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Created September 2, 2012 16:10
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Save aaronksaunders/3600972 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified Kinvey Appcelerator Module to Support Resources
// this sets the background color of the master UIView (when there are no windows/tab groups on it)
var Kinvey = require('/services/kinvey-titanium-0.9.10');
// create base UI tab and root window
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title : 'Tab 1',
backgroundColor : '#fff'
if (Ti.Network.getOnline()) {
appKey : 'kid1834', // USE YOUR CREDENTIALS
appSecret : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // USE YOUR CREDENTIALS
var params = {
"name" : 'KS_nav_ui.png',
"data" : Ti.Filesystem.getFile('KS_nav_ui.png').read()
// first check of there is a user with those credentials
Kinvey.Resource.upload(params, {
success : function(resource) {;
error : function(resource) {;
var displayResource = function(_resource) {, {
success : function(resource) {;
var iv = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image :
error : function(resource) {;
} else {
alert('No Internet Connection')
* Copyright (c) 2012 Kinvey, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed to Kinvey, Inc. under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Kinvey, Inc. licenses this file to you under the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function(undefined) {
// Save reference to global object (window in browser, global on server).
var root = this;
* Top-level namespace. Exported for browser and CommonJS.
* @name Kinvey
* @namespace
var Kinvey;
if('undefined' !== typeof exports) {
Kinvey = exports;
else {
Kinvey = root.Kinvey = {};
// Define a base class for all Kinvey classes. Provides a property method for
// class inheritance. This method is available to all child definitions.
var Base = Object.defineProperty(function() { }, 'extend', {
value: function(prototype, properties) {
// Create class definition
var constructor = prototype && prototype.hasOwnProperty('constructor') ? prototype.constructor : this;
var def = function() {
constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// Set prototype by merging child prototype into parents.
def.prototype = (function(parent, child) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(child).forEach(function(property) {
Object.defineProperty(parent, property, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(child, property));
return parent;
}(Object.create(this.prototype), prototype || {}));
// Set static properties.
if(properties) {
for(var prop in properties) {
if(properties.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
def[prop] = properties[prop];
// Add extend to definition.
Object.defineProperty(def, 'extend', Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'extend'));
// Return definition.
return def;
// Convenient method for binding context to anonymous functions.
var bind = function(thisArg, fn) {
fn || (fn = function() { });
return fn.bind ? fn.bind(thisArg) : function() {
return fn.apply(thisArg, arguments);
// Merges multiple source objects into one newly created object.
var merge = function(/*sources*/) {
var target = {};, 0).forEach(function(source) {
for(var prop in source) {
target[prop] = source[prop];
return target;
// Define the Storage class.
var Storage = {
get: function(key) {
var value = Titanium.App.Properties.getString(key);
return value ? JSON.parse(value) : null;
set: function(key, value) {
Titanium.App.Properties.setString(key, JSON.stringify(value));
remove: function(key) {
// Define the Xhr mixin.
var Xhr = (function() {
* Base 64 encodes string.
* @private
* @param {string} value
* @return {string} Encoded string.
var base64 = function(value) {
return Titanium.Utils.base64encode(value);
* Returns authorization string.
* @private
* @return {Object} Authorization.
var getAuth = function() {
// Use master secret if specified.
if(null !== Kinvey.masterSecret) {
return 'Basic ' + this._base64(Kinvey.appKey + ':' + Kinvey.masterSecret);
// Use Session Auth if there is a current user.
var user = Kinvey.getCurrentUser();
if(null !== user) {
return 'Kinvey ' + user.getToken();
// Use application credentials as last resort.
return 'Basic ' + this._base64(Kinvey.appKey + ':' + Kinvey.appSecret);
* Returns device information.
* @private
* @return {string} Device information.
var getDeviceInfo = function() {
// Example: "Titanium mobileweb 2.0.1.GA2 XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX".
return [
Titanium.App.getGUID()// device ID.
].map(function(value) {
return value.toString().toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_');
}).join(' ');
* Sends a request against Kinvey.
* @private
* @param {string} method Request method.
* @param {string} url Request URL.
* @param {string} body Request body.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {integer} [options.timeout] Request timeout (ms).
* @param {function(response, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
var send = function(method, url, body, options) {
options || (options = {});
'undefined' !== typeof options.timeout || (options.timeout = this.options.timeout);
options.success || (options.success = this.options.success);
options.error || (options.error = this.options.error);
// For now, include authorization in this adapter. Ideally, it should
// have some external interface.
if(null === Kinvey.getCurrentUser() && Kinvey.Store.AppData.USER_API !== this.api && null === Kinvey.masterSecret) {
return Kinvey.User.create({}, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function() {
this._send(method, url, body, options);
// Add host to URL.
url = Kinvey.HOST + url;
// Headers.
var headers = {
Accept: 'application/json, text/javascript',
Authorization: this._getAuth(),
'X-Kinvey-API-Version': Kinvey.API_VERSION,
'X-Kinvey-Device-Information': this._getDeviceInfo()
body && (headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
// Add header for compatibility with Android 2.2, 2.3.3 and 3.2.
// @link
if('GET' === method && 'undefined' !== typeof window && window.location) {
headers['X-Kinvey-Origin'] = window.location.protocol + '//' +;
// Execute request.
this._xhr(method, url, body, merge(options, {
headers: headers,
success: function(response, info) {
// Response is expected to be either empty, or valid JSON.
response = response ? JSON.parse(response) : null;
options.success(response, info);
error: function(response, info) {
// Response could be valid JSON if the error occurred at Kinvey.
try {
response = JSON.parse(response);
catch(_) {// Or just the error type if something else went wrong.
var error = {
abort: 'The request was aborted',
error: 'The request failed',
timeout: 'The request timed out'
// Execute application-level handler.
response = {
error: Kinvey.Error.REQUEST_FAILED,
description: error[response] || error.error,
debug: ''
// Return.
options.error(response, info);
* Sends a request.
* @private
* @param {string} method Request method.
* @param {string} url Request URL.
* @param {string} body Request body.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} [options.headers] Request headers.
* @param {integer} [options.timeout] Request timeout (ms).
* @param {function(status, response)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(type)} [options.error] Failure callback.
var xhr = function(method, url, body, options) {
options || (options = {});
options.headers || (options.headers = {});
'undefined' !== typeof options.timeout || (options.timeout = this.options.timeout);
options.success || (options.success = this.options.success);
options.error || (options.error = this.options.error);
// Create the request. Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient is buggy for
// Mobile Web, so use the native implementation instead.
var request;
if('undefined' === typeof XMLHttpRequest) {
request = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
else {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
}, url);
request.timeout = options.timeout;
// Pass headers to request.
for(var name in options.headers) {
if(options.headers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
request.setRequestHeader(name, options.headers[name]);
// Attach handlers.
request.onload = function() {
// Success implicates status 2xx (Successful), or 304 (Not Modified).
if(2 === parseInt(this.status / 100, 10) || 304 === this.status) {
options.success(this.responseText, { network: true, data : this.responseData });
else {
options.error(this.responseText, { network: true });
request.onabort = request.onerror = request.ontimeout = function(event) {
options.error(event.type, { network: true });
// Fire request.
// Attach to context.
return function() {
this._base64 = base64;
this._getAuth = getAuth;
this._getDeviceInfo = getDeviceInfo;
this._send = send;
this._xhr = xhr;
return this;
// Current user.
var currentUser = null;
* API version.
* @constant
Kinvey.API_VERSION = 2;
* Host.
