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Created February 16, 2011 16:47
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Allow Custom RC
<!--- getMockRequestContext --->
<cffunction name="getMockRequestContext" output="false" access="private" returntype="coldbox.system.web.context.RequestContext" hint="Builds an empty functioning request context mocked with methods via MockBox. You can also optionally wipe all methods on it.">
<cfargument name="clearMethods" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" hint="Clear Methods on it?"/>
<cfargument name="classname" type="string" required="false" default="coldbox.system.web.context.RequestContext" hint="By default, the core ColdBox RequestContext will be created; however, a full classpath may be provided to allow you to use a decorated RequestContext object within your tests."/>
var mockRC = "";
var rcProps = structnew();
if( arguments.clearMethods ){
return getMockBox().createMock(className=arguments.classname,clearMethods=true);
// Create functioning request context
mockRC = getMockBox().createMock(className=arguments.classname);
// Create mock properties
rcProps.DefaultLayout = "";
rcProps.DefaultView = "";
rcProps.isSES = false;
rcProps.sesBaseURL = "";
rcProps.eventName = "event";
rcProps.ViewLayouts = structnew();
rcProps.FolderLayouts = structnew();
rcProps.RegisteredLayouts = structnew();
rcProps.modules = structnew();
return mockRC.init(rcProps);
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