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Last active September 20, 2021 06:07
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Non-deterministic Finite Automaton for Automatic Lexical Analysis of a DSL
// Created by Aaron Kampmeier on 3/2/21.
// Email:
// Copyright © 2021 Aaron Kampmeier. All rights reserved.
#include "NFA.h"
#include <memory>
/// State
const std::set<std::weak_ptr<NFA::State>, NFA::WeakPtrCompare<NFA::State>> &NFA::State::statesFromTransitionOn(char inputChar) {
// Follow this transition to a set of states that it can go to
return this->transitionMap[inputChar];
/// NFA
NFA::NFA(char match) {
// Verify that the character to match isn't epsilon
if (match == EPSILON) {
throw AttemptToMatchEpsilon();
// To create an NFA that just accepts one character, only two states will be made q0 and q1 with F=q1 and a transition
// on the match character from q0 to q1
std::shared_ptr<State> q0 = std::make_shared<State>();
std::shared_ptr<State> q1 = std::make_shared<State>();
// Save these into Q
// Create a transition between them
// Set the initial state
this->initialState = q0;
// Set final state
this->finalState = q1;
NFA::NFA(bool rejectEverything) {
// Both situations only require one state
std::shared_ptr<State> q0 = std::make_shared<State>();
this->initialState = q0;
if (rejectEverything) {
// There is no final state
} else {
// Just accept the initial state which means no transitions can be followed
this->finalState = q0;
NFA::NFA(const NFA &nfa) {
NFA::NFA(NFA &&other) noexcept : states(std::move(other.states)), initialState(std::move(other.initialState)),
finalState(std::move(other.finalState)), epsilonClosures(std::move(other.epsilonClosures)) {
NFA &NFA::operator=(const NFA &other) {
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
return *this;
NFA &NFA::operator=(NFA &&other) noexcept {
this->states = std::move(other.states);
this->initialState = std::move(other.initialState);
finalState = std::move(other.finalState);
epsilonClosures = std::move(other.epsilonClosures);
return *this;
void NFA::overwriteWith(const NFA &other) {
// To copy an NFA the most important thing is to make a mapping from all of the old state pointers to the new ones
std::map<std::shared_ptr<State>, std::shared_ptr<State>> mapFromOriginal;
for (const auto& oldQ: other.states) {
// For each old state, create a new state and store a mapping from the old state's pointer to this one
std::shared_ptr<State> newQ = std::make_shared<State>(*oldQ);
mapFromOriginal[oldQ] = newQ;
// Now we have all new states and a mapping built up
// But all of the state's transition maps are pointing to the old ones
for (auto &newQ : this->states) {
// Go through transition map and move to new pointers
for (auto &oldMappingPair : newQ->transitionMap) {
std::set<std::weak_ptr<State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>> stateSet = oldMappingPair.second;
// Transform all of the old
std::transform(stateSet.begin(), stateSet.end(), std::inserter(oldMappingPair.second, oldMappingPair.second.begin()),
[mapFromOriginal](const std::weak_ptr<State> &oldStatePtr) {
try {
} catch(std::out_of_range &oor) {
throw NFACopyMisalignment();
// Now move initial and final state pointers over
this->initialState =;
this->finalState =;
NFA NFA::nfaUnion(const NFA &first, const NFA &second) {
NFA firstCopy = first;
NFA secondCopy = second;
// Now just invoke the other union operation
return NFA::nfaUnion(std::move(firstCopy), std::move(secondCopy));
NFA NFA::nfaUnion(NFA &&first, NFA &&second) {
// To union two NFAs we simply add a new start and final state and make epsilon transitions from the start state to
// the start states of the component NFAs and from the end states of the components to the final end state.