* @constant
Kinvey.HOST = '';
* SDK version.
* @constant
Kinvey.SDK_VERSION = '0.9.10';
* Returns current user, or null if not set.
* @return {Kinvey.User} Current user.
Kinvey.getCurrentUser = function() {
return currentUser;
* Initializes library for use with Kinvey services. Never use the master
* secret in client-side code.
* @example <code>
* Kinvey.init({
* appKey: 'your-app-key',
* appSecret: 'your-app-secret'
* });
* </code>
* @param {Object} options Kinvey credentials. Object expects properties:
* "appKey", and "appSecret" or "masterSecret". Optional: "sync".
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On empty appKey,</li>
* <li>On empty appSecret and masterSecret.</li>
* </ul>
Kinvey.init = function(options) {
options || (options = {});
if(null == options.appKey) {
throw new Error('appKey must be defined');
if(null == options.appSecret && null == options.masterSecret) {
throw new Error('appSecret or masterSecret must be defined');
// Store credentials.
Kinvey.appKey = options.appKey;
Kinvey.appSecret = options.appSecret || null;
Kinvey.masterSecret = options.masterSecret || null;
// Restore current user.
// Synchronize app in the background.
options.sync && Kinvey.Sync && Kinvey.Sync.application();
* Round trips a request to the server and back, helps ensure connectivity.
* @example <code>
* success: function(response) {
* console.log('Ping successful', response.kinvey, response.version);
* },
* error: function(error) {
* console.log('Ping failed', error.message);
* }
* });
* </code>
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(response, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
*/ = function(options) {
// Ping always targets the Kinvey backend.
new Kinvey.Store.AppData(null).query(null, options);
* Sets the current user. This method is only used by the Kinvey.User
* namespace.
* @private
* @param {Kinvey.User} user Current user.
Kinvey.setCurrentUser = function(user) {
currentUser = user;
* Kinvey Error namespace definition. Holds all possible errors.
* @namespace
Kinvey.Error = {
// Client-side.
/** @constant */
DATABASE_ERROR: 'DatabaseError',
/** @constant */
NO_NETWORK: 'NoNetwork',
/** @constant */
OPERATION_DENIED: 'OperationDenied',
/** @constant */
REQUEST_FAILED: 'RequestFailed',
/** @constant */
RESPONSE_PROBLEM: 'ResponseProblem',
// Server-side.
/** @constant */
ENTITY_NOT_FOUND: 'EntityNotFound',
/** @constant */
COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND: 'CollectionNotFound',
/** @constant */
APP_NOT_FOUND: 'AppNotFound',
/** @constant */
USER_NOT_FOUND: 'UserNotFound',
/** @constant */
BLOB_NOT_FOUND: 'BlobNotFound',
/** @constant */
INVALID_CREDENTIALS: 'InvalidCredentials',
/** @constant */
KINVEY_INTERNAL_ERROR_RETRY: 'KinveyInternalErrorRetry',
/** @constant */
KINVEY_INTERNAL_ERROR_STOP: 'KinveyInternalErrorStop',
/** @constant */
USER_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'UserAlreadyExists',
/** @constant */
USER_UNAVAILABLE: 'UserUnavailable',
/** @constant */
DUPLICATE_END_USERS: 'DuplicateEndUsers',
/** @constant */
INSUFFICIENT_CREDENTIALS: 'InsufficientCredentials',
/** @constant */
WRITES_TO_COLLECTION_DISALLOWED: 'WritesToCollectionDisallowed',
/** @constant */
INDIRECT_COLLECTION_ACCESS_DISALLOWED : 'IndirectCollectionAccessDisallowed',
/** @constant */
APP_PROBLEM: 'AppProblem',
/** @constant */
/** @constant */
/** @constant */
INVALID_QUERY_SYNTAX: 'InvalidQuerySyntax',
/** @constant */
MISSING_QUERY: 'MissingQuery',
/** @constant */
/** @constant */
MISSING_REQUEST_HEADER: 'MissingRequestHeader',
/** @constant */
INCOMPLETE_REQUEST_BODY: 'IncompleteRequestBody',
/** @constant */
MISSING_REQUEST_PARAMETER: 'MissingRequestParameter',
/** @constant */
INVALID_IDENTIFIER: 'InvalidIdentifier',
/** @constant */
BAD_REQUEST: 'BadRequest',
/** @constant */
FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE: 'FeatureUnavailable',
/** @constant */
/** @constant */
/** @constant */
INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILED: 'InputValidationFailed',
/** @constant */
BLruntimeError: 'BLruntimeError'
// Define the Kinvey Entity class.
Kinvey.Entity = Base.extend({
// Identifier attribute.
ATTR_ID: '_id',
// Map.
map: {},
* Creates a new entity.
* @example <code>
* var entity = new Kinvey.Entity({}, 'my-collection');
* var entity = new Kinvey.Entity({ key: 'value' }, 'my-collection');
* </code>
* @name Kinvey.Entity
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [attr] Attribute object.
* @param {string} collection Owner collection.
* @param {Object} options Options.
* @throws {Error} On empty collection.
constructor: function(attr, collection, options) {
if(null == collection) {
throw new Error('Collection must not be null');
this.collection = collection;
this.metadata = null;
// Options.
options || (options = {}); = Kinvey.Store.factory(, this.collection, options.options); && ( =;
// Parse attributes.
this.attr = attr ? this._parseAttr(attr) : {};
// State (used by save()).
this._pending = false;
/** @lends Kinvey.Entity# */
* Destroys entity.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(entity, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
destroy: function(options) {
options || (options = {});, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(_, info) {
options.success && options.success(this, info);
* Returns attribute, or null if not set.
* @param {string} key Attribute key.
* @throws {Error} On empty key.
* @return {*} Attribute.
get: function(key) {
if(null == key) {
throw new Error('Key must not be null');
// Return attribute, or null if attribute is null or undefined.
var value = this.attr[key];
return null != value ? value : null;
* Returns id or null if not set.
* @return {string} id
getId: function() {
return this.get(this.ATTR_ID);
* Returns metadata.
* @return {Kinvey.Metadata} Metadata.
getMetadata: function() {
// Lazy load metadata object, and return it.
this.metadata || (this.metadata = new Kinvey.Metadata(this.attr));
return this.metadata;
* Returns whether entity is persisted.
* @return {boolean}
isNew: function() {
return null === this.getId();
* Loads entity by id.
* @param {string} id Entity id.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(entity, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
* @throws {Error} On empty id.
load: function(id, options) {
if(null == id) {
throw new Error('Id must not be null');
options || (options = {});, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(response, info) {
this.attr = this._parseAttr(response);
this.metadata = null;// Reset.
options.success && options.success(this, info);
* Saves entity.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(entity, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
save: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
// Refuse to save circular references.
if(this._pending && options._ref) {
this._pending = false;// Reset.
error: Kinvey.Error.OPERATION_DENIED,
message: 'Circular reference detected, aborting save',
debug: ''
}, {});
this._pending = true;
// Save children first.
this._saveAttr(this.attr, {
success: bind(this, function(references) {
// All children are saved, save parent., merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(response, info) {
this._pending = false;// Reset.
// Merge response with response of children.
this.attr = merge(this._parseAttr(response), references);
this.metadata = null;// Reset.
options.success && options.success(this, info);
error: bind(this, function(error, info) {
this._pending = false;// Reset.
options.error && options.error(error, info);
// One of the children failed, break on error.
error: bind(this, function(error, info) {
this._pending = false;// Reset.
options.error && options.error(error, info);
// Flag to detect any circular references.
