxplot;
bubble: SeriesBubble;
bullet: SeriesBullet;
candlestick: SeriesCandlestick;
cci: SeriesCci;
cmf: SeriesCmf;
column: SeriesColumn;
columnrange: SeriesColumnrange;
ema: SeriesEma;
errorbar: SeriesErrorbar;
flags: SeriesFlags;
funnel: SeriesFunnel;
gauge: SeriesGauge;
heatmap: SeriesHeatmap;
histogram: SeriesHistogram;
id: string;
ikh: SeriesIkh;
index: number; // Default: "undefined"
legendIndex: number;
line: SeriesLine;
macd: SeriesMacd;
map: SeriesMap;
mapData: object[];
mapbubble: SeriesMapbubble;
mapline: SeriesMapline;
mappoint: SeriesMappoint;
mfi: SeriesMfi;
momentum: SeriesMomentum;
name: string;
ohlc: SeriesOhlc;
pareto: SeriesPareto;
pie: SeriesPie;
pivotpoints: SeriesPivotpoints;
polygon: SeriesPolygon;
priceenvelopes: SeriesPriceenvelopes;
psar: SeriesPsar;
pyramid: SeriesPyramid;
roc: SeriesRoc;
rsi: SeriesRsi;
sankey: SeriesSankey;
scatter: SeriesScatter;
scatter3d: SeriesScatter3d;
sma: SeriesSma;
solidgauge: SeriesSolidgauge;
spline: SeriesSpline;
stack: string; // Default: "null"
stochastic: SeriesStochastic;
streamgraph: SeriesStreamgraph;
sunburst: SeriesSunburst;
tilemap: SeriesTilemap;
treemap: SeriesTreemap;
type: null | "line" | "spline" | "column" | "area" | "areaspline" | "pie" | "arearange" | "areasplinerange" | "boxplot" | "bubble" | "columnrange" | "errorbar" | "funnel" | "gauge" | "scatter" | "waterfall";
variablepie: SeriesVariablepie;
variwide: SeriesVariwide;
vbp: SeriesVbp;
vector: SeriesVector;
vwap: SeriesVwap;
waterfall: SeriesWaterfall;
windbarb: SeriesWindbarb;
wma: SeriesWma;
wordcloud: SeriesWordcloud;
xAxis: number | string; // Default: "0"
xrange: SeriesXrange;
yAxis: number | string; // Default: "0"
zIndex: number;
zigzag: SeriesZigzag;
// defs
type Defs = {
markers: object;
type AnnotationsLabelOptionsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "contrast"
fontSize: string; // Default: "11px"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "normal"
// annotations.labelOptions
type AnnotationsLabelOptions = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "center"
allowOverlap: any;
backgroundColor: Color; // Default: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "black"
borderRadius: number; // Default: 1
borderWidth: number; // Default: 1
crop: any;
distance: number; // Default: "undefined"
format: string; // Default: "undefined"
formatter: Function; // Default: "function () {\n return defined(this.y) ? this.y : 'Annotation label';\n}"
overflow: "none" | "justify"; // Default: "justify"
padding: number; // Default: 5
shadow: boolean | object;
shape: string; // Default: "callout"
style: AnnotationsLabelOptionsStyle;
text: string; // Default: "undefined"
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "bottom"
x: any;
y: number; // Default: -16
// annotations.shapeOptions
type AnnotationsShapeOptions = {
fill: Color; // Default: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)"
height: number;
r: any;
stroke: Color; // Default: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)"
strokeWidth: number; // Default: 1
type: string; // Default: "'rect'"
width: number;
// annotations.labels.point
type AnnotationsLabelsPoint = {
x: number;
xAxis: number | string;
y: number;
yAxis: number | string;
// annotations.labels
type AnnotationsLabels = AnnotationsLabelOptions & {
point: AnnotationsLabelsPoint;
// annotations.shapes.point
type AnnotationsShapesPoint = AnnotationsLabelsPoint;
// annotations.shapes
type AnnotationsShapes = AnnotationsShapeOptions & {
markerEnd: string;
markerStart: string;
point: AnnotationsShapesPoint;
points: any[];
// annotations
type Annotations = {
labelOptions: AnnotationsLabelOptions;
labels: AnnotationsLabels;
shapeOptions: AnnotationsShapeOptions;
shapes: AnnotationsShapes;
visible: boolean; // Default: true
zIndex: number; // Default: 6
// boost.debug
type BoostDebug = {
showSkipSummary: boolean; // Default: "false"
timeBufferCopy: boolean; // Default: "false"
timeKDTree: boolean; // Default: "false"
timeRendering: boolean; // Default: "false"
timeSeriesProcessing: boolean; // Default: "false"
timeSetup: boolean; // Default: "false"
// boost
type Boost = {
allowForce: boolean; // Default: "true"
debug: BoostDebug;
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
seriesThreshold: any; // Default: "null"
useGPUTranslations: boolean; // Default: "false"
// data
type Data = {
columns: any[][];
complete: Function;
csv: string;
dateFormat: string;
decimalPoint: string; // Default: "."
