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Last active November 23, 2021 02:39
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tendermint/cosmos postgres index
num smallserial primary key,
chain_id text not null unique
chain_num smallint not null references chain,
height BIGINT not null,
data jsonb not null,
time timestamptz not null,
primary key (chain_num, height)
chain_num smallint not null,
block_height bigint not null,
tx_idx smallint not null,
hash bytea unique not null,
data jsonb not null,
primary key (chain_num, block_height, tx_idx),
foreign key (chain_num, block_height) references block
chain_num smallint not null,
block_height bigint not null,
tx_idx smallint not null,
msg_idx smallint not null,
data jsonb not null,
primary key (chain_num, block_height, tx_idx, msg_idx),
foreign key (chain_num, block_height, tx_idx) references tx
CREATE INDEX ON msg USING GIN ((data -> '@type'));
CREATE TABLE msg_event
chain_num smallint not null,
block_height bigint not null,
tx_idx smallint not null,
msg_idx smallint not null,
type TEXT not null,
primary key (chain_num, block_height, tx_idx, msg_idx, type),
foreign key (chain_num, block_height, tx_idx, msg_idx) references msg
CREATE TABLE msg_event_attr
chain_num smallint not null,
block_height bigint not null,
tx_idx smallint not null,
msg_idx smallint not null,
type TEXT not null,
key text not null,
value text not null,
value_hash bytea not null, -- used in primary key instead of value because value can potentially be large
primary key (chain_num, block_height, tx_idx, msg_idx, type, key, value_hash),
foreign key (chain_num, block_height, tx_idx, msg_idx) references msg
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