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Last active December 21, 2018 20:00
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% U.S. Economic Dashboard Example - December 29, 2016
% Brian W. Dew (
% Packages %
\usepackage[right=0.8in, left=0.55in, top=0.7in, bottom=0.9in, headsep=0.15in]{geometry}
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
\usepackage[colorlinks, urlcolor=cyan!50!blue]{hyperref}
\usetikzlibrary{pgfplots.dateplot, patterns, pgfplots.fillbetween}
% Settings %
% Sans serif font
% Custom chart titles
\noindent \color{cyan!75!blue} \footnotesize $\blacksquare$
\color{black!90}\small \ \ {#1} \hfill
\color{cyan!75!blue} \footnotesize $\blacksquare$ \color{black!90}\small \ \ {#2}}
% Font Awesome Icon settings
% Main style
\headheight = 22pt
\lhead{\LARGE{\textcolor{cyan!30!blue}{\textbf{Macro and Markets Dashboard:}}
United States}}
\rhead{\footnotesize \textcolor{cyan!80!blue}{\textbf{Updated:}} \today}
\lfoot{\small{\textcolor{cyan!30!blue}{\textbf{Made by:}} IFP Asset Management \
$\vert$ \ \ \href{}
{\fablueset{\faEnvelope}} \
$\vert$ \ @ifpwm \href{}{\fablueset{\faTwitter}}}}
% Custom section titles
\titleformat{\section}{\large \bfseries \color{black!60}}{}{0cm}
{\color{cyan!80!blue} }
% Custom chart footer
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% Universal plot settings
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x axis line style={black!50}, axis y line=right, y axis line style={opacity=0},
grid style={very thin, black!10}, height=6.8cm, axis line style={draw=none}}
\tikzset{every node/.append style={font=\footnotesize}}
% Line plot settings
\newcommand{\lineplotsettings}{yticklabel style={text width=3em},
ymajorgrids, width=9.5cm, xtick={
minor xtick={{2007-01-01},{2009-01-01},{2011-01-01},{2013-01-01},{2015-01-01}, {2017-01-01}},
enlarge y limits={0.24}, enlarge x limits={0.03},}
% X-Bar plot settings
xbar=0pt, y axis line style={opacity=0},
reverse legend, width=7.4cm, ymajorgrids=false, ytick=data,
enlarge x limits={0.14}, tickwidth=0pt,
legend style={text=black!70, anchor=north, legend columns=1, draw=none},}
%Load bar plot data
\pgfplotstableread[header=true, col sep=comma]{data/cpi_comp.csv}\cpi
\pgfplotstableread[header=true, col sep=comma]{data/eps.csv}\eps
% Solid bars at significant x or y values
\newcommand{\bbar}[2]{extra #1 ticks = {{#2}},
extra #1 tick labels = ,
extra #1 tick style = {grid=major, grid style={thick,solid,black!25}},}
\section{Economic Growth and Employment}
% Title: GDP Growth
\ct[Real gross domestic product (GDP)
]{Civilian unemployment rate (percent)}\\
% GDP Growth by Component
\indent \begin{tikzpicture}
\begin{axis}[date coordinates in=x, xticklabel={\year}, stack negative=separate, date ZERO=2006-01-01,
legend style={text=black!70, legend columns=2,draw=none, at={(1,0.4)},
/tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=-0.25cm}},
legend cell align=left,
\addlegendimage{empty legend}
\addlegendimage{empty legend}
\node[align=left, below, shift=({3.8cm,4.3cm}), fill=white, inner sep=1pt]
{(Quarterly percent change, seasonally-adjusted annual rate)};
\addplot[ybar stacked, bar width=2.6pt, color=blue!60!black!90,
fill=blue!60!black!90] table [y index = 1, x=DATE, y=GCEC1, col sep=comma]
\addplot[ybar stacked, bar width=2.6pt, color=yellow!80!orange,
fill=yellow!80!orange] table [y index = 2, x=DATE, y=GPDIC1, col sep=comma]
\addplot[ybar stacked, bar width=2.6pt, draw=cyan!70, fill=cyan!70]
table [y index = 3, x=DATE, y=NETEXC, col sep=comma]
\addplot[ybar stacked, bar width=2.6pt, color=blue!40!green,
fill=blue!40!green] table [y index = 4, x=DATE, y=PCECC96, col sep=comma]
\addplot[thick, color=black] table [x=DATE, y=GDPC1, col sep=comma]
{data/gdp_comp.csv} node[pos=0.51,pin=80:{Real GDP Growth}] {};
\node[align=center, below, shift=({2.7cm,-0.25cm})] {
\legend{Contributions to ,GDP growth, Government, Investment ,Net Exports, Consumption};
% Unemployment rate
\begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis right]
\begin{axis}[date coordinates in=x, xticklabel={\year}, \lineplotsettings \bbar{y}{0}]
\node[below, shift=({3.2cm,-0.3cm}), fill=white, inner sep=1pt]
{\input{data/unemp.txt} unemployed and looking for work};
\addplot[name path=F, thick, no markers, color=red]
table [x=DATE, y=LNS14027662, col sep=comma] {data/unemp.csv}
node[pos=0.385,pin=270:{College degree}] {};
\addplot[name path=G, thick, no markers, color=red]
table [x=DATE, y=LNS14027659, col sep=comma] {data/unemp.csv}
