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Key groups, msg and fee delegation from the Gaians team at Hackatom Berlin 2019

Fee delegation

The delegation module also allows for fee delegation via some changes to the AnteHandler and StdTx. The behavior is similar to that described above for Msg delegations except using the interface FeeAllowance instead of Capability:

// FeeAllowance defines a permission for one account to use another account's balance
// to pay fees
type FeeAllowance interface {
	// Accept checks whether this allowance allows the provided fees to be spent,
	// and optionally updates the allowance or deletes it entirely
	Accept(fee sdk.Coins, block abci.Header) (allow bool, updated FeeAllowance, delete bool)

An example FeeAllowance could be created that simply sets a SpendLimit:

type BasicFeeAllowance struct {
	// SpendLimit specifies the maximum amount of tokens that can be spent
	// by this capability and will be updated as tokens are spent. If it is
	// empty, there is no spend limit and any amount of coins can be spent.
	SpendLimit sdk.Coins

func (cap BasicFeeAllowance) Accept(fee sdk.Coins, block abci.Header) (allow bool, updated FeeAllowance, delete bool) {
	left, invalid := cap.SpendLimit.SafeSub(fee)
	if invalid {
		return false, nil, false
	if left.IsZero() {
		return true, nil, true
	return true, BasicFeeAllowance{SpendLimit: left}, false

Other FeeAllowance types could be created such as a daily spend limit.

StdTx and AnteHandler changes

In order to support delegated fees StdTx and the AnteHandler needed to be changed.

The field FeeAccount was added to StdTx.

type StdTx struct {
	Msgs       []sdk.Msg      `json:"msg"`
	Fee        StdFee         `json:"fee"`
	Signatures []StdSignature `json:"signatures"`
	Memo       string         `json:"memo"`
	// FeeAccount is an optional account that fees can be spent from if such
	// delegation is enabled
	FeeAccount sdk.AccAddress `json:"fee_account"`

An interface FeeDelegationHandler (which is implemented by the delegation module) was created and a parameter for it was added to the default AnteHandler:

type FeeDelegationHandler interface {
	// AllowDelegatedFees checks if the grantee can use the granter's account to spend the specified fees, updating
	// any fee allowance in accordance with the provided fees
	AllowDelegatedFees(ctx sdk.Context, grantee sdk.AccAddress, granter sdk.AccAddress, fee sdk.Coins) bool

// NewAnteHandler returns an AnteHandler that checks and increments sequence
// numbers, checks signatures & account numbers, and deducts fees from the first
// signer.
func NewAnteHandler(ak AccountKeeper, fck FeeCollectionKeeper, feeDelegationHandler FeeDelegationHandler, sigGasConsumer SignatureVerificationGasConsumer) sdk.AnteHandler {

Basically if someone sets FeeAccount on StdTx, the AnteHandler will call into the delegation module via its FeeDelegationHandler and check if the tx's fees have been delegated by that FeeAccount to the key actually signing the transaction.

Core FeeAllowance types

type BasicFeeAllowance struct {
	// SpendLimit specifies the maximum amount of tokens that can be spent
	// by this capability and will be updated as tokens are spent. If it is
	// empty, there is no spend limit and any amount of coins can be spent.
	SpendLimit sdk.Coins
	// Expiration specifies an optional time when this allowance expires
	Expiration time.Time

type PeriodicFeeAllowance struct {
	// Period specifies the time duration in which PeriodSpendLimit coins can
	// be spent before that allowance is reset
	Period time.Duration
	// PeriodSpendLimit specifies the maximum number of coins that can be spent
	// in the Period
	PeriodSpendLimit sdk.Coins
	// PeriodCanSpend is the number of coins left to be spend before the PeriodReset time
	PeriodCanSpend sdk.Coins
	// PeriodReset is the time at which this period resets and a new one begins,
	// it is calculated from the start time of the first transaction after the
	// last period ended
	PeriodReset time.Time

delegation module

The delegation module provides for generic delegation of blockchain actions and fees to other accounts.

sdk.Msg delegation

Delegations can be granted or revoked using the following messages:

type MsgDelegate struct {
	Granter    sdk.AccAddress `json:"granter"`
	Grantee    sdk.AccAddress `json:"grantee"`
	Capability Capability     `json:"capability"`
	Expiration time.Time      `json:"expiration"`

type MsgRevoke struct {
	Granter sdk.AccAddress `json:"granter"`
	Grantee sdk.AccAddress `json:"grantee"`
	MsgType sdk.Msg        `json:"msg_type"`

Capabilities determine exactly what action is delegated. They are extensible and can be defined for any sdk.Msg type even outside of the module where the Msg is defined.

type Capability interface {
	// MsgType returns the type of Msg's that this capability can accept
	MsgType() sdk.Msg
	// Accept determines whether this grant allows the provided action, and if
	// so provides an upgraded capability grant
	Accept(msg sdk.Msg, block abci.Header) (allow bool, updated Capability, delete bool)

For example a SendCapability like this is defined for MsgSend that takes a SpendLimit and updates it down to zero:

type SendCapability struct {
	// SpendLimit specifies the maximum amount of tokens that can be spent
	// by this capability and will be updated as tokens are spent. If it is
	// empty, there is no spend limit and any amount of coins can be spent.
	SpendLimit sdk.Coins

func (cap SendCapability) MsgType() sdk.Msg {
	return bank.MsgSend{}

func (cap SendCapability) Accept(msg sdk.Msg, block abci.Header) (allow bool, updated Capability, delete bool) {
	switch msg := msg.(type) {
	case bank.MsgSend:
		left, invalid := cap.SpendLimit.SafeSub(msg.Amount)
		if invalid {
			return false, nil, false
		if left.IsZero() {
			return true, nil, true
		return true, SendCapability{SpendLimit: left}, false
	return false, nil, false

A different type of capability for MsgSend could be implemented using the Capability interface with new need to change the underlying bank module.

