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Last active July 21, 2016 18:10
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HTML5 Document Outline Generator
var outline = [],
// Heading levels
re_headings = /h([1-6])/,
// Sectioning Elements
re_sections = /section|article|aside|nav/,
// Sectioning Roots (have their own outline)
re_roots = /blockquote|details|fieldset|figure|td/,
// Void elements and others we can safely ignore
re_ignore = /img|meta|link|input|select|textarea|option|hr|br|script|style|iframe/,
// counters for where we’re at in the outline
level_counters = [],
// tracking the current depth
depth_offset = 0,
// tracking the impact of headings on the current depth
current_heading_depth = 0,
// data collection object
data = {
url: window.location.toString(),
legacy: {},
html5: {},
coerced: {}
// Adds an element’s children to the outline as appropriate
function addToOutline( element, in_section, outer_heading_offset )
var // are we in a section?
is_section = element.nodeName.toLowerCase().match( re_sections ),
// does this section have a heading?
has_heading = true,
// for correcting for sections starting with a non-h1
// keep the initial values so we can reset them if we need to
original_depth_offset = depth_offset,
original_heading_depth = outer_heading_offset,
// for looping the children
children = element.children,
children_count = children.length,
i = 0;
// headings are reset per section
if ( is_section )
// console.log('Entering a sectioning element');
// Noting that we are in a section as well (if se didn’t already know that)
in_section = true;
// Sections come in a level below the headings they follow
depth_offset = outer_heading_offset + 1;
// console.log('The outer heading set the depth as', depth_offset);
// we’re gonna assume no heading until we find one
has_heading = false;
// Keep track of the depth (just in case there’s no heading)
current_heading_depth = depth_offset;
// console.log('Tracking the current heading depth for the section', current_heading_depth);
// loop the kids
for ( ; i < children_count; i++ )
var child = children[i];
match = child.nodeName.toLowerCase().match( re_headings ),
this_depth = 0,
this_tag = 0,
infill = 0,
html_mapping = '',
html5_mapping = '',
coerced_mapping = '';
if ( match )
// Phew, should be an ok outline
has_heading = true;
// Getting the heading info
this_tag = match[0];
this_depth = parseInt( match[1], 10 );
// console.log('Found a heading (', this_tag, ') with a natural depth of', this_depth);
// console.log('Are we in a section?', in_section );
if ( in_section )
// Account for the section having an explicit level
// console.log('This is a heading inside a section, need to reduce its depth by one to', this_depth);
// Do we need an offset correction?
if ( is_section &&
typeof( inner_heading_offset ) != "number" )
inner_heading_offset = 0 - this_depth;
if ( inner_heading_offset )
// console.log('We’ll need to offset headings within this section by', inner_heading_offset);
// Calculate the heading depth
this_depth = depth_offset + ( inner_heading_offset || 0 ) + this_depth;
// console.log('Calculated depth is', this_depth);
// Do we need to fill any gaps?
if ( ! level_counters[this_depth] )
// console.log('No counter at', this_depth, 'let’s create one');
level_counters[this_depth] = 0;
// Needed if a heading jumps several levels at once
if ( this_depth > 1 )
// console.log('We may need to infill');
infill = 1;
while ( infill < this_depth )
if ( ! level_counters[infill] )
// Insert the counter
// console.log('Adding a counter for level', infill);
level_counters[infill] = 0;
// Adding in the outline level
insertHeading( 'MISSING HEADING', infill );
// console.log('We already have a counter for level', infill);
// Add to the outline
insertHeading( child.innerText, this_depth );
// Keep track of the depth
current_heading_depth = this_depth;
// console.log('Tracking the current heading depth as', current_heading_depth);
// Setting the fake A11y API mappings
//child.setAttribute( 'data-html_heading_level', this_depth > 6 ? 6 : this_depth );
//child.setAttribute( 'data-html5_heading_level', this_depth );
// Tracking legacy mapping
html_mapping = this_tag + 's';
if ( ! data.legacy[html_mapping] )
data.legacy[html_mapping] = 0;
// Tracking HTML5 mapping
html5_mapping = 'h' + this_depth + 's';
if ( ! data.html5[html5_mapping] )
data.html5[html5_mapping] = 0;
// Tracking coerced mapping
coerced_mapping = 'h' + ( this_depth > 6 ? 6 : this_depth ) + 's';
if ( ! data.coerced[coerced_mapping] )
data.coerced[coerced_mapping] = 0;
else if ( child.nodeName.toLowerCase().match( re_sections ) )
// Catch if a section has no heading
if ( ! has_heading )
// Adding in the outline level
// console.log('No heading found, adding one')
insertHeading( 'MISSING HEADING', current_heading_depth );
// only do this once
has_heading = true;
addToOutline( child, true, current_heading_depth );
else if ( ! child.nodeName.toLowerCase().match( re_roots ) &&
! child.nodeName.toLowerCase().match( re_ignore ) )
( is_section ? true : false ),
( is_section ? current_heading_depth : 0 )
// leaving the section, go up a level
if ( is_section )
// console.log('Leaving the sectioning element');
// console.log('Returning to a depth offset of', original_depth_offset);
depth_offset = original_depth_offset;
// console.log('Returning the heading offset to', original_heading_depth);
current_heading_depth = original_heading_depth;
// pushes to the outline stack
function insertHeading( text, depth )
// console.log('Inserting a heading');
// console.log('Counter Check!', level_counters);
var level = level_counters.length,
level_bits = [],
// increment the count at this level
// console.log('Incremented the counter at', depth, 'to', level_counters[depth]);
// Reset all sub-counters
while ( --level > depth )
level_counters[level] = 0;
// console.log('Reset subcounters', level_counters);
// build the counter
level = 0;
while ( level++ < depth )
level_bits.push( level_counters[level] );
counter = level_bits.join('.');
// push to the outline
outline[counter] = text;
// console.log('Added', text, 'to the outline at position', counter);
// run it on the body
addToOutline( document.body );
// log the outline!
// console.log( outline );
// log the mapping counts
console.log( data );
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