endColumn: number;
endRow: number;
firstRowAsNames: boolean; // Default: "true"
googleSpreadsheetKey: string;
googleSpreadsheetWorksheet: string;
itemDelimiter: string;
lineDelimiter: string; // Default: "\n"
parseDate: Function;
parsed: Function;
rows: any[][];
seriesMapping: object[];
startColumn: number; // Default: "0"
startRow: number; // Default: "0"
switchRowsAndColumns: boolean; // Default: "false"
table: string | HTMLElement;
// yAxis.resize.controlledAxis
type YAxisResizeControlledAxis = {
next: (string | number)[]; // Default: "[]"
prev: (string | number)[]; // Default: "[]"
// yAxis.resize
type YAxisResize = {
controlledAxis: YAxisResizeControlledAxis;
cursor: string; // Default: "ns-resize"
enabled: any;
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
lineDashStyle: string; // Default: "Solid"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 4
x: any;
y: any;
// yAxis.labels
type YAxisLabels = XAxisLabels & {
align: "left" | "center" | "right";
distance: number; // Default: "-25"
x: number; // Default: -8
y: number;
// yAxis.title
type YAxisTitle = XAxisTitle & {
margin: number; // Default: "40"
rotation: number; // Default: 270
text: string; // Default: "Values"
type YAxisStackLabelsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#000000"
fontSize: string; // Default: "11px"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
textOutline: string; // Default: "1px contrast"
// yAxis.stackLabels
type YAxisStackLabels = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right";
allowOverlap: any;
enabled: any;
format: string; // Default: "{total}"
formatter: Function; // Default: "function() { return; }"
rotation: number; // Default: "0"
style: YAxisStackLabelsStyle;
textAlign: "left" | "center" | "right";
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom";
x: number;
y: number;
// yAxis.plotBands
type YAxisPlotBands = XAxisPlotBands & {
innerRadius: number | string; // Default: "null"
outerRadius: number | string; // Default: "100%"
thickness: number | string; // Default: "10"
// yAxis.plotLines
type YAxisPlotLines = XAxisPlotLines;
// yAxis.scrollbar
/** Exclude: height */
type YAxisScrollbar = Scrollbar & {
enabled: boolean; // Default: "false"
margin: number; // Default: "10"
showFull: boolean; // Default: "true"
size: number; // Default: "14"
zIndex: number; // Default: "3"
// yAxis
/** Exclude: ordinal,overscroll */
type YAxis = XAxis & {
angle: number; // Default: "0"
endOnTick: boolean; // Default: true
gridLineInterpolation: "circle" | "polygon"; // Default: "null"
gridLineWidth: number; // Default: 1
height: number | string; // Default: "null"
labels: YAxisLabels;
lineColor: any;
lineWidth: any;
max: any;
maxColor: Color; // Default: "#003399"
maxLength: string | number; // Default: "100%"
maxPadding: number; // Default: 0.05
min: any;
minColor: Color; // Default: "#e6ebf5"
minLength: number | string; // Default: "10%"
minPadding: number; // Default: 0.05
opposite: any;
plotBands: YAxisPlotBands;
plotLines: YAxisPlotLines;
resize: YAxisResize;
reversedStacks: boolean; // Default: "true"
scrollbar: YAxisScrollbar;
showLastLabel: boolean; // Default: true
softMax: number;
softMin: number;
stackLabels: YAxisStackLabels;
startOnTick: boolean; // Default: true
stops: any[][];
tickPixelInterval: number; // Default: 72
tickWidth: number; // Default: "0"
title: YAxisTitle;
tooltipValueFormat: any; // Default: "undefined"
top: number | string; // Default: "null"
// lang
type Lang = {
contextButtonTitle: string; // Default: "Chart context menu"
decimalPoint: string; // Default: "."
downloadCSV: string; // Default: "Download CSV"
downloadJPEG: string; // Default: "Download JPEG image"
downloadPDF: string; // Default: "Download PDF document"
downloadPNG: string; // Default: "Download PNG image"
downloadSVG: string; // Default: "Download SVG vector image"
downloadXLS: string; // Default: "Download XLS"
drillUpText: string; // Default: "Back to {}"
invalidDate: string;
loading: string; // Default: "Loading..."
months: string[]; // Default: "[ "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" ,\n "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" ,\n "November" , "December"]"
noData: string; // Default: "No data to display"
numericSymbolMagnitude: number; // Default: "1000"
numericSymbols: string[]; // Default: "[ "k" , "M" , "G" , "T" , "P" , "E"]"
printChart: string; // Default: "Print chart"
rangeSelectorFrom: string; // Default: "From"
rangeSelectorTo: string; // Default: "To"
rangeSelectorZoom: string; // Default: "Zoom"
resetZoom: string; // Default: "Reset zoom"
resetZoomTitle: string; // Default: "Reset zoom level 1:1"
shortMonths: string[]; // Default: "[ "Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" ,\n "Jul" , "Aug" , "Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec"]"
shortWeekdays: string[];
thousandsSep: string; // Default: " "
viewData: string; // Default: "View data table"
weekdays: string[]; // Default: "["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",\n "Friday", "Saturday"]"
zoomIn: string; // Default: "Zoom in"
zoomOut: string; // Default: "Zoom out"
// drilldown.activeAxisLabelStyle
type DrilldownActiveAxisLabelStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#003399"
cursor: string; // Default: "pointer"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
textDecoration: string; // Default: "underline"
// drilldown.activeDataLabelStyle
type DrilldownActiveDataLabelStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#003399"
cursor: string; // Default: "pointer"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
textDecoration: string; // Default: "underline"
// drilldown.animation
type DrilldownAnimation = {
duration: number; // Default: 500
// drilldown.drillUpButton.position
type DrilldownDrillUpButtonPosition = {
align: string; // Default: "right"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "top"
x: number; // Default: -10
y: number; // Default: 10
// drilldown.drillUpButton
type DrilldownDrillUpButton = {
position: DrilldownDrillUpButtonPosition;