_ref: true
* Sets attribute.
* @param {string} key Attribute key.
* @param {*} value Attribute value.
* @throws {Error} On empty key.
set: function(key, value) {
if(null == key) {
throw new Error('Key must not be null');
this.attr[key] = this._parse(key, value);
* Sets id.
* @param {string} id Id.
* @throws {Error} On empty id.
setId: function(id) {
if(null == id) {
throw new Error('Id must not be null');
this.set(this.ATTR_ID, id);
* Sets metadata.
* @param {Kinvey.Metadata} metadata Metadata object.
* @throws {Error} On invalid instance.
setMetadata: function(metadata) {
if(metadata && !(metadata instanceof Kinvey.Metadata)) {
throw new Error('Metadata must be an instanceof Kinvey.Metadata');
this.metadata = metadata || null;
* Returns JSON representation. Used by JSON#stringify.
* @returns {Object} JSON representation.
toJSON: function(name) {
// Flatten references.
var result = this._flattenAttr(this.attr);// Copy by value.
this.metadata && (result._acl = this.metadata.toJSON()._acl);
return result;
* Removes attribute.
* @param {string} key Attribute key.
unset: function(key) {
delete this.attr[key];
* Flattens attribute value.
* @private
* @param {*} value Attribute value.
* @returns {*}
_flatten: function(value) {
if(value instanceof Object) {
if(value instanceof Kinvey.Entity) {// Case 1: value is a reference.
value = {
_type: 'KinveyRef',
_collection: value.collection,
_id: value.getId()
else if(value instanceof Array) {// Case 2: value is an array.
// Flatten all members.
value =, function(x) {
return this._flatten(x);
else {
value = this._flattenAttr(value);// Case 3: value is an object.
return value;
* Flattens attributes.
* @private
* @param {Object} attr Attributes.
* @returns {Object} Flattened attributes.
_flattenAttr: function(attr) {
var result = {};
Object.keys(attr).forEach(bind(this, function(name) {
result[name] = this._flatten(attr[name]);
return result;
* Parses references in name/value pair.
* @private
* @param {string} name Attribute name.
* @param {*} value Attribute value.
* @returns {*} Parsed value.
_parse: function(name, value) {
if(value instanceof Object) {
if(value instanceof Kinvey.Entity) { }// Skip.
else if('KinveyRef' === value._type) {// Case 1: value is a reference.
// Create object from reference if embedded, otherwise skip.
if(value._obj) {
var Entity =[name] || Kinvey.Entity;// Use mapping if defined.
// Maintain store type and configuration.
var opts = { store:, options: };
value = new Entity(value._obj, value._collection, opts);
else if(value instanceof Array) {// Case 2: value is an array.
// Loop through and parse all members.
value =, function(x) {
return this._parse(name, x);
else {// Case 3: value is an object.
value = this._parseAttr(value, name);
return value;
* Parses references in attributes.
* @private
* @param {Object} attr Attributes.
* @param {string} [prefix] Name prefix.
* @return {Object} Parsed attributes.
_parseAttr: function(attr, prefix) {
var result = merge(attr);// Copy by value.
Object.keys(attr).forEach(bind(this, function(name) {
result[name] = this._parse((prefix ? prefix + '.' : '') + name, attr[name]);
return result;
* Saves an attribute value.
* @private
* @param {*} value Attribute value.
* @param {Object} options Options.
_save: function(value, options) {
if(value instanceof Object) {
if(value instanceof Kinvey.Entity) {// Case 1: value is a reference.
// Only save when authorized, otherwise just return. Note any writable
// children are not saved if the parent is not writable.
return value.getMetadata().hasWritePermissions() ? : options.success(value);
if(value instanceof Array) {// Case 2: value is an array.
// Save every element in the array (serially), and update in place.
var i = 0;
// Define save handler.
var save = bind(this, function() {
var item = value[i];
item ? this._save(item, merge(options, {
success: function(response) {
value[i++] = response;// Update.
save();// Advance.
})) : options.success(value);
// Trigger.
return save();
// Case 3: value is an object.
return this._saveAttr(value, options);
// Case 4: value is a scalar.
* Saves attributes.
* @private
* @param {Object} attr Attributes.
* @param {Object} options Options.
_saveAttr: function(attr, options) {
// Save attributes serially.
var attrs = Object.keys(attr);
var i = 0;
// Define save handler.
var save = bind(this, function() {
var name = attrs[i++];
name ? this._save(attr[name], merge(options, {
success: function(response) {
attr[name] = response;// Update.
save();// Advance.
})) : options.success(attr);
// Trigger.
// Define the Kinvey Collection class.
Kinvey.Collection = Base.extend({
// List of entities.
list: [],
// Mapped entity class.
entity: Kinvey.Entity,
* Creates new collection.
* @example <code>
* var collection = new Kinvey.Collection('my-collection');
* </code>
* @constructor
* @name Kinvey.Collection
* @param {string} name Collection name.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On empty name,</li>
* <li>On invalid query instance.</li>
* </ul>
constructor: function(name, options) {
if(null == name) {
throw new Error('Name must not be null');
} = name;
// Options.
options || (options = {});
this.setQuery(options.query || new Kinvey.Query()); = Kinvey.Store.factory(,, options.options);
/** @lends Kinvey.Collection# */
* Aggregates entities in collection.
* @param {Kinvey.Aggregation} aggregation Aggregation object.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(aggregation, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
aggregate: function(aggregation, options) {
if(!(aggregation instanceof Kinvey.Aggregation)) {
throw new Error('Aggregation must be an instanceof Kinvey.Aggregation');
aggregation.setQuery(this.query);// respect collection query., options);
* Clears collection.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(info)} [success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [error] Failure callback.
clear: function(options) {
options || (options = {});, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(_, info) {
this.list = [];
options.success && options.success(info);
* Counts number of entities.
* @example <code>
* var collection = new Kinvey.Collection('my-collection');
* collection.count({
* success: function(i) {
* console.log('Number of entities: ' + i);
* },
* error: function(error) {
* console.log('Count failed', error.description);
* }
* });
* </code>
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(count, info)} [success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [error] Failure callback.
count: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
var aggregation = new Kinvey.Aggregation();
aggregation.setInitial({ count: 0 });
aggregation.setReduce(function(doc, out) {
out.count += 1;
aggregation.setQuery(this.query);// Apply query., merge(options, {
success: function(response, info) {
options.success && options.success(response[0].count, info);
* Fetches entities in collection.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(list, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
fetch: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
// Send request., merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(response, info) {
this.list = [];
response.forEach(bind(this, function(attr) {
// Maintain collection store type and configuration.
var opts = { store:, options: };
this.list.push(new this.entity(attr,, opts));
options.success && options.success(this.list, info);
* Sets query.
* @param {Kinvey.Query} [query] Query.
* @throws {Error} On invalid instance.
setQuery: function(query) {
if(query && !(query instanceof Kinvey.Query)) {
throw new Error('Query must be an instanceof Kinvey.Query');
this.query = query || new Kinvey.Query();
// Function to get the cache key for this app.
var CACHE_TAG = function() {
return 'Kinvey.' + Kinvey.appKey;
// Define the Kinvey User class.
Kinvey.User = Kinvey.Entity.extend({
// Credential attributes.