node[pos=0.74,pin=90:{No diploma}] {};
fill between[of=F and G];
\addplot[ultra thick, color=black] table [x=DATE, y=UNRATE, col sep=comma] {data/unemp.csv}
node[right, pos=0.33, pin={[pin distance=1.4cm]90:{Unemployed and looking for work (U3 rate)}}] {};
\end{tikzpicture} \\
% Footer: CPI
\cf[FRED: \href{}{GDPC1};
{FRED: \href{}{UNRATE};
\section{Inflation and Prices}
% Title: CPI Components and CPI Growth
\ct[Consumer price index (CPI) (annual percent change)
]{CPI components (annual percent change)}\\
% Consumer Price Index - All-items and Core CPI line plot
\indent \begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis right]
\begin{axis}[date coordinates in=x, xticklabel={\year}, \lineplotsettings \bbar{y}{0}]
\node[align=left, below, shift=({5.2cm,4.2cm}), fill=white, inner sep=1pt]
{5-year expected annual inflation rate: \\ \input{data/breakeven.txt}
(FRED: \href{}
\addplot[ultra thick, color=blue!70] table [x=DATE, y=CPIAUCSL, col sep=comma]
{data/cpi.csv} node[pos=0.226,pin=10:{All-items CPI}] {};
\addplot[thick, color=black!50] table [x=DATE, y=CPILFESL, col sep=comma]
{data/cpi.csv} node[pos=0.42,pin=275:{Core CPI (excl. food and energy)}] {};
\node[below, shift=({2.9cm,-0.1cm})] {\color{black!80} \input{data/cpi.txt}};
\end{tikzpicture} \hfill
% CPI Components
\begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis right]
yticklabel style={align=right, text width=3.3cm, style={black!70},
text height=1.4ex}, width=7cm,
bar width=1.3ex, y=3.8ex, axis y line=left,
y axis line style = { opacity = 0 },
x axis line style = { opacity = 0 },
yticklabel style={align=right, anchor=east},
tickwidth = 0pt,
enlarge y limits={abs=0.35cm},
every node near coord/.append style={style={black!70},
\bbar{x}{0}, legend style={fill=none, at={(0.85,0.22)}}, legend cell align=left,
yticklabels from table={\cpi}{Item}]
\addplot[nodes near coords, nodes near coords align={horizontal}, fill=cyan!40,
draw=cyan,yshift=-0.5pt,] table [y expr=-\coordindex,x index=1] {\cpi};
\addplot[nodes near coords, nodes near coords align={horizontal}, fill=blue!70,
draw=blue] table [y expr=-\coordindex, x index=2] {\cpi};
\legend{\scriptsize \input{data/cpi_mo1.txt},\scriptsize \input{data/cpi_mo2.txt}}
\end{tikzpicture} \\
% Footer: CPI
\cf[All-items: FRED: \href{}
]{FRED: \href{}{CPI Indexes}}
\section{Markets, Interest Rates, and Other Indicators}
% Title: Earnings per share
\ct[S\&P 500 reported earnings per share by industry
]{Recent market developments and other key indicators}\\
% Earnings per share
stack negative=separate,
width=6.9cm, \bbar{x}{0}, legend cell align = left,
yticklabel style={
text width=3.2cm, align=right, style={black!70}, text height=1.4ex},
axis y line=left, legend style={at={(0.26,0.7)}},
bar width=1.4ex, y=2.7ex,
enlarge y limits={abs=0.3cm},
enlarge x limits={0.04},
nodes near coords=, nodes near coords align={horizontal},
every node near coord/.append style={
font=\scriptsize\sffamily\sansmath, style={black!70}},
yticklabels from table={\eps}{A}
\addplot[xbar stacked, bar shift=0pt, fill=none, draw=none] table [
y expr=-\coordindex,
x index=4
] {\eps};
\draw[thick, black!25]
({rel axis cs:0,0.02}-|{axis cs:0,0.02}) -- ({rel axis cs:0,1}-|{axis cs:0,0});
\draw[very thin, black!10]
({rel axis cs:5,0.02}-|{axis cs:5,0.02}) -- ({rel axis cs:5,1}-|{axis cs:5,0});
\addplot[xbar stacked, bar shift=0pt, fill=orange!70!yellow, draw=orange!70!yellow]
table [y expr=-\coordindex, x index=3] {\eps};
\addplot[xbar stacked, bar shift=0pt, fill=orange!70!yellow, draw=orange!70!yellow]
table [y expr=-\coordindex, x index=5] {\eps};
\addplot[scatter, only marks, mark=square*, draw=orange!60!red, fill=white]
table [y expr=-\coordindex, x index=2] {\eps};
\addplot[scatter, only marks, mark=diamond*, draw=red!60!black, fill=red!60!black]
table [y expr=-\coordindex, x index=1] {\eps};
\legend{\scriptsize 5-year range, \scriptsize 1-year average, \scriptsize \input{data/eps.txt}}
% Other key indicators
\begin{tabular}{l r r r r r r}
& & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\normalsize\textsubscript{one month}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\normalsize\textsubscript{one year}} & as of:\\ \hline
% Footer: EPS and Extras
\cf[S\&P Dow Jones Indices:
{S\&P 500 growth forecasts (.xls)}]
{Retrieved from \href{}{FRED},
\href{}{CBOE}, \href{}{Quandl}, and
\href{}{University of Michigan}}
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