relativeTo: "plotBox" | "spacingBox"; // Default: "plotBox"
theme: object;
// drilldown
type Drilldown = {
activeAxisLabelStyle: DrilldownActiveAxisLabelStyle; // Default: "{ "cursor": "pointer", "color": "#003399", "fontWeight": "bold", "textDecoration": "underline" }"
activeDataLabelStyle: DrilldownActiveDataLabelStyle; // Default: "{ "cursor": "pointer", "color": "#003399", "fontWeight": "bold", "textDecoration": "underline" }"
allowPointDrilldown: boolean; // Default: "true"
animation: DrilldownAnimation;
drillUpButton: DrilldownDrillUpButton;
series: object[];
type ChartEvents = {
addSeries: Function;
afterPrint: Function;
beforePrint: Function;
click: Function;
drilldown: Function;
drillup: Function;
drillupall: Function;
load: Function;
redraw: Function;
render: Function;
selection: Function;
// chart.parallelAxes.title
/** Exclude: align,enabled,margin,offset,position3d,reserveSpace,rotation,skew3d,style,text,useHTML,x,y */
type ChartParallelAxesTitle = {
reserveSpace: any;
text: any;
// chart.parallelAxes.labels
type ChartParallelAxesLabels = {
align: string; // Default: "center"
reserveSpace: any;
x: any;
y: number; // Default: 4
// chart.parallelAxes
/** Exclude: alternateGridColor,breaks,id,gridLineColor,gridLineDashStyle,gridLineWidth,minorGridLineColor,minorGridLineDashStyle,minorGridLineWidth,plotBands,plotLines,angle,gridLineInterpolation,maxColor,maxZoom,minColor,scrollbar,stackLabels,stops */
type ChartParallelAxes = YAxis & {
labels: ChartParallelAxesLabels;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
offset: any;
title: ChartParallelAxesTitle;
// chart.resetZoomButton.theme
type ChartResetZoomButtonTheme = {
zIndex: number; // Default: 20
// chart.resetZoomButton.position
type ChartResetZoomButtonPosition = {
align: string; // Default: "right"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "top"
x: number; // Default: -10
y: number; // Default: 10
// chart.resetZoomButton
type ChartResetZoomButton = {
position: ChartResetZoomButtonPosition;
relativeTo: "plot" | "chart"; // Default: "plot"
theme: ChartResetZoomButtonTheme;
// chart.options3d.frame.bottom
type ChartOptions3dFrameBottom = {
color: Color; // Default: "transparent"
size: number; // Default: "1"
visible: "default" | "auto" | true | false; // Default: "default"
type ChartOptions3dFrameTop = ChartOptions3dFrameBottom;
// chart.options3d.frame.left
type ChartOptions3dFrameLeft = ChartOptions3dFrameBottom;
// chart.options3d.frame.right
type ChartOptions3dFrameRight = ChartOptions3dFrameBottom;
// chart.options3d.frame.back
type ChartOptions3dFrameBack = ChartOptions3dFrameBottom;
// chart.options3d.frame.front
type ChartOptions3dFrameFront = ChartOptions3dFrameBottom;
// chart.options3d.frame.side
type ChartOptions3dFrameSide = {
color: Color; // Default: "transparent"
size: number; // Default: "1"
// chart.options3d.frame
type ChartOptions3dFrame = {
back: ChartOptions3dFrameBack;
bottom: ChartOptions3dFrameBottom;
front: ChartOptions3dFrameFront;
left: ChartOptions3dFrameLeft;
right: ChartOptions3dFrameRight;
side: ChartOptions3dFrameSide;
size: number; // Default: 1
top: ChartOptions3dFrameTop;
visible: string; // Default: "default"
// chart.options3d
type ChartOptions3d = {
alpha: number; // Default: "0"
axisLabelPosition: null | "auto"; // Default: "default"
beta: number; // Default: "0"
depth: number; // Default: 100
enabled: boolean; // Default: "false"
fitToPlot: boolean; // Default: true
frame: ChartOptions3dFrame;
viewDistance: number; // Default: 25
// chart
type Chart = {
alignTicks: boolean; // Default: "true"
animation: boolean | object; // Default: "true"
backgroundColor: Color; // Default: "#ffffff"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#335cad"
borderRadius: number; // Default: "0"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
className: string;
colorCount: number; // Default: 10
defaultSeriesType: "line" | "spline" | "column" | "area" | "areaspline" | "pie"; // Default: "line"
description: string; // Default: "undefined"
events: ChartEvents;
height: number | string; // Default: "null"
ignoreHiddenSeries: boolean; // Default: true
inverted: boolean; // Default: "false"
map: string | object[]; // Default: "undefined"
mapTransforms: object; // Default: "undefined"
margin: any[];
marginBottom: number;
marginLeft: number; // Default: "null"
marginRight: number; // Default: "null"
marginTop: number; // Default: "null"
options3d: ChartOptions3d;
panKey: null | "alt" | "ctrl" | "meta" | "shift";
panning: boolean;
parallelAxes: ChartParallelAxes;
parallelCoordinates: any;
pinchType: "x" | "y" | "xy";
plotBackgroundColor: Color; // Default: "null"
plotBackgroundImage: string; // Default: "null"
plotBorderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
plotBorderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
plotShadow: boolean | object; // Default: "false"
polar: boolean; // Default: "false"
reflow: boolean; // Default: "true"
renderTo: string | object;
resetZoomButton: ChartResetZoomButton;
selectionMarkerFill: Color; // Default: "rgba(51,92,173,0.25)"
shadow: boolean | object; // Default: "false"
showAxes: boolean;
spacing: number[]; // Default: "[10, 10, 15, 10]"
spacingBottom: number; // Default: "15"
spacingLeft: number; // Default: "10"
spacingRight: number; // Default: "10"
spacingTop: number; // Default: "10"
style: CSSStyleDeclaration; // Default: "{"fontFamily":"\"Lucida Grande\", \"Lucida Sans Unicode\", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif","fontSize":"12px"}"
type: "line" | "spline" | "column" | "bar" | "area" | "areaspline" | "pie" | "arearange" | "areasplinerange" | "boxplot" | "bubble" | "columnrange" | "errorbar" | "funnel" | "gauge" | "heatmap" | "polygon" | "pyramid" | "scatter" | "solidgauge" | "treemap" | "waterfall";
typeDescription: string; // Default: "undefined"
width: number; // Default: "null"
zoomType: null | "x" | "y" | "xy";
// exporting.csv
type ExportingCsv = {
columnHeaderFormatter: Function | null;
dateFormat: string; // Default: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