ATTR_USERNAME: 'username',
ATTR_PASSWORD: 'password',
// Authorization token.
token: null,
* Creates a new user.
* @example <code>
* var user = new Kinvey.User();
* var user = new Kinvey.User({ key: 'value' });
* </code>
* @name Kinvey.User
* @constructor
* @extends Kinvey.Entity
* @param {Object} [attr] Attributes.
constructor: function(attr) {, attr, 'user');
/** @lends Kinvey.User# */
* Destroys user. Use with caution.
* @override
* @see Kinvey.Entity#destroy
destroy: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
// Destroying the user will automatically invalidate its token, so no
// need to logout explicitly., merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(_, info) {
options.success && options.success(this, info);
* Returns social identity, or null if not set.
* @return {Object} Identity.
getIdentity: function() {
return this.get('_socialIdentity');
* Returns token, or null if not set.
* @return {string} Token.
getToken: function() {
return this.token;
* Returns username, or null if not set.
* @return {string} Username.
getUsername: function() {
return this.get(this.ATTR_USERNAME);
* Logs in user.
* @example <code>
* var user = new Kinvey.User();
* user.login('username', 'password', {
* success: function() {
* console.log('Login successful');
* },
* error: function(error) {
* console.log('Login failed', error);
* }
* });
* </code>
* @param {string} username Username.
* @param {string} password Password.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(entity, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
login: function(username, password, options) {
username: username,
password: password
}, options || {});
* Logs in user given a Facebook oAuth token.
* @param {string} token oAuth token.
* @param {Object} [attr] User attributes.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(entity, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
loginWithFacebook: function(token, attr, options) {
attr || (attr = {});
attr._socialIdentity = { facebook: { access_token: token } };
options || (options = {});
// Login, or create when there is no user with this Facebook identity.
this._doLogin(attr, merge(options, {
error: bind(this, function(error, info) {
// If user could not be found, register.
// if(Kinvey.Error.USER_NOT_FOUND === error.error) {
// Pass current instance as (private) option to create.
this.attr = attr;// Required as we set a specific target below.
return Kinvey.User.create(attr, merge(options, {
_target: this
// Something else went wrong (invalid token?), error out.
options.error && options.error(error, info);
* Logs in user given a Facebook oAuth token.
* @param {string} token oAuth token.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(entity, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
hasFacebook: function(token, options) {
var attr ={};
attr._socialIdentity = { facebook: { access_token: token } };
options || (options = {});
// Login, or create when there is no user with this Facebook identity.
this._doLogin(attr, merge(options, {
error: bind(this, function(error, info) {
// If user could not be found, register.
if(Kinvey.Error.USER_NOT_FOUND === error.error) {
// Pass current instance as (private) option to create.
this.attr = attr;// Required as we set a specific target below.
return Kinvey.User.create(attr, merge(options, {
_target: this
// Something else went wrong (invalid token?), error out.
options.error && options.error(error, info);
success : bind(this, function(response, info) {' data ' + response);
options.success && options.success(response, info);
* Logs out user.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
* @param {function(info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
logout: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
// Make sure we only logout the current user.
if(!this.isLoggedIn) {
options.success && options.success({});
}{}, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(_, info) {
options.success && options.success(info);
* Saves a user.
* @override
* @see Kinvey.Entity#save
save: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
if(!this.isLoggedIn) {
options.error && options.error({
code: Kinvey.Error.OPERATION_DENIED,
description: 'This operation is not allowed',
debug: 'Cannot save a user which is not logged in.'
}, {});
// Parent method will always update., merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(_, info) {
this._saveToDisk();// Refresh cache.
options.success && options.success(this, info);
* Removes any user saved on disk.
* @private
_deleteFromDisk: function() {
* Performs login.
* @private
* @param {Object} attr Attributes.
* @param {Object} options Options.
_doLogin: function(attr, options) {
// Make sure only one user is active at the time.
var currentUser = Kinvey.getCurrentUser();
if(null !== currentUser) {
currentUser.logout(merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function() {
this._doLogin(attr, options);
// Send request., merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(response, info) {
// Extract token.
var token = response._kmd.authtoken;
delete response._kmd.authtoken;
// Update attributes. This does not include the users password.
this.attr = this._parseAttr(response);
options.success && options.success(this, info);
* Marks user as logged in. This method should never be called standalone,
* but always involve some network request.
* @private
* @param {string} token Token.
_login: function(token) {
// The master secret does not need a current user.
if(null == Kinvey.masterSecret) {
this.isLoggedIn = true;
this.token = token;
* Marks user no longer as logged in.
* @private
_logout: function() {
// The master secret does not need a current user.
if(null == Kinvey.masterSecret) {
this.isLoggedIn = false;
this.token = null;
* Saves current user to disk.
* @private
_saveToDisk: function() {
Storage.set(CACHE_TAG(), {
token: this.token,
user: this.toJSON()
}, {
/** @lends Kinvey.User */
* Creates the current user.
* @example <code>
* Kinvey.User.create({
* username: 'username'
* }, {
* success: function(user) {
* console.log('User created', user);
* },
* error: function(error) {
* console.log('User not created', error.message);
* }
* });
* </code>
* @param {Object} attr Attributes.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(user)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error)} [options.error] Failure callback.
* @return {Kinvey.User} The user instance (not necessarily persisted yet).
create: function(attr, options) {
options || (options = {});
// Make sure only one user is active at the time.
var currentUser = Kinvey.getCurrentUser();
if(null !== currentUser) {
currentUser.logout(merge(options, {
success: function() {
Kinvey.User.create(attr, options);
// Create a new user.
var user = options._target || new Kinvey.User(attr);, merge(options, {
success: bind(user, function(_, info) {
// Extract token.
var token = this.attr._kmd.authtoken;
delete this.attr._kmd.authtoken;
options.success && options.success(this, info);
return user;// return the instance
* Initializes a current user. Returns the current user, otherwise creates
* an anonymous user. This method is called internally when doing a network
* request. Manually invoking this function is however allowed.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function(user)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error)} [options.error] Failure callback.
* @return {Kinvey.User} The user instance. (not necessarily persisted yet).
init: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
// Check whether there already is a current user.
var user = Kinvey.getCurrentUser();
if(null !== user) {
options.success && options.success(user, {});
return user;
// No cached user available, create anonymous user.
return Kinvey.User.create({}, options);
* Restores user stored locally on the device. This method is called by
* Kinvey.init(), and should not be called anywhere else.
* @private
_restore: function() {
// Return if there already is a current user. Safety check.
if(null !== Kinvey.getCurrentUser()) {
// Retrieve and restore user from storage.
var data = Storage.get(CACHE_TAG());
if(null !== data && null != data.token && null != data.user) {
new Kinvey.User(data.user)._login(data.token);
// Define the Kinvey UserCollection class.
Kinvey.UserCollection = Kinvey.Collection.extend({
// Mapped entity class.
entity: Kinvey.User,
* Creates new user collection.
* @example <code>
* var collection = new Kinvey.UserCollection();
* </code>
* @name Kinvey.UserCollection
* @constructor
* @extends Kinvey.Collection
* @param {Object} options Options.
constructor: function(options) {, 'user', options);
/** @lends Kinvey.UserCollection# */
* Clears collection. This action is not allowed.
* @override
clear: function(options) {
options && options.error && options.error({
code: Kinvey.Error.OPERATION_DENIED,
description: 'This operation is not allowed',
debug: ''
// Define the Kinvey Metadata class.
