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Last active December 12, 2023 04:19
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Save aaronhoogstraten/49b9c0f5e4ac705ebe51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'OpenOffice Basic macro for exporting a .ods spreadsheet to JSON (and CSV)
'Project-specific formating I implemented: cull empty or "0" entries, '^' as separator value for the csv
REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub Main
'First export to CSV which we will later use as the source for the export to json
Dim Propval(1) as New
Propval(0).Name = "FilterName"
Propval(0).Value = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
Propval(1).Name = "FilterOptions"
Propval(1).Value ="94,34,0,1,1"
Doc = ThisComponent
Dim FileName as String
FileName = Doc.getURL()
splitName = split(FileName, ".")
FileName = splitName(0) + ".csv"
Doc.StoreToURL(FileName, Propval())
'Export to JSON
'Get the number of keys in the header of the csv
Dim csv As Integer
Dim len As Integer
csv = FreeFile
Open FileName For Input As csv
Line Input #csv, first
keys = split(first, "^")
len = 0
For Each i in keys
len = len + 1
Next i
'Need to count the number of lines in the csv (after header line)
Dim lines as Integer
lines = 0
Do While not eof(csv)
Line Input #csv, line
If line <>"" Then
lines = lines + 1
End If
Close #csv
'Need to re-open the csv again for a fresh read from just after the header
Open FileName For Input As csv
Line Input #csv, line
'Open the JSON file for writing
Dim json As Integer
Dim CurrentLine As String
Dim fn As String
fn = splitName(0) + ".json"
json = Freefile
Open fn For Output As json
Print #json, "["
For line = 0 to lines-1
Line Input #csv, CurrentLine
If CurrentLine <>"" Then
values = split(CurrentLine, "^")
'Find the last non-empty or non-zero line for each entry
lastValidLine = 0
For j = 0 to len-1
If values(j) = "" OR values(j) = "0" Then
lastValidLine = j
End If
Next j
Print #json, " {"
For i = 0 To len-1
keyValString = " " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & CHR(34) & values(i) & CHR(34) & ","
keyValLastEntry = " " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & CHR(34) & values(i) & CHR(34)
If i = len-1 Then
'Don't include comma after last entry
Print #json, keyValLastEntry
If i = lastValidLine Then
Print #json, keyValLastEntry
Print #json, keyValString
End If
End If
Next i
'Next object
If line = lines-1 Then
Print #json, " }"
Print #json, " },"
End If
End If
Next line
' Close file
Print #json, "]"
Close #json
Close #csv
End Sub
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davidhaynz commented Mar 28, 2018

Inadmissable value or type can be triggered if you have a big file, because the integer variable in Basic ranges only from -32768 to 32767.
Look for the following integer variable types and change them from Integer to Long

Dim csv As Integer
Dim len As Integer
Dim lines as Integer
Dim json As Integer

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celeduc commented Apr 25, 2018

Although I appreciate the effort, I couldn't get it to work. My solution was to export to CSV, then convert CSV to JSON (for which there are many tools available).

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edips commented Mar 12, 2019

Thank you very much. It works for Libre Office Calc. You should save the file as ods before running the script.

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BitBuilder commented Nov 25, 2019

Works for me in LibreOffice, changed Integer Dims as davidhaynz suggested, and after running the macro got [FILENAME].json in same directory with original file. I was working off .xlsx file not .ods, so as long as a file location is present this should work.

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aaronhoogstraten commented Nov 25, 2019

For some reason I had not been receiving notifications for comments here until BitBuilder's, but I'm glad some folks have found some use for this small bit of code I had to whip up for a one-off project. I haven't touched OpenOffice since I posted this gist (or any flavor of BASIC for that matter) so for anyone stumbling upon this in the future, apologies if I can't respond to any questions.

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mihai-daniel commented Apr 28, 2020

Thank you for the macro. However, it has a problem: it replaces the diacritic letters with question marks. Could it be altered to keep the UTF-8 encoding of the .ods document?

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ragemunene commented Jul 19, 2020

Thanks, this macro is great. Works for me very nicely, from LibreOffice Calc.

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pharmankur commented Apr 20, 2021

In order to get correct identification of values as null , true, false , number and string and prepares syntax accordingly,

You can replace :-

  	keyValString = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & CHR(34) & values(i) & CHR(34) & ","
  	keyValLastEntry = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & CHR(34) & values(i) & CHR(34)

by :-

		If values(i) = "" OR values(i) = "0" Then ' Checks if a value is null
  		keyValString = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & "null" & ","
  		keyValLastEntry = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & "null"
  			dim ChkIfTrueFalse as string
  			ChkIfTrueFalse = LCase(values(i))

  			If ChkIfTrueFalse = "true" OR ChkIfTrueFalse = "false" Then ' Checks if a value is boolean true or false
  			    keyValString = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & LCase(values(i)) & ","
  				keyValLastEntry = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & LCase(values(i))
  					dim ChkIfNo as variant ' Checks if a value is a number
  					ChkIfNo = values(i) ' Checks if a value is a number

  					If IsNumeric(ChkIfNo) = True Then ' Checks if a value is a number
  						keyValString = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & values(i) & ","
  						keyValLastEntry = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & values(i)
  							keyValString = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & CHR(34) & values(i) & CHR(34) & ","
  							keyValLastEntry = "        " & CHR(34) & LCase(keys(i)) & CHR(34) & ": " & CHR(34) & values(i) & CHR(34)
  					End If
  			End If
  	End If

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Also to make second last BLANK entry end with " , " UPDATE following

    	If i = len-1 Then
    		'Don't include comma after last entry
    		Print #json, keyValLastEntry
    		If i = lastValidLine Then
    			Print #json, keyValLastEntry & ","     '''' ------ UPDATED LINE ------- 
    			Print #json, keyValString
    		End If
    	End If

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Thank you for this macro, how to adapt it to export a particular sheet in JSON ?

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This macro exports the "Active" sheet as JSON.
So to export any particular sheet, set that sheet as active sheet just after declaring Sub

e.g. [Rename "Sheet1" with your required sheet Name]

Sub export_as_json REM ------ Set Sheet1 as active sheet ------------- ThisComponent.getcurrentController.setActiveSheet(ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1"))

Otherwise manually go to the sheet of your choice and run the macro from there. It will export only that sheet.

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ceruleancerise commented Dec 7, 2023

I've made a version for LibreOffice (I think this also works for OpenOffice?) that doesn't rely on a CSV export if anyone's interested.
This can also export all sheets in the file.

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Good Work ! especially for getting rid of CSV !

Just a few suggestions ... [ As Mentioned in ]

As Many JSON specifications requires to be in that way , and JSON has specific for parameters, kindly consider :-

  1. Let Boolean get expressed as TRUE / FALSE , your output represents as 1 / 0 ... [ I know , You have clarified it specifically ]
  2. Let blank cell get expressed as null , your output represents it as "" [ as you know in JSON, "" <> null ]

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