itemDelimiter: string; // Default: ","
lineDelimiter: string; // Default: "\n"
// exporting.buttons.contextButton
type ExportingButtonsContextButton = NavigationButtonOptions & {
_titleKey: string; // Default: "contextButtonTitle"
className: string; // Default: "highcharts-contextbutton"
menuClassName: string; // Default: "highcharts-contextmenu"
menuItems: string[] | object[];
onclick: Function;
symbol: "circle" | "square" | "diamond" | "triangle" | "triangle-down" | "menu"; // Default: "menu"
symbolFill: Color; // Default: "#666666"
x: number; // Default: "-10"
// exporting.buttons
type ExportingButtons = {
contextButton: ExportingButtonsContextButton;
// exporting
type Exporting = {
allowHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
buttons: ExportingButtons;
chartOptions: object; // Default: "null"
csv: ExportingCsv;
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
error: Function; // Default: "undefined"
fallbackToExportServer: boolean; // Default: "true"
filename: string; // Default: "chart"
formAttributes: object;
libURL: string;
menuItemDefinitions: object;
printMaxWidth: number; // Default: 780
scale: number; // Default: 2
showTable: any;
sourceHeight: number;
sourceWidth: number;
type: "image/png" | "image/jpeg" | "application/pdf" | "image/svg+xml"; // Default: "image/png"
url: string; // Default: ""
width: number; // Default: "undefined"
// navigation.buttonOptions.theme
type NavigationButtonOptionsTheme = {
fill: string; // Default: "#ffffff"
padding: number; // Default: 5
stroke: string; // Default: "none"
// navigation.buttonOptions
type NavigationButtonOptions = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "right"
buttonSpacing: number; // Default: "3"
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
height: number; // Default: "22"
symbolFill: Color; // Default: "#666666"
symbolSize: number; // Default: "14"
symbolStroke: Color; // Default: "#666666"
symbolStrokeWidth: number; // Default: 3
symbolX: number; // Default: "12.5"
symbolY: number; // Default: "10.5"
text: string; // Default: "null"
theme: NavigationButtonOptionsTheme;
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "top"
width: number; // Default: "24"
y: number; // Default: "0"
// navigation.menuStyle
type NavigationMenuStyle = {
background: string; // Default: "#ffffff"
border: string; // Default: "1px solid #999999"
padding: string; // Default: "5px 0"
// navigation.menuItemStyle
type NavigationMenuItemStyle = {
background: string; // Default: "none"
color: string; // Default: "#333333"
fontSize: string;
padding: string; // Default: "0.5em 1em"
transition: string; // Default: "background 250ms, color 250ms"
// navigation.menuItemHoverStyle
type NavigationMenuItemHoverStyle = {
background: string; // Default: "#335cad"
color: string; // Default: "#ffffff"
// navigation
type Navigation = {
buttonOptions: NavigationButtonOptions;
menuItemHoverStyle: NavigationMenuItemHoverStyle; // Default: "{ "background": "#335cad", "color": "#ffffff" }"
menuItemStyle: NavigationMenuItemStyle; // Default: "{ "padding": "0.5em 1em", "color": "#333333", "background": "none" }"
menuStyle: NavigationMenuStyle; // Default: "{ "border": "1px solid #999999", "background": "#ffffff", "padding": "5px 0" }"
// legend.keyboardNavigation
type LegendKeyboardNavigation = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
// legend.navigation
type LegendNavigation = {
activeColor: Color; // Default: "#003399"
animation: boolean | object; // Default: "true"
arrowSize: number; // Default: "12"
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
inactiveColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
// legend.itemStyle
type LegendItemStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#333333"
fontSize: string; // Default: "12px"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
textOverflow: string; // Default: "ellipsis"
// legend.itemHoverStyle
type LegendItemHoverStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#000000"
// legend.itemHiddenStyle
type LegendItemHiddenStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#cccccc"
// legend.itemCheckboxStyle
type LegendItemCheckboxStyle = {
height: string; // Default: "13px"
position: string; // Default: "absolute"
width: string; // Default: "13px"
type LegendTitleStyle = {
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
// legend.title
type LegendTitle = {
style: LegendTitleStyle; // Default: "{"fontWeight":"bold"}"
text: string; // Default: "null"
// legend
type Legend = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "center"
backgroundColor: Color;
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#999999"
borderRadius: number; // Default: "0"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
floating: boolean; // Default: "false"
itemCheckboxStyle: LegendItemCheckboxStyle;
itemDistance: number;
itemHiddenStyle: LegendItemHiddenStyle; // Default: "{ "color": "#cccccc" }"
itemHoverStyle: LegendItemHoverStyle; // Default: "{ "color": "#000000" }"
itemMarginBottom: number; // Default: "0"
itemMarginTop: number; // Default: "0"
itemStyle: LegendItemStyle; // Default: "{ "color": "#333333", "cursor": "pointer", "fontSize": "12px", "fontWeight": "bold", "textOverflow": "ellipsis" }"
itemWidth: number; // Default: "null"
keyboardNavigation: LegendKeyboardNavigation;
labelFormat: string; // Default: "{name}"
labelFormatter: Function;
layout: "horizontal" | "vertical"; // Default: "horizontal"
lineHeight: number; // Default: "16"
margin: number; // Default: "12"
maxHeight: number; // Default: "undefined"
navigation: LegendNavigation;
padding: number; // Default: "8"
reversed: boolean; // Default: "false"
rtl: boolean; // Default: "false"
shadow: boolean | object; // Default: "false"
squareSymbol: boolean; // Default: true
style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
symbolHeight: number;
symbolPadding: number; // Default: 5
symbolRadius: number;
symbolWidth: number;
title: LegendTitle;
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "bottom"
width: number; // Default: "null"