NFA newNfa;
// Move resources over
newNfa.states = std::move(first.states);
newNfa.states.insert(second.states.begin(), second.states.end());
// New start and end states
const std::shared_ptr<State> &qi = *(newNfa.states.insert(std::make_shared<State>()).first);
const std::shared_ptr<State> &qf = *(newNfa.states.insert(std::make_shared<State>()).first);
// Set initial and final states
newNfa.initialState = qi;
newNfa.finalState = qf;
// Make epsilon transitions from qi to first and second start states
// Make epsilon transitions to qf from first and second final states
return newNfa;
NFA NFA::nfaConcatenation(const NFA &first, const NFA &second) {
NFA firstCopy = first, secondCopy = second;
return nfaConcatenation(std::move(firstCopy), std::move(secondCopy));
NFA NFA::nfaConcatenation(NFA &&first, NFA &&second) {
// To concatenate, we make an epsilon transition from the first final state to the second start state
NFA newNfa;
// Move resources over
newNfa.states = std::move(first.states);
newNfa.states.insert(second.states.begin(), second.states.end());
// Set the true initial state
newNfa.initialState = first.initialState;
newNfa.finalState = second.finalState;
// Now make the epsilon transition
return newNfa;
NFA NFA::nfaStar(const NFA &nfa) {
NFA nfaCopy = nfa;
return nfaStar(std::move(nfaCopy));
NFA NFA::nfaStar(NFA &&nfa) {
// To take the star of an nfa there just needs to be a new epsilon transition from the start state to the final state
// and back
NFA newNfa(std::move(nfa));
return newNfa;
bool NFA::compute(const std::string &input) const {
// Perform a computation by consuming each char of the input string
Computation computation(*this);
for (char nextChar : input) {
// If it is trapped then just exit now
if (computation.isTrapped()) {
return computation.isAccepting();
return computation.isAccepting();
void NFA::computeEpsilonClosures() {
// To compute these we need to go through every state and follow the epsilon transitions to see where we get
for (const auto& q : this->states) {
std::set<std::shared_ptr<State>> touchedStates;
epsilonClosures[q].insert(q); // Following 0 epsilon transitions
auto reachables = probeEpsilonNetwork(q, touchedStates);
epsilonClosures[q].insert(reachables.begin(), reachables.end());
// DEBUG: Verify that this does not change anything
auto savedEpsilonClosures = this->epsilonClosures;
for (const auto& q : this->states) {
std::set<std::shared_ptr<State>> touchedStates;
epsilonClosures[q].insert(q); // Following 0 epsilon transitions
auto reachables = probeEpsilonNetwork(q, touchedStates);
epsilonClosures[q].insert(reachables.begin(), reachables.end());
if (savedEpsilonClosures != this->epsilonClosures) {
throw 5;
std::set<std::weak_ptr<NFA::State>, NFA::WeakPtrCompare<NFA::State>>
NFA::probeEpsilonNetwork(const std::shared_ptr<NFA::State> &state, std::set<std::shared_ptr<State>> &touchedStates) {
touchedStates.insert(state); // Track this state being reached
// Probe the epsilon network from this node
std::set<std::weak_ptr<NFA::State>, NFA::WeakPtrCompare<NFA::State>> reachableStates;
// Add in the EPSILON children
reachableStates.insert(state->statesFromTransitionOn(EPSILON).begin(), state->statesFromTransitionOn(EPSILON).end());
for (const auto &childStatePtr: state->statesFromTransitionOn(EPSILON)) {
// If it hasn't been touched, then go follow its epsilon transitions
if (touchedStates.find(childStatePtr.lock()) == std::end(touchedStates)) {
// Hasn't been probed yet
auto childReachable = probeEpsilonNetwork(childStatePtr.lock(), touchedStates);
return reachableStates;
const std::set<std::weak_ptr<NFA::State>, NFA::WeakPtrCompare<NFA::State>> &NFA::getEpsilonClosure(
const std::weak_ptr<State> &state) const {
auto itr = this->epsilonClosures.find(state);
if (itr != std::end(epsilonClosures)) {
return itr->second;
} else {
// Error
throw EpsilonClosureNotComputed();
void NFA::printDebugInfo() {
// Print out the NFA
// Print out all states
std::cout << "NFA Debug Output: \n";
std::cout << "All States (" << this->states.size() << "): " << std::endl;
for (const auto &q: this->states) {
std::cout << q.get() << ", Use Count: " << q.use_count() << "\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Print out all the states transition functions
std::cout << "Transition Functions: " << std::endl;
for (const auto &q: this->states) {
std::cout << q.get() << ": \n";
for (const std::pair<char, std::set<std::weak_ptr<State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>>> &transition: q->transitionMap) {
std::cout << "\t" << transition.first << "-> \n";
for (const auto &stateSet: transition.second) {
std::cout << "\t\t" << stateSet.lock().get() << "\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Start and final state
std::cout << "\nStart State: " << this->initialState.lock().get();
std::cout << "\nFinal State: " << this->finalState.lock().get() << "\n\n" << std::endl;
// if (this->finalState.lock().get() == nullptr) {
// std::cout << "hmmm" << std::endl;
// }
void NFA::Computation::consume(char nextChar) {
if (nextChar == EPSILON) {
throw AttemptToMatchEpsilon();
// For every current possible state we look at where they can go with this transition
std::set<std::weak_ptr<State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>> nextStates;
for (const auto& weakQ : this->possibleStates) {
std::shared_ptr<State> q = weakQ.lock();
// Take all of the states that can be reached following this transition and add it to nextStates
nextStates.insert(q->statesFromTransitionOn(nextChar).begin(), q->statesFromTransitionOn(nextChar).end());
// Clear out the possible states now
// Now add in the epsilon closures of each state and set them all into possibleStates
for (const auto& weakQ : nextStates) {
const auto closure = nfa.getEpsilonClosure(weakQ);
possibleStates.insert(closure.begin(), closure.end());
bool NFA::Computation::isAccepting() const {
// A computation should be accepting if the final state is a member of the current possibleStates
return possibleStates.find(nfa.finalState) != possibleStates.end();
bool NFA::Computation::isTrapped() const {
return possibleStates.empty();
const std::string &NFA::Computation::getConsumedString() {
return inputString;
// Created by Aaron Kampmeier on 3/2/21.