Kinvey.Metadata = Base.extend({
* Creates a new metadata instance.
* @name Kinvey.Metadata
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [attr] Attributes containing metadata.
constructor: function(attr) {
attr || (attr = {});
this.acl = attr._acl || {};
this.kmd = attr._kmd || {};
/** @lends Kinvey.Metadata# */
* Adds item read permissions for user.
* @param {string} user User id.
addReader: function(user) {
this.acl.r || (this.acl.r = []);
if(-1 === this.acl.r.indexOf(user)) {
* Adds item write permissions for user.
* @param {string} user User id.
addWriter: function(user) {
this.acl.w || (this.acl.w = []);
if(-1 === this.acl.w.indexOf(user)) {
* Returns all readers.
* @return {Array} List of readers.
getReaders: function() {
return this.acl.r || [];
* Returns all writers.
* @return {Array} List of writers.
getWriters: function() {
return this.acl.w || [];
* Returns whether the current user owns the item. This method
* is only useful when the class is created with a predefined
* ACL.
* @returns {boolean}
isOwner: function() {
var owner = this.acl.creator;
var currentUser = Kinvey.getCurrentUser();
// If owner is undefined, assume entity is just created.
if(owner) {
return !!currentUser && owner === currentUser.getId();
return true;
* Returns last modified date, or null if not set.
* @return {string} ISO-8601 formatted date.
lastModified: function() {
return this.kmd.lmt || null;
* Returns whether the current user has write permissions.
* @returns {Boolean}
hasWritePermissions: function() {
if(this.isOwner() || this.isGloballyWritable()) {
return true;
var currentUser = Kinvey.getCurrentUser();
if(currentUser && this.acl.w) {
return -1 !== this.acl.w.indexOf(currentUser.getId());
return false;
* Returns whether the item is globally readable.
* @returns {Boolean}
isGloballyReadable: function() {
return !!;
* Returns whether the item is globally writable.
* @returns {Boolean}
isGloballyWritable: function() {
return !!;
* Removes item read permissions for user.
* @param {string} user User id.
removeReader: function(user) {
if(this.acl.r) {
var index = this.acl.r.indexOf(user);
if(-1 !== index) {
this.acl.r.splice(index, 1);
* Removes item write permissions for user.
* @param {string} user User id.
removeWriter: function(user) {
if(this.acl.w) {
var index = this.acl.w.indexOf(user);
if(-1 !== index) {
this.acl.w.splice(index, 1);
* Sets whether the item is globally readable.
* @param {Boolean} flag
setGloballyReadable: function(flag) { = !!flag;
* Sets whether the item is globally writable.
* @param {Boolean} flag
setGloballyWritable: function(flag) { = !!flag;
* Returns JSON representation. Used by JSON#stringify.
* @returns {object} JSON representation.
toJSON: function() {
return {
_acl: this.acl,
_kmd: this.kmd
* Kinvey Resource namespace definition.
* @namespace
Kinvey.Resource = {
* Destroys a file.
* @param {string} name Filename.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
destroy: function(name, options) {
Kinvey.Resource._store || (Kinvey.Resource._store = Kinvey.Store.factory(Kinvey.Store.BLOB));
Kinvey.Resource._store.remove({ name: name }, options);
* Downloads a file, or returns the download URI.
* @param {string} name Filename.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
download: function(name, options) {
Kinvey.Resource._store || (Kinvey.Resource._store = Kinvey.Store.factory(Kinvey.Store.BLOB));
Kinvey.Resource._store.query(name, options);
* Uploads a file.
* @param {Object} file File.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
* @throws {Error} On invalid file.
upload: function(file, options) {
// Validate file.
if(null == file || null == || null == {
throw new Error('File should be an object containing name and data');
Kinvey.Resource._store || (Kinvey.Resource._store = Kinvey.Store.factory(Kinvey.Store.BLOB));, options);
* We only need one instance of the blob store.
* @private
_store: null
// Define the Kinvey Query class.
Kinvey.Query = Base.extend({
// Key under condition.
currentKey: null,
* Creates a new query.
* @example <code>
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* </code>
* @name Kinvey.Query
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [builder] One of Kinvey.Query.* builders.
constructor: function(builder) {
this.builder = builder || Kinvey.Query.factory();
/** @lends Kinvey.Query# */
* Sets an all condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must be an Array containing both "foo" and "bar".
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').all(['foo', 'bar']);
* </code>
* @param {Array} expected Array of expected values.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On invalid argument,</li>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
all: function(expected) {
// if(!(expected instanceof Array)) {
// throw new Error('Argument must be of type Array');
// }
this._set(Kinvey.Query.ALL, expected);
return this;
* Sets an AND condition.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field1" must have value "foo", and "field2" must have value "bar".
* var query1 = new Kinvey.Query();
* var query2 = new Kinvey.Query();
* query1.on('field1').equal('foo');
* query2.on('field2').equal('bar');
* query1.and(query2);
* </code>
* @param {Kinvey.Query} query Query to AND.
* @throws {Error} On invalid instance.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
and: function(query) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.AND, query.builder, true);// do not throw.
return this;
* Sets an equal condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have value "foo".
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').equal('foo');
* </code>
* @param {*} expected Expected value.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
equal: function(expected) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.EQUAL, expected);
return this;
* Sets an exist condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must exist.
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').exist();
* </code>
* @param {boolean} [expected] Boolean indicating whether field must be
* present. Defaults to true.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
exist: function(expected) {
// Make sure the argument is of type boolean.
expected = 'undefined' !== typeof expected ? !!expected : true;
this._set(Kinvey.Query.EXIST, expected);
return this;
* Sets a greater than condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have a value greater than 25.
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').greaterThan(25);
* </code>
* @param {*} value Compared value.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
greaterThan: function(value) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.GREATER_THAN, value);
return this;
* Sets a greater than equal condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have a value greater than or equal to 25.
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').greaterThanEqual(25);
* </code>
* @param {*} value Compared value.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
greaterThanEqual: function(value) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, value);
return this;
* Sets an in condition on the current key. Method has underscore
* postfix since "in" is a reserved word.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must be an Array containing "foo" and/or "bar".
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').in_(['foo', 'bar']);
* </code>
* @param {Array} expected Array of expected values.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On invalid argument,</li>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
in_: function(expected) {
// if(!(expected instanceof Array)) {
// throw new Error('Argument must be of type Array');
// }
this._set(Kinvey.Query.IN, expected);
return this;
* Sets a less than condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have a value less than 25.
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').lessThan(25);
* </code>
* @param {*} value Compared value.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
lessThan: function(value) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.LESS_THAN, value);
return this;
* Sets a less than equal condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have a value less than or equal to 25.
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').lessThanEqual(25);
* </code>
* @param {*} value Compared value.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
lessThanEqual: function(value) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.LESS_THAN_EQUAL, value);
return this;
* Sets a near sphere condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must be a point within a 10 mile radius of [-71, 42].
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').nearSphere([-71, 42], 10);
* </code>
* @param {Array} point Point [lng, lat].
* @param {number} [maxDistance] Max distance from point in miles.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On invalid argument,</li>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
nearSphere: function(point, maxDistance) {
if(null == point || 2 !== point.length) {
// if(!(point instanceof Array) || 2 !== point.length) {
throw new Error('Point must be of type Array[lng, lat]');
this._set(Kinvey.Query.NEAR_SPHERE, {
point: point,
maxDistance: 'undefined' !== typeof maxDistance ? maxDistance : null
return this;
* Sets a not equal condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have a value not equal to "foo".