x: number; // Default: "0"
y: number; // Default: "0"
// accessibility.keyboardNavigation
type AccessibilityKeyboardNavigation = {
skipNullPoints: boolean; // Default: "false"
// accessibility
type Accessibility = {
describeSingleSeries: boolean; // Default: "false"
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
keyboardNavigation: AccessibilityKeyboardNavigation;
onTableAnchorClick: Function;
pointDateFormat: string;
pointDateFormatter: Function;
pointDescriptionFormatter: Function;
pointDescriptionThreshold: number | boolean; // Default: 30
screenReaderSectionFormatter: Function; // Default: "undefined"
seriesDescriptionFormatter: Function;
// noData.position
type NoDataPosition = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "center"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "middle"
x: number; // Default: "0"
y: number; // Default: "0"
type NoDataStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#666666"
fontSize: string; // Default: "12px"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
// noData
type NoData = {
attr: object;
position: NoDataPosition; // Default: "{ "x": 0, "y": 0, "align": "center", "verticalAlign": "middle" }"
style: NoDataStyle;
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
// global
type Global = {
Date: object;
VMLRadialGradientURL: string;
canvasToolsURL: string;
getTimezoneOffset: Function;
timezone: string; // Default: "undefined"
timezoneOffset: number; // Default: "0"
useUTC: boolean; // Default: true
// xAxis.dateTimeLabelFormats
type XAxisDateTimeLabelFormats = {
day: string; // Default: "%e. %b"
hour: string; // Default: "%H:%M"
millisecond: string; // Default: "%H:%M:%S.%L"
minute: string; // Default: "%H:%M"
month: string; // Default: "%b '%y"
second: string; // Default: "%H:%M:%S"
week: string; // Default: "%e. %b"
year: string; // Default: "%Y"
type XAxisLabelsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#666666"
cursor: string; // Default: "default"
fontSize: string; // Default: "11px"
// xAxis.labels
type XAxisLabels = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right";
autoRotation: number[]; // Default: "[-45]"
autoRotationLimit: number; // Default: "80"
distance: number; // Default: "15"
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
format: string; // Default: "{value}"
formatter: Function;
maxStaggerLines: number; // Default: "5"
overflow: null | "justify";
padding: number; // Default: "5"
position3d: string; // Default: "offset"
reserveSpace: boolean; // Default: "true"
rotation: number; // Default: "0"
skew3d: any;
staggerLines: number; // Default: "null"
step: number; // Default: "null"
style: XAxisLabelsStyle;
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
x: any;
y: number; // Default: "null"
zIndex: number; // Default: "7"
type XAxisTitleStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#666666"
// xAxis.title
type XAxisTitle = {
align: "low" | "middle" | "high"; // Default: "middle"
enabled: string; // Default: "middle"
margin: number;
offset: number;
position3d: string;
reserveSpace: boolean; // Default: "true"
rotation: number; // Default: "0"
skew3d: false | true | null;
style: XAxisTitleStyle; // Default: "{ "color": "#666666" }"
text: string; // Default: "null"
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
x: number; // Default: "0"
y: number;
// xAxis.breaks
type XAxisBreaks = {
breakSize: number; // Default: "0"
from: number;
repeat: number; // Default: "0"
to: number;
// xAxis.crosshair.label
type XAxisCrosshairLabel = {
align: string;
backgroundColor: Color;
borderColor: Color;
borderRadius: number; // Default: "3"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
format: string;
formatter: Function;
padding: number; // Default: "8"
shape: string; // Default: "callout"
style: CSSStyleDeclaration; // Default: "{ "color": "white", "fontWeight": "normal", "fontSize": "11px", "textAlign": "center" }"
// xAxis.crosshair
type XAxisCrosshair = {
className: string;
color: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
dashStyle: "Solid" | "ShortDash" | "ShortDot" | "ShortDashDot" | "ShortDashDotDot" | "Dot" | "Dash" | "LongDash" | "DashDot" | "LongDashDot" | "LongDashDotDot"; // Default: "Solid"
label: XAxisCrosshairLabel;
snap: boolean; // Default: "true"
width: number; // Default: "1"
zIndex: number; // Default: "2"
type XAxisEvents = {
afterBreaks: Function;
afterSetExtremes: Function;
pointBreak: Function;
pointInBreak: Function;
setExtremes: Function;
// xAxis.plotBands.label
type XAxisPlotBandsLabel = {
align: string; // Default: "center"
rotation: number; // Default: "0"
style: object;
text: string;
textAlign: string;
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "top"
x: number;
y: number;
// xAxis.plotBands
type XAxisPlotBands = {
borderColor: Color; // Default: "null"
borderWidth: number; // Default: "0"
className: string;
color: Color; // Default: "null"
events: object;
from: number; // Default: "null"
id: string; // Default: "null"
label: XAxisPlotBandsLabel;
to: number; // Default: "null"
zIndex: number; // Default: "null"
// xAxis.plotLines.label
type XAxisPlotLinesLabel = {
align: string; // Default: "left"
rotation: number;
style: object;
text: string;
textAlign: string;
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom";
x: number;
y: number;
// xAxis.plotLines
type XAxisPlotLines = {
className: string;
color: Color; // Default: "null"
dashStyle: "Solid" | "ShortDash" | "ShortDot" | "ShortDashDot" | "ShortDashDotDot" | "Dot" | "Dash" | "LongDash" | "DashDot" | "LongDashDot" | "LongDashDotDot"; // Default: "Solid"
events: object;
id: string; // Default: "null"
label: XAxisPlotLinesLabel;
value: number; // Default: "null"
width: number; // Default: "null"
zIndex: number; // Default: "null"
// xAxis
type XAxis = {
allowDecimals: boolean; // Default: "true"
alternateGridColor: Color; // Default: "null"
breaks: XAxisBreaks;
categories: string[]; // Default: "null"
ceiling: number;
className: string;
crosshair: XAxisCrosshair; // Default: "false"
dateTimeLabelFormats: XAxisDateTimeLabelFormats;
