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Aaron Coffey aaroncoffey

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aaroncoffey /
Last active April 22, 2023 15:08
How to get puppet 6.3 up and running on a raspberry pi running Raspbian

How to get puppet 6.3 up and running on a raspberry pi running raspbian.

These instructions were tested on a pi 3 with the latest version of raspbian (Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch)).

This guide assumes basic competency with the command line. It also assumes you have a functional puppet master set up with the hostname of puppet. If you can ping puppet, you should be all set. Also note that I am just getting into puppet and am not a master of this domain. There may be errors, and there is probably a better way to do this, but in my searching, I was unable to locate a good set of instructions to get this working, so here we are. Feel free to contact me for corrections.

You can either switch to root sudo -i, or prepend all the following commands with sudo.

Update first

apt update
aaroncoffey / gist:72e6da0f7aec161976e217fca5641cce
Created September 2, 2018 18:27
drop into interactive python repl
import code
code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))