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Service Worker & HTTP Client Hints
"use strict";
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
var request = event.request,
url = request.url,
url_object = new URL( url ),
re_jpg_or_png = /\.(?:jpg|png)$/,
supports_webp = false, // pessimism
// Check if the image is a local jpg or png
if ( re_jpg_or_png.test( request.url ) &&
url_object.origin == location.origin ) {
// console.log('WORKER: caught a request for a local PNG or JPG');
// Inspect the accept header for WebP support
if ( request.headers.has('accept') )
supports_webp = request.headers.get('accept').includes('webp');
// Browser supports WebP
if ( supports_webp )
// Make the new URL
webp_url = url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf('.')) + '.webp';
{ mode: 'no-cors' }
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