description: string; // Default: "undefined"
endOnTick: any;
events: XAxisEvents;
floor: number; // Default: "null"
gridLineColor: Color; // Default: "#e6e6e6"
gridLineDashStyle: "Solid" | "ShortDash" | "ShortDot" | "ShortDashDot" | "ShortDashDotDot" | "Dot" | "Dash" | "LongDash" | "DashDot" | "LongDashDot" | "LongDashDotDot"; // Default: "Solid"
gridLineWidth: number; // Default: "0"
gridZIndex: number; // Default: "1"
id: string; // Default: "null"
labels: XAxisLabels;
lineColor: Color; // Default: "#ccd6eb"
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
linkedTo: number; // Default: "null"
max: number;
maxPadding: number; // Default: 0.01
maxRange: number; // Default: "undefined"
maxZoom: number;
min: number;
minPadding: number; // Default: 0.01
minRange: number;
minTickInterval: number;
minorGridLineColor: Color; // Default: "#f2f2f2"
minorGridLineDashStyle: "Solid" | "ShortDash" | "ShortDot" | "ShortDashDot" | "ShortDashDotDot" | "Dot" | "Dash" | "LongDash" | "DashDot" | "LongDashDot" | "LongDashDotDot"; // Default: "Solid"
minorGridLineWidth: number; // Default: 1
minorTickColor: Color; // Default: "#999999"
minorTickInterval: number | string;
minorTickLength: number; // Default: 2
minorTickPosition: "inside" | "outside"; // Default: "outside"
minorTickWidth: number; // Default: "0"
minorTicks: boolean; // Default: "false"
offset: number; // Default: "0"
opposite: boolean; // Default: "false"
ordinal: boolean; // Default: "true"
overscroll: number; // Default: "0"
plotBands: XAxisPlotBands;
plotLines: XAxisPlotLines;
range: number; // Default: "undefined"
reversed: boolean; // Default: "false"
showEmpty: boolean; // Default: "true"
showFirstLabel: boolean; // Default: "true"
showLastLabel: boolean; // Default: "true"
softMax: number;
softMin: number;
startOfWeek: number; // Default: 1
startOnTick: any;
tickAmount: number;
tickColor: Color; // Default: "#ccd6eb"
tickInterval: number; // Default: "null"
tickLength: number; // Default: 10
tickPixelInterval: number; // Default: 100
tickPosition: "inside" | "outside"; // Default: "outside"
tickPositioner: Function;
tickPositions: number[];
tickWidth: number;
tickmarkPlacement: null | "on" | "between"; // Default: "between"
title: XAxisTitle;
type: "linear" | "logarithmic" | "datetime" | "category"; // Default: "linear"
uniqueNames: boolean; // Default: "true"
units: any[];
visible: boolean; // Default: "true"
// navigator.handles
type NavigatorHandles = {
backgroundColor: Color; // Default: "#f2f2f2"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#999999"
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
height: number; // Default: 15
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
symbols: any[]; // Default: "['navigator-handle', 'navigator-handle']"
width: number; // Default: 7
// navigator.series.dataGrouping
type NavigatorSeriesDataGrouping = PlotOptionsSeriesDataGrouping & {
approximation: string; // Default: "average"
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
groupPixelWidth: number; // Default: 2
smoothed: boolean; // Default: true
units: any;
// navigator.series.dataLabels
type NavigatorSeriesDataLabels = PlotOptionsSeriesDataLabels & {
enabled: any;
zIndex: number; // Default: 2
// navigator.series.marker
type NavigatorSeriesMarker = {
enabled: any;
// navigator.series
type NavigatorSeries = {
className: string; // Default: "highcharts-navigator-series"
dataGrouping: NavigatorSeriesDataGrouping;
dataLabels: NavigatorSeriesDataLabels;
fillOpacity: number; // Default: 0.05
id: string; // Default: "highcharts-navigator-series"
lineColor: Color;
lineWidth: number; // Default: 1
marker: NavigatorSeriesMarker;
pointRange: any;
threshold: number;
type: string;
type NavigatorXAxisLabelsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#999999"
// navigator.xAxis.labels
type NavigatorXAxisLabels = {
align: string; // Default: "left"
style: NavigatorXAxisLabelsStyle;
x: number; // Default: 3
y: number; // Default: -4
// navigator.xAxis
/** Exclude: linkedTo,maxZoom,minRange,opposite,range,scrollbar,showEmpty,maxRange */
type NavigatorXAxis = XAxis & {
className: string; // Default: "highcharts-navigator-xaxis"
crosshair: any;
gridLineColor: string; // Default: "#e6e6e6"
gridLineWidth: number; // Default: 1
labels: NavigatorXAxisLabels;
lineWidth: any;
overscroll: number; // Default: "0"
tickLength: any;
tickPixelInterval: number; // Default: 200
// navigator.yAxis.labels
type NavigatorYAxisLabels = {
enabled: any;
// navigator.yAxis.title
type NavigatorYAxisTitle = {
text: any;
// navigator.yAxis
/** Exclude: height,linkedTo,maxZoom,minRange,ordinal,range,showEmpty,scrollbar,top,units,maxRange */
type NavigatorYAxis = YAxis & {
className: string; // Default: "highcharts-navigator-yaxis"
crosshair: any;
endOnTick: any;
gridLineWidth: any;
labels: NavigatorYAxisLabels;
maxPadding: number; // Default: 0.1
minPadding: number; // Default: 0.1
startOnTick: any;
tickLength: any;
tickWidth: any;
title: NavigatorYAxisTitle;
// navigator
type Navigator = {
adaptToUpdatedData: boolean; // Default: "true"
baseSeries: any; // Default: "0"
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
handles: NavigatorHandles;
height: number; // Default: 40
margin: number; // Default: 25
maskFill: Color; // Default: "rgba(102,133,194,0.3)"
maskInside: boolean; // Default: true
opposite: boolean; // Default: "false"
outlineColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
outlineWidth: number; // Default: 1
series: NavigatorSeries;
xAxis: NavigatorXAxis;
yAxis: NavigatorYAxis;
// title
type Title = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "center"
floating: boolean; // Default: "false"
margin: number; // Default: 15
style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
text: string; // Default: "Chart title"
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom";
widthAdjust: number; // Default: -44
x: number; // Default: "0"
y: number;
// subtitle
type Subtitle = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "center"
floating: boolean; // Default: "false"
