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ZFSRoot on encrypted LUKS device with Swap for hibernation
#Addendum to
# We want to have a swap partition next to the ZFS VDEV inside the encrypted partition to be able to resume from hibernate
# Using LVM for this is somewhat overkill and I am not sure how good an idea ZFS inside LVM is.
# Therefore we need to partition our cryptoroot until it looks something like the following:
$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 119.2G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 512M 0 part /boot
`-sda2 8:2 0 117.6G 0 part
`-cryptoroot 254:0 0 117.6G 0 crypt
|-cryptoroot1 254:1 0 9G 0 part [SWAP]
`-cryptoroot2 254:2 0 108.6G 0 part
# The big Problem here is that when opening a LUKS device the kernel doesn't look for partitions in it automatically.
# We need to call partprobe on the opened cryptoroot for the partitions to show up.
# To have this during bootup we need to create our own little hook which we will add to mkinitcpio.conf
# Partitions:
$ parted /dev/mapper/cryptoroot
(parted) mklabel gpt
(parted) mkpart.....
# 2 partitions, one slightly bigger than the amount of RAM for the swap partition, the other filling up the rest
# format is as swap
mkswap /dev/mapper/cryptoroot1
swapon /dev/mapper/cryptoroot1
# create the zpool as in the other document.
# when running genfstab we also need the line for the swap space:
genfstab -U -p /mnt | grep swap >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# once chrooted into the new ZFS file system we need to create our hooks
# /etc/initcpio/install/load_part:
build() {
add_binary 'partprobe'
help() {
Probes mapped LUKS container for partitions.
# /etc/initcpio/hook/load_part:
run_hook() {
partprobe /dev/mapper/cryptoroot
# The HOOK line in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf should look like this now:
HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard encrypt load_part resume zfs filesystems"
# We now need to find out the UUID of the swap partition with blkid:
$ blkid
/dev/mapper/cryptoroot1: UUID="3fb22265-cf5d-4c93-a70b-5473228dfee3" TYPE="swap" PARTUUID="324eb4ac-1fd9-4d68-aca8-b42a81cbf25b"
# add it with the resume parameter to your refind_linux.conf
resume=UUID=<swap UUID>
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