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  • Save aaronchongth/4c538b126f7fe4fd5df5eb703b3a187a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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RMF demo office.launch.xml
aaron@ws:~/rmf_demos_ws$ source install/setup.bash
aaron@ws:~/rmf_demos_ws$ ros2 launch demos office.launch.xml
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/aaron/.ros/log/2020-04-01-01-25-13-948663-ws-28733
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [rmf_traffic_schedule-1]: process started with pid [28751]
[INFO] [building_map_server-2]: process started with pid [28752]
[INFO] [rviz2-3]: process started with pid [28753]
[INFO] [fleet_state_visualizer-4]: process started with pid [28754]
[INFO] [rviz2-5]: process started with pid [28755]
[INFO] [door_supervisor-6]: process started with pid [28759]
[INFO] [gzserver-7]: process started with pid [28763]
[INFO] [gzclient-8]: process started with pid [28771]
[INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter-9]: process started with pid [28780]
[INFO] [magni_state_aggregator-10]: process started with pid [28782]
[INFO] [dispenser-11]: process started with pid [28783]
[INFO] [dispenser-12]: process started with pid [28792]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Launching fleet adapter for [magni]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [linear_velocity] set to: 0.400000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [angular_velocity] set to: 2.200000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [linear_acceleration] set to: 3.000000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [angular_acceleration] set to: 5.000000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [profile_radius] set to: 0.300000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [reversible] set to: 1
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [delay_threshold] set to: 15.000000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [retry_wait] set to: 10.000000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [planning_timeout] set to: 5.000000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [0] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [3] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [5] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [7] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [10] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [13] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [14] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [15] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [16] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [17] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [18] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [19] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Adding waypoint [23] as a parking spot
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Named waypoints:
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [supplies]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [magni2_charger]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [coe]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [magni1_charger]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [hardware_2]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [cubicle_2]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [pantry]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [station_1]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [lounge]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [cubicle_1]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [hardware_1]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] -- [station_2]
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] [INFO] [magni_fleet_adapter]: Parameter [discovery_timeout] set to: 60.000000
[magni_fleet_adapter-9] Starting [magni]
[gzserver-7] Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 9.12.0
[gzserver-7] Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
[gzserver-7] Released under the Apache 2 License.
[gzclient-8] Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 9.12.0
[gzclient-8] Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
[gzclient-8] Released under the Apache 2 License.
[gzserver-7] [Msg] Waiting for master.
[gzserver-7] [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[gzserver-7] [Msg] Publicized address:
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[OfficeChairBlack_Col] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/OfficeChairBlack/meshes/OfficeChairBlack_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[OfficeChairGrey_Col] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/OfficeChairGrey/meshes/OfficeChairGrey_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[Cube_Cube.001] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/AdjTable/meshes/AdjTable_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[Cube] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/SmallCubicle/meshes/SmallCubicle_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[Cube] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/BigCubicle/meshes/BigCubicle_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[OfficeChairBlue_Col] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/OfficeChairBlue/meshes/OfficeChairBlue_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[Cube] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/ConfTable/meshes/ConfTable_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[Cube] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/RecTable/meshes/RecTable_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] [Wrn] [] Missing material for shape[SquareShelf_Col_Cube.005] in OBJ file[/home/aaron/rmf_demos_ws/install/rmf_demo_assets/share/rmf_demo_assets/models/SquareShelf/meshes/SquareShelf_Col.obj]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [beverage_dispenser] for property [load_guid]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [beverage_collector] for property [unload_guid]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [16.84 -5.4 0.3 0 -0 0] for property [load_pose]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [22.373 -7.615 0.81 0 -0 0] for property [unload_pose]
[gzserver-7] Started teleport_plugin node...
[gzserver-7] [WARN] [rcl.logging_rosout]: Publisher already registered for provided node name. If this is due to multiple nodes with the same name then all logs for that logger name will go out over the existing publisher. As soon as any node with that name is destructed it will unregister the publisher, preventing any further logs for that name from being published on the rosout topic.
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: hello i am magni2
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting nominal drive speed to: 0.500000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting nominal drive acceleration to: 0.250000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting max drive acceleration to: 0.750000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting nominal turn speed to:0.600000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting nominal turn acceleration to:1.500000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting max turn acceleration to:2.000000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting stop distance to:0.750000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting stop radius to:0.750000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting tire radius to:0.100000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting base width to:0.320600
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni2]: Setting name to: magni2
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: hello i am magni1
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting nominal drive speed to: 0.500000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting nominal drive acceleration to: 0.250000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting max drive acceleration to: 0.750000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting nominal turn speed to:0.600000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting nominal turn acceleration to:1.500000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting max turn acceleration to:2.000000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting stop distance to:0.750000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting stop radius to:0.750000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting tire radius to:0.100000
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting base width to:0.320600
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [slotcar_magni1]: Setting name to: magni1
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [door]: Loading DoorPlugin for [main_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.5] for property [v_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.3] for property [a_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.15] for property [a_nom_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.01] for property [dx_min_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [500] for property [f_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [left_joint] for property [left_joint_name]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [right_joint] for property [right_joint_name]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [DoubleSwingDoor] for property [type]
[gzserver-7] [WARN] [rcl.logging_rosout]: Publisher already registered for provided node name. If this is due to multiple nodes with the same name then all logs for that logger name will go out over the existing publisher. As soon as any node with that name is destructed it will unregister the publisher, preventing any further logs for that name from being published on the rosout topic.
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [door]: Finished loading [main_door]
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [door]: Loading DoorPlugin for [coe_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.5] for property [v_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.3] for property [a_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.15] for property [a_nom_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.01] for property [dx_min_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [500] for property [f_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [left_joint] for property [left_joint_name]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [empty_joint] for property [right_joint_name]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [SwingDoor] for property [type]
[gzserver-7] [WARN] [rcl.logging_rosout]: Publisher already registered for provided node name. If this is due to multiple nodes with the same name then all logs for that logger name will go out over the existing publisher. As soon as any node with that name is destructed it will unregister the publisher, preventing any further logs for that name from being published on the rosout topic.
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [door]: Finished loading [coe_door]
[gzserver-7] [INFO] [door]: Loading DoorPlugin for [hardware_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.5] for property [v_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.3] for property [a_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.15] for property [a_nom_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [0.01] for property [dx_min_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified value [500] for property [f_max_door]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [left_joint] for property [left_joint_name]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [empty_joint] for property [right_joint_name]
[gzserver-7] Using specified attribute value [SwingDoor] for property [type]
[gzclient-8] [Msg] Waiting for master.
[gzclient-8] [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[gzclient-8] [Msg] Publicized address:
[gzclient-8] ToggleFloors::ToggleFloors()
[gzclient-8] ToggleFloors::Load()
[gzclient-8] ToggleFloors::Load found a floor element: [L1]->[building_L1]
[INFO] [gzclient-8]: process has finished cleanly [pid 28771]
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