style: CSSStyleDeclaration; // Default: "{ "color": "#666666" }"
text: string;
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom";
widthAdjust: number; // Default: -44
x: number; // Default: "0"
y: number;
type LabelsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#333333"
position: string; // Default: "absolute"
// labels.items
type LabelsItems = {
html: string;
style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
// labels
type Labels = {
items: LabelsItems;
style: LabelsStyle; // Default: "{ "color": "#333333" }"
// loading.labelStyle
type LoadingLabelStyle = {
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
position: string; // Default: "relative"
top: string; // Default: "45%"
type LoadingStyle = {
backgroundColor: string; // Default: "#ffffff"
opacity: number; // Default: 0.5
position: string; // Default: "absolute"
textAlign: string; // Default: "center"
// loading
type Loading = {
hideDuration: number; // Default: "100"
labelStyle: LoadingLabelStyle; // Default: "{ "fontWeight": "bold", "position": "relative", "top": "45%" }"
showDuration: number; // Default: "100"
style: LoadingStyle; // Default: "{ "position": "absolute", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "opacity": 0.5, "textAlign": "center" }"
// tooltip.dateTimeLabelFormats
type TooltipDateTimeLabelFormats = {
day: string; // Default: "%A, %b %e, %Y"
hour: string; // Default: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M"
millisecond: string; // Default: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L"
minute: string; // Default: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M"
month: string; // Default: "%B %Y"
second: string; // Default: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S"
week: string; // Default: "Week from %A, %b %e, %Y"
year: string; // Default: "%Y"
type TooltipStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#333333"
cursor: string; // Default: "default"
fontSize: string; // Default: "12px"
pointerEvents: string; // Default: "none"
whiteSpace: string; // Default: "nowrap"
// tooltip
type Tooltip = {
animation: boolean; // Default: "true"
backgroundColor: Color; // Default: "rgba(247,247,247,0.85)"
borderColor: Color; // Default: "null"
borderRadius: number; // Default: 3
borderWidth: number; // Default: 1
changeDecimals: number;
crosshairs: any; // Default: "true"
dateTimeLabelFormats: TooltipDateTimeLabelFormats;
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
followPointer: boolean;
followTouchMove: boolean;
footerFormat: string; // Default: "false"
formatter: Function;
headerFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"font-size: 10px\">{point.key}</span><br/>"
hideDelay: number; // Default: "500"
padding: number; // Default: 8
pointFormat: string; // Default: "<span style=\"color:{point.color}\">●</span> {}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>"
pointFormatter: Function;
positioner: Function;
shadow: boolean; // Default: true
shape: "callout" | "square"; // Default: "callout"
shared: boolean; // Default: "false"
snap: number; // Default: "10/25"
split: boolean;
style: TooltipStyle; // Default: "{ "color": "#333333", "cursor": "default", "fontSize": "12px", "pointerEvents": "none", "whiteSpace": "nowrap" }"
useHTML: boolean; // Default: "false"
valueDecimals: number;
valuePrefix: string;
valueSuffix: string;
xDateFormat: string;
// credits.position
type CreditsPosition = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "right"
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "bottom"
x: number; // Default: -10
y: number; // Default: -5
type CreditsStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#999999"
cursor: string; // Default: "pointer"
fontSize: string; // Default: "9px"
// credits
type Credits = {
enabled: boolean; // Default: true
href: string; // Default: ""
mapText: string; // Default: "\u00a9 <a href="{geojson.copyrightUrl}">{geojson.copyrightShort}</a>"
mapTextFull: string; // Default: "{geojson.copyright}"
position: CreditsPosition;
style: CreditsStyle; // Default: "{ "cursor": "pointer", "color": "#999999", "fontSize": "10px" }"
text: string; // Default: ""
// rangeSelector.buttonTheme
type RangeSelectorButtonTheme = {
height: number; // Default: 18
padding: number; // Default: 2
undefined: any;
width: number; // Default: 28
zIndex: number; // Default: 7
// rangeSelector.inputPosition
type RangeSelectorInputPosition = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "right"
x: any;
y: any;
// rangeSelector.buttonPosition
type RangeSelectorButtonPosition = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "left"
x: any;
y: any;
// rangeSelector.labelStyle
type RangeSelectorLabelStyle = {
color: string; // Default: "#666666"
type RangeSelectorButtonsEvents = {
click: Function; // Default: "undefined"
// rangeSelector.buttons
type RangeSelectorButtons = {
count: number; // Default: "1"
dataGrouping: object;
events: RangeSelectorButtonsEvents;
offsetMax: number; // Default: "0"
offsetMin: number; // Default: "0"
text: string;
type: "millisecond" | "second" | "minute" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "ytd" | "all";
// rangeSelector
type RangeSelector = {
allButtonsEnabled: boolean; // Default: "false"
buttonPosition: RangeSelectorButtonPosition;
buttonSpacing: number; // Default: "0"
buttonTheme: RangeSelectorButtonTheme;
buttons: RangeSelectorButtons;
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
floating: any;
height: number; // Default: "undefined"
inputBoxBorderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
inputBoxHeight: number; // Default: "17"
inputBoxStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration;
inputBoxWidth: number; // Default: "90"
inputDateFormat: string; // Default: "%b %e %Y,"
inputDateParser: Function;
inputEditDateFormat: string; // Default: "%Y-%m-%d"
inputEnabled: boolean;
inputPosition: RangeSelectorInputPosition; // Default: "{ align: "right" }"
inputStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration;
labelStyle: RangeSelectorLabelStyle;
selected: number; // Default: "undefined"