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').notEqual('foo');
* </code>
* @param {*} value Unexpected value.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
notEqual: function(unexpected) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.NOT_EQUAL, unexpected);
return this;
* Sets a not in condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have a value not equal to "foo" or "bar".
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').notIn(['foo', 'bar']);
* </code>
* @param {Array} unexpected Array of unexpected values.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On invalid argument,</li>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
notIn: function(unexpected) {
// if(!(unexpected instanceof Array)) {
// throw new Error('Argument must be of type Array');
// }
this._set(Kinvey.Query.NOT_IN, unexpected);
return this;
* Sets key under condition.
* @param {string} key Key under condition.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
on: function(key) {
this.currentKey = key;
return this;
* Sets an OR condition.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field1" must have value "foo", or "field2" must have value "bar".
* var query1 = new Kinvey.Query();
* var query2 = new Kinvey.Query();
* query1.on('field1').equal('foo');
* query2.on('field2').equal('bar');
* query1.or(query2);
* </code>
* @param {Kinvey.Query} query Query to OR.
* @throws {Error} On invalid instance.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
or: function(query) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.OR, query.builder, true);// do not throw.
return this;
* Sets a not in condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must have a value starting with foo.
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').regex(/^foo/);
* </code>
* @param {object} expected Regular expression.
* @throws {Error} On invalid regular expression.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
regex: function(expected) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.REGEX, expected);
return this;
* Resets all filters.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
reset: function() {
return this;
* Sets the query limit.
* @param {number} limit Limit.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
setLimit: function(limit) {
return this;
* Sets the query skip.
* @param {number} skip Skip.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
setSkip: function(skip) {
return this;
* Sets a size condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must be an Array with 25 elements.
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').size(25);
* </code>
* @param {number} expected Expected value.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
size: function(expected) {
this._set(Kinvey.Query.SIZE, expected);
return this;
* Sets the query sort.
* @param {number} [direction] Sort direction, or null to reset sort.
* Defaults to ascending.
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
sort: function(direction) {
if(null !== direction) {
direction = direction || Kinvey.Query.ASC;
this.builder.setSort(this.currentKey, direction);
return this;
* Returns JSON representation.
* @return {Object} JSON representation.
toJSON: function() {
return this.builder.toJSON();
* Sets a within box condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must be a point within the box [-72, 41], [-70, 43].
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').withinBox([[-72, 41], [-70, 43]]);
* </code>
* @param {Array} points Array of two points [[lng, lat], [lng, lat]].
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On invalid argument,</li>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
withinBox: function(points) {
if(null == points || 2 !== points.length) {
// if(!(points instanceof Array) || 2 !== points.length) {
throw new Error('Points must be of type Array[[lng, lat], [lng, lat]]');
this._set(Kinvey.Query.WITHIN_BOX, points);
return this;
* Sets a within center sphere condition on the current key.
* @example <code>
* // Attribute "field" must be a point within a 10 mile radius of [-71, 42].
* var query = new Kinvey.Query();
* query.on('field').withinCenterSphere([-72, 41], 0.0025);
* </code>
* @param {Array} point Point [lng, lat].
* @param {number} radius Radius in radians.
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On invalid argument,</li>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
withinCenterSphere: function(point, radius) {
if(null == point || 2 !== point.length) {
// if(!(point instanceof Array) || 2 !== point.length) {
throw new Error('Point must be of type Array[lng, lat]');
this._set(Kinvey.Query.WITHIN_CENTER_SPHERE, {
center: point,
radius: radius
return this;
* Sets a within polygon condition on the current key.
* @param {Array} points Array of points [[lng, lat], ...].
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>On invalid argument,</li>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
* @return {Kinvey.Query} Current instance.
withinPolygon: function(points) {
// if(!(points instanceof Array)) {
// throw new Error('Points must be of type Array[[lng, lat], ...]');
// }
this._set(Kinvey.Query.WITHIN_POLYGON, points);
return this;
* Helper function to forward condition to builder.
* @private
* @throws {Error}
* <ul>
* <li>When there is no key under condition,</li>
* <li>When the condition is not supported by the builder.</li>
* </ul>
_set: function(operator, value, bypass) {
// Bypass flag can be used to avoid throwing an error.
if(null === this.currentKey && !bypass) {
throw new Error('Key under condition must not be null');
this.builder.addCondition(this.currentKey, operator, value);
}, {
/** @lends Kinvey.Query */
// Basic operators.
* Equal operator. Checks if an element equals the specified expression.
* @constant
EQUAL: 16,
* Exist operator. Checks if an element exists.
* @constant
EXIST: 17,
* Less than operator. Checks if an element is less than the specified
* expression.
* @constant
* Less than or equal to operator. Checks if an element is less than or
* equal to the specified expression.
* @constant
* Greater than operator. Checks if an element is greater than the
* specified expression.
* @constant
* Greater than or equal to operator. Checks if an element is greater
* than or equal to the specified expression.
* @constant
* Not equal operator. Checks if an element does not equals the
* specified expression.
* @constant
* Regular expression operator. Checks if an element matches the specified
* expression.
* @constant
REGEX: 23,
// Geoqueries.
* Near sphere operator. Checks if an element is close to the point in
* the specified expression.
* @constant
* Within box operator. Checks if an element is within the box shape as
* defined by the expression.
* @constant
* Within center sphere operator. Checks if an element is within a
* center sphere as defined by the expression.
* @constant
* Within polygon operator. Checks if an element is within a polygon
* shape as defined by the expression.
* @constant
* Max distance operator. Checks if an element is within a certain
* distance to the point in the specified expression. This operator
* requires the use of the near operator as well.
* @constant
// Set membership
* In operator. Checks if an element matches any values in the specified
* expression.
* @constant
IN: 2048,
* Not in operator. Checks if an element does not match any value in the
* specified expression.
* @constant
NOT_IN: 2049,
// Joining operators.
* And operator. Supported implicitly.
* @constant
AND: 4096,
* Or operator. Not supported.
* @constant
OR: 4097,
// Array operators.
* All operator. Checks if an element matches all values in the
* specified expression
* @constant
ALL: 8192,
* Size operator. Checks if the size of an element matches the specified
* expression.
* @constant
SIZE: 8193,
// Sort operators.
* Ascending sort operator.
* @constant
ASC: 16384,
* Descending sort operator.
* @constant
DESC: 16385,
* Returns a query builder.
* @return {Object} One of Kinvey.Query.* builders.
factory: function() {
// Currently, only the Mongo builder is supported.
return new Kinvey.Query.MongoBuilder();
// Define the Kinvey Query MongoBuilder class.
Kinvey.Query.MongoBuilder = Base.extend({
// Conditions.
limit: null,
skip: null,
sort: null,
query: null,
* Creates a new MongoDB query builder.
* @name Kinvey.Query.MongoBuilder
* @constructor
constructor: function() {
/** @lends Kinvey.Query.MongoBuilder# */
* Adds condition.
* @param {string} field Field.
* @param {number} condition Condition.
* @param {*} value Expression.
* @throws {Error} On unsupported condition.
addCondition: function(field, condition, value) {
switch(condition) {
// Basic operators.
