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Created December 9, 2021 04:43
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#lang racket
(require threading)
(module+ rackunit)
(struct line (wires output) #:transparent)
(define (parse-list lst)
(map (compose list->set string->list string-trim) (string-split lst " ")))
(define (parse-line l)
(define parts (string-split l "|"))
(line (parse-list (first parts))
(parse-list (second parts))))
(define lines
"acedgfb cdfbe gcdfa fbcad dab cefabd cdfgeb eafb cagedb ab | cdfeb fcadb cdfeb cdbaf")
(λ ()
(port->lines (current-input-port))))
(map parse-line _)))
(define ∈ member)
(define ∪ set-union)
(define ∩ set-intersect)
(define (set-length s)
(length (set->list s)))
(define (find-len lst len)
(match lst
['() (error "Looking for non-existant length")]
[(cons f r)
(if (= (set-length f) len)
(find-len r len))]))
(define (find-lens lst len)
(filter (λ (s) (= (set-length s) len)) lst))
(define (max-by a b f)
(if (> (f a) (f b)) a b))
(define (min-by a b f)
(if (> (f a) (f b)) b a))
(define (build-mapping wires)
`((0 . ,(find-zero wires))
(1 . ,(find-len wires 2))
(2 . ,(find-two wires))
(3 . ,(find-three wires))
(4 . ,(find-len wires 4))
(5 . ,(find-five wires))
(6 . ,(find-six wires))
(7 . ,(find-len wires 3))
(8 . ,(find-len wires 7))
(9 . ,(find-nine wires))))))
(define (pair-reverse c)
(match c
[`(,a . ,b) `(,b . ,a)]))
(define (find-two wires)
(find-bars wires)
(set (find-top-right wires) (find-bottom-left wires))))
(define (find-three wires)
(∪ (find-bars wires) (find-right-side wires)))
(define (find-five wires)
(∪ (find-bars wires)
(set (find-top-left wires) (find-bottom-right wires))))
(define (find-nine wires)
(find-bars wires)
(find-right-side wires)
(set (find-top-left wires))))
(define (find-right-side wires)
(find-len wires 2))
(define (find-top wires)
(define seven (find-len wires 3))
(define one (find-len wires 2))
(set-subtract seven one))
(define (find-bars wires)
(define two-three-five (find-lens wires 5))
(apply ∩ two-three-five))
(define (find-middle wires)
(define four (find-len wires 4))
(define bars (find-bars wires))
(∩ four bars))
(define (find-zero wires)
(define eight (find-len wires 7))
(define middle (find-middle wires))
(set-subtract eight middle))
(define (find-bottom wires)
(set-subtract (find-bars wires)
(∪ (find-middle wires) (find-top wires))))
(define (find-left-side wires)
(define right (find-right-side wires))
(define top-&-bot (∪ (find-top wires) (find-bottom wires)))
(define zero (find-zero wires))
(set-subtract zero (∪ top-&-bot right)))
(define/contract (find-bottom-right wires)
(-> any/c char?)
(define left (find-left-side wires))
(define right (set->list (find-right-side wires)))
(define bars (find-bars wires))
(define-values (a b) (values
(first right)
(second right)))
(if (∈ (∪ left bars (set a)) wires)
(define/contract (find-top-right wires)
(-> any/c char?)
(set->list (set-subtract (find-right-side wires)
(set (find-bottom-right wires))))))
(define/contract (find-bottom-left wires)
(-> any/c char?)
(define left (set->list (find-left-side wires)))
(define-values (a b)
(first left)
(second left)))
(if (∈ (∪ (set a)
(find-bars wires)
(set (find-bottom-right wires))) wires)
b a))
(define/contract (find-top-left wires)
(-> any/c char?)
(set-subtract (find-left-side wires)
(set (find-bottom-left wires))))))
(define (find-six wires)
(define left (find-left-side wires))
(define bars (find-bars wires))
(define bottom-right (find-bottom-right wires))
(∪ left bars (set bottom-right)))
(define (solve-line line)
(define m (build-mapping (line-wires line)))
(match (map (λ (s) (hash-ref m s)) (line-output line))
[(list th hun ten one)
(+ (* 1000 th)
(* 100 hun)
(* 10 ten)
(apply + (map solve-line lines))
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