verticalAlign: string; // Default: "top"
x: any;
y: any;
// responsive.rules.condition
type ResponsiveRulesCondition = {
callback: Function;
maxHeight: number;
maxWidth: number;
minHeight: number; // Default: "0"
minWidth: number; // Default: "0"
// responsive.rules
type ResponsiveRules = {
chartOptions: object;
condition: ResponsiveRulesCondition;
// responsive
type Responsive = {
rules: ResponsiveRules;
// scrollbar
type Scrollbar = {
barBackgroundColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
barBorderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
barBorderRadius: number; // Default: "0"
barBorderWidth: number; // Default: 1
buttonArrowColor: Color; // Default: "#333333"
buttonBackgroundColor: Color; // Default: "#e6e6e6"
buttonBorderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
buttonBorderRadius: number; // Default: "0"
buttonBorderWidth: number; // Default: 1
enabled: boolean; // Default: "true"
height: number;
liveRedraw: boolean;
margin: number; // Default: 10
minWidth: number; // Default: 6
rifleColor: Color; // Default: "#333333"
showFull: boolean; // Default: "true"
step: number; // Default: 0.2
trackBackgroundColor: Color; // Default: "#f2f2f2"
trackBorderColor: Color; // Default: "#f2f2f2"
trackBorderRadius: number; // Default: "0"
trackBorderWidth: number; // Default: 1
zIndex: number; // Default: 3
// pane.background.backgroundColor.linearGradient
type PaneBackgroundBackgroundColorLinearGradient = {
x1: any;
x2: any;
y1: any;
y2: number; // Default: 1
// pane.background.backgroundColor
type PaneBackgroundBackgroundColor = {
linearGradient: PaneBackgroundBackgroundColorLinearGradient;
stops: any[][]; // Default: "[[0, #ffffff], [1, #e6e6e6]]"
// pane.background
type PaneBackground = {
backgroundColor: PaneBackgroundBackgroundColor;
borderColor: Color; // Default: "#cccccc"
borderWidth: number; // Default: 1
className: string;
innerRadius: number | string; // Default: "0"
outerRadius: number | string; // Default: "105%"
shape: "solid" | "arc"; // Default: "circle"
// pane
type Pane = {
background: PaneBackground;
center: (string | number)[]; // Default: "["50%", "50%"]"
endAngle: number;
size: number | string; // Default: "85%"
startAngle: number;
// colorAxis.marker.animation
type ColorAxisMarkerAnimation = {
duration: number; // Default: 50
// colorAxis.marker
type ColorAxisMarker = {
animation: ColorAxisMarkerAnimation;
color: Color; // Default: "#999999"
// colorAxis.labels
type ColorAxisLabels = XAxisLabels & {
overflow: null | "justify"; // Default: "justify"
rotation: any;
// colorAxis.dataClasses
type ColorAxisDataClasses = {
color: Color;
from: number;
name: string;
to: number;
// colorAxis
/** Exclude: allowDecimals,alternateGridColor,breaks,categories,crosshair,dateTimeLabelFormats,lineWidth,linkedTo,maxZoom,minRange,minTickInterval,offset,opposite,plotBands,plotLines,showEmpty,title */
type ColorAxis = XAxis & {
allowDecimals: boolean; // Default: "true"
dataClassColor: "tween" | "category"; // Default: "tween"
dataClasses: ColorAxisDataClasses;
endOnTick: boolean; // Default: true
gridLineColor: Color; // Default: "#e6e6e6"
gridLineWidth: number; // Default: 1
labels: ColorAxisLabels;
marker: ColorAxisMarker;
max: number;
maxColor: Color; // Default: "#003399"
maxPadding: number;
min: number;
minColor: Color; // Default: "#e6ebf5"
minPadding: number;
reversed: boolean;
showInLegend: boolean; // Default: true
startOnTick: boolean; // Default: true
stops: any[][];
tickInterval: number;
tickLength: number; // Default: 5
tickPixelInterval: number; // Default: 72
type: "linear" | "logarithmic"; // Default: "linear"
type MapNavigationButtonOptionsStyle = {
fontSize: string; // Default: "15px"
fontWeight: string; // Default: "bold"
// mapNavigation.buttonOptions.theme
type MapNavigationButtonOptionsTheme = {
undefined: string; // Default: "center"
// mapNavigation.buttonOptions
type MapNavigationButtonOptions = {
align: "left" | "center" | "right"; // Default: "left"
alignTo: "plotBox" | "spacingBox"; // Default: "plotBox"
height: number; // Default: 18
padding: number; // Default: 5
style: MapNavigationButtonOptionsStyle;
theme: MapNavigationButtonOptionsTheme;
verticalAlign: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"; // Default: "top"
width: number; // Default: 18
x: number; // Default: "0"
// mapNavigation.buttons.zoomIn
type MapNavigationButtonsZoomIn = MapNavigationButtonOptions & {
onclick: Function;
text: string; // Default: "+"
y: number; // Default: "0"
// mapNavigation.buttons.zoomOut
type MapNavigationButtonsZoomOut = MapNavigationButtonOptions & {
onclick: Function;
text: string; // Default: "-"
y: number; // Default: 28
// mapNavigation.buttons
type MapNavigationButtons = {
zoomIn: MapNavigationButtonsZoomIn;
zoomOut: MapNavigationButtonsZoomOut;
// mapNavigation
type MapNavigation = {
buttonOptions: MapNavigationButtonOptions;
buttons: MapNavigationButtons;
enableButtons: boolean;
enableDoubleClickZoom: boolean;
enableDoubleClickZoomTo: boolean; // Default: "false"
enableMouseWheelZoom: boolean;
enableTouchZoom: boolean;
enabled: boolean; // Default: "false"
mouseWheelSensitivity: number; // Default: 1.1
// zAxis
/** Exclude: breaks,crosshair,lineColor,lineWidth,nameToX,showEmpty */
type ZAxis = XAxis;
// Options
type Options = {
accessibility: Accessibility;
annotations: Annotations;
boost: Boost;
chart: Chart;
colorAxis: ColorAxis;
colors: Color[]; // Default: "["#7cb5ec", "#434348", "#90ed7d", "#f7a35c", "#8085e9",\n "#f15c80", "#e4d354", "#2b908f", "#f45b5b", "#91e8e1"]"
credits: Credits;
data: Data;
defs: Defs;
drilldown: Drilldown;
exporting: Exporting;
global: Global;
labels: Labels;
lang: Lang;
legend: Legend;
loading: Loading;
mapNavigation: MapNavigation;
navigation: Navigation;
navigator: Navigator;
noData: NoData;
pane: Pane;
plotOptions: PlotOptions;
rangeSelector: RangeSelector;
responsive: Responsive;
scrollbar: Scrollbar;
series: Series;
subtitle: Subtitle;
title: Title;
tooltip: Tooltip;
xAxis: XAxis;
yAxis: YAxis;
zAxis: ZAxis;
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