// @see
case Kinvey.Query.EQUAL:
this._set(field, value);
case Kinvey.Query.EXIST:
this._set(field, { $exists: value });
case Kinvey.Query.LESS_THAN:
this._set(field, {$lt: value});
case Kinvey.Query.LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
this._set(field, {$lte: value});
case Kinvey.Query.GREATER_THAN:
this._set(field, {$gt: value});
case Kinvey.Query.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
this._set(field, {$gte: value});
case Kinvey.Query.NOT_EQUAL:
this._set(field, {$ne: value});
case Kinvey.Query.REGEX:
// Filter through RegExp, this will throw an error on invalid regex.
var regex = new RegExp(value);
var options = (( ? 'g' : '') + ((regex.ignoreCase) ? 'i' : '') + ((regex.multiline) ? 'm' : '');
this._set(field, { $regex: regex.source, $options: options });
// Geoqueries.
// @see
case Kinvey.Query.NEAR_SPHERE:
var query = { $nearSphere: value.point };
value.maxDistance && (query.$maxDistance = value.maxDistance);
this._set(field, query);
case Kinvey.Query.WITHIN_BOX:
this._set(field, {$within: {$box: value}});
this._set(field, {$within: {$centerSphere: [, value.radius] }});
case Kinvey.Query.WITHIN_POLYGON:
this._set(field, {$within: {$polygon: value}});
// Set membership.
// @see
case Kinvey.Query.IN:
this._set(field, {$in: value});
case Kinvey.Query.NOT_IN:
this._set(field, {$nin: value});
// Joining operators.
case Kinvey.Query.AND:
if(!(value instanceof Kinvey.Query.MongoBuilder)) {
throw new Error('Query must be of type Kinvey.Query.Mongobuilder');
this.query = { $and: [this.query || {}, value.query || {}] };
case Kinvey.Query.OR:
if(!(value instanceof Kinvey.Query.MongoBuilder)) {
throw new Error('Query must be of type Kinvey.Query.Mongobuilder');
this.query = { $or: [this.query || {}, value.query || {}] };
// Array operators.
// @see
case Kinvey.Query.ALL:
this._set(field, {$all: value});
case Kinvey.Query.SIZE:
this._set(field, {$size: value});
// Other operator.
throw new Error('Condition ' + condition + ' is not supported');
* Resets query.
reset: function() {
this.query = null;
* Sets query limit.
* @param {number} limit Limit, or null to reset limit.
setLimit: function(limit) {
this.limit = limit;
* Sets query skip.
* @param {number} skip Skip, or null to reset skip.
setSkip: function(skip) {
this.skip = skip;
* Sets query sort.
* @param {string} field Field.
* @param {number} direction Sort direction, or null to reset sort.
setSort: function(field, direction) {
if(null == direction) {
this.sort = null;// hard reset
// Set sort value.
var value = Kinvey.Query.ASC === direction ? 1 : -1;
this.sort = {};// reset
this.sort[field] = value;
* Returns JSON representation. Used by JSON#stringify.
* @return {Object} JSON representation.
toJSON: function() {
var result = {};
this.limit && (result.limit = this.limit);
this.skip && (result.skip = this.skip);
this.sort && (result.sort = this.sort);
this.query && (result.query = this.query);
return result;
* Helper function to add expression to field.
* @private
_set: function(field, expression) {
this.query || (this.query = {});
if(!(expression instanceof Object)) {// simple condition
this.query[field] = expression;
// Complex condition.
this.query[field] instanceof Object || (this.query[field] = {});
for(var operator in expression) {
if(expression.hasOwnProperty(operator)) {
this.query[field][operator] = expression[operator];
// Define the Kinvey Aggregation class.
Kinvey.Aggregation = Base.extend({
* Creates a new aggregation.
* @example <code>
* var aggregation = new Kinvey.Aggregation();
* </code>
* @name Kinvey.Aggregation
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [builder] One of Kinvey.Aggregation.* builders.
constructor: function(builder) {
this.builder = builder || Kinvey.Aggregation.factory();
/** @lends Kinvey.Aggregation# */
* Adds key under condition.
* @param {string} key Key under condition.
* @return {Kinvey.Aggregation} Current instance.
on: function(key) {
return this;
* Sets the finalize function. Currently not supported.
* @param {function(doc, counter)} fn Finalize function.
* @return {Kinvey.Aggregation} Current instance.
setFinalize: function(fn) {
* Sets the initial counter object.
* @param {Object} counter Counter object.
* @return {Kinvey.Aggregation} Current instance.
setInitial: function(counter) {
return this;
* Sets query.
* @param {Kinvey.Query} [query] query.
* @throws {Error} On invalid instance.
* @return {Kinvey.Aggregation} Current instance.
setQuery: function(query) {
if(query && !(query instanceof Kinvey.Query)) {
throw new Error('Query must be an instanceof Kinvey.Query');
return this;
* Sets the reduce function.
* @param {function(doc, counter)} fn Reduce function.
* @return {Kinvey.Aggregation} Current instance.
setReduce: function(fn) {
return this;
* Returns JSON representation.
* @return {Object} JSON representation.
toJSON: function() {
return this.builder.toJSON();
}, {
/** @lends Kinvey.Aggregation */
* Returns an aggregation builder.
* @return {Object} One of Kinvey.Aggregation.* builders.
factory: function() {
// Currently, only the Mongo builder is supported.
return new Kinvey.Aggregation.MongoBuilder();
// Define the Kinvey Aggregation MongoBuilder class.
Kinvey.Aggregation.MongoBuilder = Base.extend({
// Fields.
finalize: function() { },
initial: { count: 0 },
keys: null,
reduce: function(doc, out) {
query: null,
* Creates a new MongoDB aggregation builder.
* @name Kinvey.Aggregation.MongoBuilder
* @constructor
constructor: function() {
// Set keys property explicitly on this instance, otherwise the prototype
// will be overloaded.
this.keys = {};
/** @lends Kinvey.Aggregation.MongoBuilder# */
* Adds key under condition.
* @param {string} key Key under condition.
* @return {Kinvey.Aggregation} Current instance.
on: function(key) {
this.keys[key] = true;
* Sets the finalize function.
* @param {function(counter)} fn Finalize function.
setFinalize: function(fn) {
this.finalize = fn;
* Sets the initial counter object.
* @param {Object} counter Counter object.
setInitial: function(counter) {
this.initial = counter;
* Sets query.
* @param {Kinvey.Query} [query] query.
setQuery: function(query) {
this.query = query;
return this;
* Sets the reduce function.
* @param {function(doc, out)} fn Reduce function.
setReduce: function(fn) {
this.reduce = fn;
* Returns JSON representation.
* @return {Object} JSON representation.
toJSON: function() {
// Required fields.
var result = {
finalize: this.finalize.toString(),
initial: this.initial,
key: this.keys,
reduce: this.reduce.toString()
// Optional fields.
var query = this.query && this.query.toJSON().query;
query && (result.condition = query);
return result;
* Kinvey Store namespace. Home to all stores.
* @namespace
Kinvey.Store = {
* AppData store.
* @constant
APPDATA: 'appdata',
* Blob store.
* @constant
BLOB: 'blob',
* Returns store.
* @param {string} name Store name.
* @param {string} collection Collection name.
* @param {Object} options Store options.
* @return {Kinvey.Store.*} One of Kinvey.Store.*.
factory: function(name, collection, options) {
// Create store by name.
if(Kinvey.Store.BLOB === name) {
return new Kinvey.Store.Blob(collection, options);
// By default, use the AppData store.
return new Kinvey.Store.AppData(collection, options);
// Define the Kinvey.Store.AppData class.
