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Last active August 6, 2023 08:48
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IEEE-style floating-point format table generator (Python)
# IEEE-style floating-point format table generator (Python)
# Python version:
# GDScript version:
import copy
# SEMB values can describe any IEEE-like binary floating-point format.
sign_bit: bool = True
exponent_bits: int = 4
mantissa_bits: int = 3
## Can be set to an integer. If null, the bias will be automatically determined
## to match IEEE formats, symmetric around 1. Specialized use cases may benefit
## from overriding this, but this should usually be kept as automatic.
bias = None
def main() -> None:
assert exponent_bits > 0, "Exponent bit amount cannot be zero or negative. A float must have at least 1 exponent bit, or else it's just an integer, loses Inf/NaN, etc."
assert mantissa_bits >= 0, "Mantissa bit amount cannot be negative. However, mantissa is allowed to have zero bits."
global bias
if bias == None:
bias = int(pow(2, exponent_bits - 1)) - 1
# Generate the mantissa row without an exponent bias.
mantissa_base = _generate_mantissa_base(mantissa_bits)
# Generate the cells of the table.
table_cell_rows: list[list] = _generate_table_data_cells(mantissa_base)
# Format the cells as a WikiText table.
wikitext: str = _format_pretty_table_wikitext(table_cell_rows)
def _format_pretty_table_wikitext(table_cell_rows: list[list]) -> str:
output_text: str = '{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:right; font-size:small"\n!\n! '
# Generate the header row.
first_row: list = table_cell_rows[0]
for i in range(len(first_row)):
column_width = len(str(first_row[i]))
if i != 0:
output_text += " || "
output_text += ("… " + _int_to_bits(i, mantissa_bits)).rjust(column_width, " ")
# Generate the main rows.
table_row_count: int = len(table_cell_rows)
for i in range(table_row_count):
output_text += "\n|-\n! "
if sign_bit:
output_text += "0 " if i < table_row_count // 2 else "1 "
output_text += _int_to_bits(i, exponent_bits) + " …\n"
row: list = table_cell_rows[i]
for j in range(len(row)):
if j == 0:
output_text += "| "
output_text += " || "
output_text += row[j]
output_text += "\n|}"
return output_text
def _generate_table_data_cells(mantissa_base: list[float]) -> list[list]:
rows: list[list] = []
column_widths: list[int] = []
exponent_range: int = int(pow(2, exponent_bits)) - 1
# Generate the main rows.
for i in range(exponent_range):
row: list = []
exponent: int = i - bias
if i == 0:
exponent += 1
multiplier = pow(2, exponent)
for j in range(len(mantissa_base)):
mantissa_number: float = mantissa_base[j]
if i == 0:
mantissa_number -= 1.0
stringified_number = str(mantissa_number * multiplier)
if len(stringified_number) > column_widths[j]:
column_widths[j] = len(stringified_number)
if sign_bit:
column_widths[j] += 1
# Add the infinity/NaN row.
inf_nan_row: list = ["Inf"]
for i in range(len(mantissa_base) - 1):
# If there is a sign bit, append a duplicate of every row, with a minus sign.
if sign_bit:
for row in copy.deepcopy(rows):
for cell_index in range(len(row)):
row[cell_index] = "−" + row[cell_index]
# Pad each column's entries to be the same length.
for i in range(len(rows)):
row = rows[i]
for j in range(len(row)):
column_width: int = column_widths[j]
row[j] = str(row[j]).rjust(column_width, " ")
return rows
def _starting_column_width() -> int:
ret: int = 2 + mantissa_bits
if sign_bit:
if ret < 4:
return 4
if ret < 3:
return 3
return ret
def _generate_mantissa_base(bits_amount: int) -> list[float]:
mantissa_base: list[float] = []
mantissa_step: float = pow(2, -bits_amount)
mantissa_value: float = 1.0
while True:
mantissa_value += mantissa_step
if mantissa_value >= 2.0:
return mantissa_base
def _int_to_bits(number: int, bits_amount: int) -> str:
ret: str = ""
digit_value: int = 1
for i in range(bits_amount):
if number & digit_value == 0:
ret = "0" + ret
ret = "1" + ret
digit_value *= 2
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
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