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Last active February 26, 2017 04:24
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Ruby on Ales 2016

OKAY FOLKS GET HYPE the conf talk videos from Ruby on Ales are just going up and I have opinions.


For the curious

Honestly they were all good; no real duds. But I have a few highlights/recommendations. I know most of you aren't writing Ruby, but honestly I don't think it really matters. In particular my favorite talks here aren't even really very Ruby-specific; the code examples are, of course, but those are just examples. The content is obviously generalizable.

So, vaguely organized but without particular order:

Including People
I lied; there is a particular order: I'm putting this one at the top because it was by far my favorite talk. 100% useful regardless of your language of choice, since it's not about Ruby per se and rather about including people of varying backgrounds in our open source communities and software development in general. If you're going to watch one of these talks watch this one.

Sharpening The Axe: Self-Teaching For Developers
Self-teaching has been on my mind (even more than usual) lately, since being on Unsplash is kind of the first time where I haven't had a specific person that I can look to and say "you know Ruby/Rails/whatever 1000x better than I do; teach me sensei." Good stuff in here regardless of experience level.

How to Stop Hating Your Test Suite
This is one I'm definitely going to be coming back to. A ton of great advice on how to write, organize - RE-organize - your test suite so that you don't hate it. Because I can speak from experience: a test suite you don't like is one you don't add to, and it will bite you in the ass.


Object Oriented Orbits: a primer on newtonian physics
This talk is about 50% geometry refresher, 20% technical difficulties, and 30% building a orbital simulator in Ruby. If you're in the mood for math though it's a fun ride.

Fold, Paper, Scissors
Another great example of "comp sci and math that is only tangentially ruby-related but Aaron loves this shit anyway." Only this time it's origami instead of Newtonian physics.


Introducing the Crystal Programming Language
tl;dw Imagine Ruby, but compiled.

In the Name of Whiskey
When the inevitable robot uprising finally happens, at least our new machine overlords will appreciate that someone taught them where to find the good scotch.

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