Kinvey.Store.AppData = Base.extend({
// Store name.
name: Kinvey.Store.APPDATA,
// Default options.
options: {
timeout: 10000,// Timeout in ms.
success: function() { },
error: function() { }
* Creates a new store.
* @name Kinvey.Store.AppData
* @constructor
* @param {string} collection Collection name.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
constructor: function(collection, options) {
this.api = Kinvey.Store.AppData.USER_API === collection ? Kinvey.Store.AppData.USER_API : Kinvey.Store.AppData.APPDATA_API;
this.collection = collection;
// Options.
options && this.configure(options);
/** @lends Kinvey.Store.AppData# */
* Aggregates objects from the store.
* @param {Object} aggregation Aggregation.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
aggregate: function(aggregation, options) {
var url = this._getUrl({ id: '_group' });
this._send('POST', url, JSON.stringify(aggregation), options);
* Configures store.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {function(response, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
* @param {integer} [options.timeout] Request timeout (in milliseconds).
configure: function(options) {
'undefined' !== typeof options.timeout && (this.options.timeout = options.timeout);
options.success && (this.options.success = options.success);
options.error && (this.options.error = options.error);
* Logs in user.
* @param {Object} object
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
login: function(object, options) {
var url = this._getUrl({ id: 'login' });
this._send('POST', url, JSON.stringify(object), options);
* Logs out user.
* @param {Object} object
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
logout: function(object, options) {
var url = this._getUrl({ id: '_logout' });
this._send('POST', url, null, options);
* Queries the store for a specific object.
* @param {string} id Object id.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
query: function(id, options) {
options || (options = {});
var url = this._getUrl({ id: id, resolve: options.resolve });
this._send('GET', url, null, options);
* Queries the store for multiple objects.
* @param {Object} query Query object.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
queryWithQuery: function(query, options) {
options || (options = {});
var url = this._getUrl({ query: query, resolve: options.resolve });
this._send('GET', url, null, options);
* Removes object from the store.
* @param {Object} object Object to be removed.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
remove: function(object, options) {
var url = this._getUrl({ id: object._id });
this._send('DELETE', url, null, options);
* Removes multiple objects from the store.
* @param {Object} query Query object.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
removeWithQuery: function(query, options) {
var url = this._getUrl({ query: query });
this._send('DELETE', url, null, options);
* Saves object to the store.
* @param {Object} object Object to be saved.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
save: function(object, options) {
// Create the object if nonexistent, update otherwise.
var method = object._id ? 'PUT' : 'POST';
var url = this._getUrl({ id: object._id });
this._send(method, url, JSON.stringify(object), options);
* Encodes value for use in query string.
* @private
* @param {*} value Value to be encoded.
* @return {string} Encoded value.
_encode: function(value) {
if(value instanceof Object) {
value = JSON.stringify(value);
return encodeURIComponent(value);
* Constructs URL.
* @private
* @param {Object} parts URL parts.
* @return {string} URL.
_getUrl: function(parts) {
var url = '/' + this.api + '/' + Kinvey.appKey + '/';
// Only the AppData API has explicit collections.
if(Kinvey.Store.AppData.APPDATA_API === this.api && null != this.collection) {
url += this.collection + '/';
} && (url +=;
// Build query string.
var param = [];
if(null != parts.query) {
// Required query parts.
param.push('query=' + this._encode(parts.query.query || {}));
// Optional query parts.
parts.query.limit && param.push('limit=' + this._encode(parts.query.limit));
parts.query.skip && param.push('skip=' + this._encode(parts.query.skip));
parts.query.sort && param.push('sort=' + this._encode(parts.query.sort));
// Resolve references.
if(parts.resolve) {
param.push('resolve=' + parts.resolve.join(','));
// Android < 4.0 caches all requests aggressively. For now, work around
// by adding a cache busting query string.
param.push('_=' + new Date().getTime());
return url + '?' + param.join('&');
}, {
// Path constants.
APPDATA_API: 'appdata',
USER_API: 'user'
// Apply mixin.;
// Define the Kinvey.Store.Blob class.
Kinvey.Store.Blob = Base.extend({
// Store name.
name: Kinvey.Store.BLOB,
// Default options.
options: {
timeout: 10000,// Timeout in ms.
success: function() { },
error: function() { }
* Creates a new store.
* @name Kinvey.Store.Blob
* @constructor
* @param {string} collection Collection name.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
constructor: function(collection, options) {
// Ignore the collection name, as the blob API has only one collection.
options && this.configure(options);
/** @lends Kinvey.Store.Blob# */
* Configures store.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {function(response, info)} [options.success] Success callback.
* @param {function(error, info)} [options.error] Failure callback.
* @param {integer} [options.timeout] Request timeout (in milliseconds).
configure: function(options) {
'undefined' !== typeof options.timeout && (this.options.timeout = options.timeout);
options.success && (this.options.success = options.success);
options.error && (this.options.error = options.error);
* Downloads a file.
* @param {string} name Filename.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
query: function(name, options) {
options = this._options(options);
// Send request to obtain the download URL.
var url = this._getUrl('download-loc', name);
this._send('GET', url, null, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(response, info) {
// Stop here if the user wants us to.
if('undefined' !== typeof && ! {
return options.success(response, info);
// Otherwise, download the file.
this._xhr('GET', response.URI, null, merge(options, {
success: function(response, info) {
name: name,
data:, // [aks] we want the blob, not the text
}, info);
error: function(_, info) {
error: Kinvey.Error.RESPONSE_PROBLEM,
description: 'There was a problem downloading the file.',
debug: ''
}, info);
* Removes a file.
* @param {Object} file File to be removed.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
* @throws {Error} On invalid file.
remove: function(file, options) {
// Validate file.
if(null == file || null == {
throw new Error('File should be an object containing name');
options = this._options(options);
// Send request to obtain the delete URL.
var url = this._getUrl('remove-loc',;
this._send('GET', url, null, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(response, info) {
// Delete the file.
this._xhr('DELETE', response.URI, null, merge(options, {
success: function(_, info) {
options.success && options.success(null, info);
error: function(_, info) {
error: Kinvey.Error.RESPONSE_PROBLEM,
description: 'There was a problem deleting the file.',
debug: ''
}, info);
* Uploads a file.
* @param {Object} file File to be uploaded.
* @param {Object} [options] Options.
save: function(file, options) {
options = this._options(options);
// Send request to obtain the upload URL.
this._send('GET', this._getUrl('upload-loc',, null, merge(options, {
success: bind(this, function(response, info) {
// Upload the file.
this._xhr('PUT', response.URI,, merge(options, {
success: function(_, info) {
options.success(file, info);
error: function(_, info) {
error: Kinvey.Error.RESPONSE_PROBLEM,
description: 'There was a problem uploading the file.',
debug: ''
}, info);
* Constructs URL.
* @private
* @param {string} type One of download-loc, upload-loc or remove-loc.
* @param {string} filename Filename.
* @return {string} URL.
_getUrl: function(type, filename) {
return '/' + Kinvey.Store.Blob.BLOB_API + '/' + Kinvey.appKey + '/' + type + '/' + filename;
* Returns full options object.
* @private
* @param {Object} options Options.
* @return {Object} Options.
_options: function(options) {
options || (options = {});
'undefined' !== typeof options.timeout || (options.timeout = this.options.timeout);
options.success || (options.success = this.options.success);
options.error || (options.error = this.options.error);
return options;
}, {
// Path constants.
BLOB_API: 'blob'
// Apply mixin.;
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