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Last active January 23, 2022 19:56
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My 2nd TLA+ Spec. RTOP stands for R-to-P and is a spec that shows a mapping of many-to-many P to R and the inverse
-------------------------------- MODULE RTOP --------------------------------
VARIABLE ptor, rtop
vars == <<ptor, rtop>>
TypeOK == /\ ptor \in [P -> SUBSET R]
/\ rtop \in [R -> SUBSET P]
Init ==
/\ ptor = [p \in P |-> (CHOOSE r \in SUBSET R: TRUE)]
/\ rtop = [r \in R |-> {p \in P : r \in ptor[p]}]
PAddR(p, r) ==
/\ ptor' = [ptor EXCEPT ![p] = @ \cup {r}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<rtop>>
Next ==
\/ \E p \in P, r \in R:
\/ PAddR(p, r)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<vars>>
THEOREM Spec => []TypeOK
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Sun Jan 23 11:10:52 PST 2022 by aaron
\* Created Sat Jan 22 09:52:31 PST 2022 by aaron
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Explanation of this gist can be found here under section "RTOP explained":

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