// Email:
// Copyright © 2021 Aaron Kampmeier. All rights reserved.
#ifndef PROJECT_2_NFA_H
#define PROJECT_2_NFA_H
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#define EPSILON '_'
* Represents a non-deterministic finite state automaton (NFA) using a simple graph. There are also the regular operations
* defined on this class which are Union, Concatenation, and Kleene Star. These operations are all closed under the
* regular languages.
* The formal definition of an NFA is a 5-tuple: (Q, Σ, δ, q₀, F) where Q is a set of states, Σ is the alphabet to use (a set of chars),
* δ: Q×(Σ∪{ε}) -> P(Q), q₀ ∈ Q is the start state, and F ⊆ Q is a set of final (accept) states.
* We apply some constraints to this implementation. The char "_" (underscore) can not be a member of Σ. The empty string (ε)
* will be represented by the underscore character ("_"). The set F must also have a cardinality of 1 (meaning only one final
* state is allowed). This does not actually limit this implementation or the NFAs it can represent at all.
class NFA {
friend class Computation;
* Performs a meaningless but consistent comparison of weak_ptrs to allow them to be stored in sets and maps.
* This was inspired by the discussion here:
* @tparam T
template<class T>
struct WeakPtrCompare {
bool operator() (const std::weak_ptr<T> &lhs, const std::weak_ptr<T> &rhs) const {
auto lptr = lhs.lock(), rptr = rhs.lock();
if (!rptr) return false;
if (!lptr) return true;
return lptr < rptr;
// bool operator() (const std::weak_ptr<T> *lhs, const std::weak_ptr<T> *rhs) {
// auto lptr = lhs->lock(), rptr = rhs->lock();
// if (!rptr) return false;
// if (!lptr) return true;
// return lptr < rptr;
// }
* Represents a single state in the NFA. Each state, by the formal definition, can have a label/id and transitions based on
* reading 0 or 1 input characters in Σ to 1 or more states.
class State {
friend class NFA;
* An optional label for this state. Usually just an id or num.
std::string label;
* A property that maps an input character to a set of other states. Recall that the empty string epsilon is represented
* by an underscore. Valid values for the keys in this map are then elements in the set Σ∪{_}.
std::unordered_map<char, std::set<std::weak_ptr<State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>>> transitionMap;
* Constructor for a new State.
* @param label
explicit State(std::string label) : label(std::move(label)) {};
State() = default;
* Copy constructor
* @param state
State(const State &state) : label(state.label), transitionMap(state.transitionMap) {};
* Move constructor
* @param other
State(State &&other) noexcept : label(std::move(other.label)), transitionMap(std::move(other.transitionMap)) {
* Returns all the states from following one transition on the inputChar from this state. Does not follow epsilon
* transitions.
* @param inputChar
* @return
const std::set<std::weak_ptr<State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>> &statesFromTransitionOn(char inputChar);
* Represents a computation performed on an NFA using some input string. It has some state such as the current read
* in input string and the set of possible states the NFA could be in after reading in that input string.
* It has a single operation defined on it which is to consume another input character.
class Computation {
* The NFA to perform the computation on.
const NFA &nfa;
* An ordered list of the previously consumed input characters.
std::string inputString;
* The possible states the NFA could be in after consuming the inputString.
std::set<std::weak_ptr<NFA::State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>> possibleStates;
* Starts a new computation on an NFA. possibleStates will start as the epsilon-closure of the start state (E(q_0)).
* @param nfa
explicit Computation(const NFA &nfa) : nfa(nfa), inputString(), possibleStates( {};
* Consumes the nextChar in the input string and updates the possible states that can be reached.
* @param nextChar The next char to consume. nextChar should be a member of Σ for the NFA.
void consume(char nextChar);
* Returns whether the computation is currently accepting or not. This property may change if more input chars
* are consumed.