For simplicity a Granter can grant a Grantee exactly one Capability for a given sdk.Msg type at a time. Grants can be given with an optional Expiration time.

The delegation keeper takes a reference to the BaseApp Router and provides a DispatchActions(ctx sdk.Context, sender sdk.AccAddress, msgs []sdk.Msg) sdk.Result that can be called from another module (such as the group module or a contracts module) to safely dispatch actions back the the router in a way that respects the authentication behavior managed by the delegation module. By default if there are no delegations the sender to DispatchActions must be equal to value of GetSigners() for an sdk.Msg.

To execute a delegated action MsgExecDelegatedAction can be used:

type MsgExecDelegatedAction struct {
	Signer sdk.AccAddress `json:"signer"`
	Msgs   []sdk.Msg      `json:"msg"`

group module

The group module allows "key groups" to be created. Groups are collections of members without any voting policy or account - just a weighted aggregation of other accounts. A group account associates a group with a DecisionPolicy - which could be a simple threshold or percentage or some more complex mechanism. Group accounts get their own sdk.AccAddress and can own coins.

type GroupID uint64

// Groups get their own GroupID
type MsgCreateGroup struct {
	Signer sdk.AccAddress `json:"signer"`
	// The Owner of the group is allowed to change the group structure. A group account
	// can own a group in order for the group to be able to manage its own members
	Owner  sdk.AccAddress `json:"owner"`
	// The members of the group and their associated weight
	Members []Member `json:"members,omitempty"`
	// TODO maybe make this something more specific to a domain name or a claim on identity? or Info leave it generic
	Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"`

// group accounts get their own sdk.AccAddress
type MsgCreateGroupAccount struct {
	Signer         sdk.AccAddress `json:"signer"`
	// The Owner of a group account is allowed to change the DecisionPolicy. This can be left nil 
	// in order for the group account to "own" itself
	Owner          sdk.AccAddress `json:"owner"`
	Group          GroupID        `json:"group"`
	DecisionPolicy DecisionPolicy `json:"decision_policy"`
	Memo           string         `json:"memo,omitempty"`

type Tally struct {
	YesCount sdk.Int
	NoCount sdk.Int
	AbstainCount sdk.Int
	VetoCount sdk.Int

// DecisionPolicy allows for flexibility in decision policy based both on
// weights (the tally of yes, no, abstain, and veto votes) and time (via
// the block header proposalSubmitTime)
type DecisionPolicy interface {
	Allow(tally Tally, totalPower sdk.Int, header types.Header, proposalSubmitTime time.Time)

type ThresholdDecisionPolicy struct {
	// Specifies the number of votes that must be accumulated in order for a decision to be made by the group.
	// A member gets as many votes as is indicated by their Weight field.
	// A big integer is used here to avoid any potential vulnerabilities from overflow errors
	// where large weight and threshold values are used.
	DecisionThreshold sdk.Int `json:"decision_threshold"`

type PercentageDecisionPolicy struct {
	Percent sdk.Dec `json:"percent"`

// A member specifies a address and a weight for a group member
type Member struct {
	// The address of a group member. Can be another group or a contract
	Address sdk.AccAddress `json:"address"`
	// The integral weight of this member with respect to other members and the decision threshold
	Weight sdk.Int `json:"weight"`

Because a group has its own sdk.AccAddress group members can also be other groups so that groups can be nested.


Groups can execute any authorized action on the blockchain using their group sdk.AccAddress by approving proposals.

Proposals have a simple creation, voting, and execution behavior based on the following messages:

type MsgCreateProposal struct {
	Proposer sdk.AccAddress `json:"proposer"`
	Group    sdk.AccAddress `json:"group"`
	Msgs     []sdk.Msg      `json:"msgs"`
	// Exec can be set to true in order to attempt to execute the proposal immediately
	// with no voting in a single transaction - this is useful for 1/N or 2/N multisig
	// key groups. Every signer of the MsgCreateProposal transaction is considered a yes
	// vote
	Exec bool `json:"exec,omitempty"`

type Vote int

const (
	No Vote = iota

type MsgVote struct {
	ProposalID ProposalID     `json:"proposal_id"`
	// Voters must sign this transaction
	Voters     []sdk.AccAddress `json:"voters"`
	Vote       Vote           `json:"vote"`

type MsgTryExecuteProposal struct {
	ProposalID ProposalID     `json:"proposal_id"`
	Signer     sdk.AccAddress `json:"signer"`

As one can see proposal Msgs can be any sdk.Msg. The execution of these messages is handled by the delegation module which checks whether or not the group is authorized to execute the provided Msg and routes these messages back to the BaseApp Router if so.

Groups can use proposals to update their group members and decision policies.

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