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Last active December 12, 2015 07:48
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Save aaroneaton/4739430 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WP:Plugin option upgrade
class MyPlugin{
OPTION_NAME = 'my_plugin_options',
VERSION = '1.0';
$options = null,
// default options and values go here
$defaults = array(
'version' => self::VERSION, // this one should not change
'test_option' => 'abc',
'another_one' => 420,
public function getOptions(){
// already did the checks
return $this->options;
// first call, get the options
$options = get_option(self::OPTION_NAME);
// options exist
if($options !== false){
$new_version = version_compare($options['version'], self::VERSION, '!=');
$desync = array_diff_key($this->defaults, $options) !== array_diff_key($options, $this->defaults);
// update options if version changed, or we have missing/extra (out of sync) option entries
if($new_version || $desync){
$new_options = array();
// check for new options and set defaults if necessary
foreach($this->defaults as $option => $value)
$new_options[$option] = isset($options[$option]) ? $options[$option] : $value;
// update version info
$new_options['version'] = self::VERSION;
update_option(self::OPTION_NAME, $new_options);
$this->options = $new_options;
// no update was required
$this->options = $options;
// new install (plugin was just activated)
update_option(self::OPTION_NAME, $this->defaults);
$this->options = $this->defaults;
return $this->options;
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