* @return
bool isAccepting() const;
* Checks if the computation is currently "trapped". This refers to the possibility of a DFA being in a trap state
* where there is no way to leave. This computation is "trapped" if the set possibleStates is currently empty.
* @return
bool isTrapped() const;
* Returns the currently consumed string for this computation.
* @return
const std::string &getConsumedString();
* Q. Holds pointers to all states in this NFA to keep them from going out of scope.
std::set<std::shared_ptr<State>> states;
* q₀. The start state of this NFA.
std::weak_ptr<State> initialState;
* F. The final state for this NFA.
std::weak_ptr<State> finalState;
* The epsilon closure is a function E: Q -> P(Q) where E(q) for some state q returns the set of states that can be
* reached from this state by following 0 or more epsilon transitions.
* This is computed when the NFA is created so that it doesn't have to be computed every time a computation is performed
* on the NFA.
std::map<std::weak_ptr<State>, std::set<std::weak_ptr<State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>>, WeakPtrCompare<State>> epsilonClosures;
* Computes the epsilon closures for every state in this NFA and stores it in epsilonClosures for future use by computations.
* This should be done any time the NFA changes.
void computeEpsilonClosures();
* Probes a state's epsilon transitions recursively to return a set of all the states reachable from that state via
* 1 or more epsilon transitions.
* @param state
* @param touchedStates
* @return
std::set<std::weak_ptr<NFA::State>, NFA::WeakPtrCompare<NFA::State>>
probeEpsilonNetwork(const std::shared_ptr<NFA::State> &state, std::set<std::shared_ptr<State>> &touchedStates);
* Overwrites all of this NFA with a different nfa. Used by the copy constructor and copy assignment operator.
* @param other
void overwriteWith(const NFA &other);
* Empty constructor
NFA() : NFA(true) {};
* Crates a very simple NFA that accepts a single char string.
* @param match The character that this NFA will match.
explicit NFA(char match);
* Creates an NFA that either accepts just the empty string or accepts nothing.
* @param rejectEverything If this is true, then the NFA created does not accept any string. If it is false, then the NFA
* only accepts the empty string epsilon.
explicit NFA(bool rejectEverything);
* Move and Copy constructors
* @param nfa
NFA(const NFA &nfa);
NFA(NFA &&other) noexcept;
* Assignment operators
* @param other
* @return
NFA &operator=(const NFA &other);
NFA &operator=(NFA &&other) noexcept;
* Unions two NFAs to create a new one whose language is the union of the two languages of the component NFAs.
* @param first
* @param second
* @return
static NFA nfaUnion(const NFA &first, const NFA &second);
static NFA nfaUnion(NFA &&first, NFA &&second);
* Concatenates two NFAs to create a new NFA whose language is the concatenation of the two languages of the component NFAs.
* @param first
* @param second
* @return
static NFA nfaConcatenation(const NFA &first, const NFA &second);
static NFA nfaConcatenation(NFA &&first, NFA &&second);
* Creates a new NFA whose language is the kleene star of the original language.
* @param nfa
* @return
static NFA nfaStar(const NFA &nfa);
static NFA nfaStar(NFA &&nfa);
* Returns the precomputed epsilon closure for a given state
* @param state
* @return
const std::set<std::weak_ptr<State>, WeakPtrCompare<State>> &getEpsilonClosure(const std::weak_ptr<State> &state) const;
* Performs a computation on this NFA using the input string provided. A computation will be accepting if the NFA ends
* up in a final state and not accepting if it does not.
* This is just a simpler version than having to manage the computation yourself using the NFA::Computation class.
* @param input The input string.
* @return If the computation was accepting.
bool compute(const std::string &input) const;
* Prints out the NFA with debug info. Not necessarily in a nice format.
void printDebugInfo();
/// Exceptions
class AttemptToMatchEpsilon: public std::exception {
const char *what() const noexcept override {
return "Attempting to make an NFA match the empty string epsilon";
class EpsilonClosureNotComputed: public std::exception {
const char *what() const noexcept override {
return "There is no epsilon closure precomputed for a state.";
class NFACopyMisalignment: public std::exception {
const char *what() const noexcept override {
return "There was an issue copying the NFA.";
template<class T>
bool operator==(const std::weak_ptr<T> &lhs, const std::weak_ptr<T> &rhs) {
return lhs.lock() == rhs.lock();
#endif //PROJECT_2_NFA_H
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This is a custom NFA implementation I built for an automated lexer. The lexer took in a description of a language, formed an NFA with it, and then analyzed various input strings to see if they were in the language or not.

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