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Last active October 23, 2017 20:51
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Scala version of the blog post Resources, Laziness, and Continuation-Passing Style
object cps {
* The code below translates this blog post
* into scala, and uses laziness where appropriate to highlight the issue.
* I also include a type for IO. This is mainly illustrative, but also ensures
* we "sequence" actions appropriately. Haskell's IO monad works in tandem with the
* runtime to ensure IO actions are sequenced in the correct order (which in the presence
* of laziness is no trivial matter). Anyway, if this part is confusing just ignore it
* and pretend that I'm using IO as a simple way to box a value and let us use for-comprehensions.
* Running the code produces the following:
☭ scala -cp classes cps.scala
Creating resource
Destroying resource
Sending response
Creating resource
Sending response
Destroying resource
* As you can see, in the unsafe mode ,the resource is destroyed
* before it is used.
* lazy values
type Lazy[A] = () => A
* a simple model for IO.
case class IO[A](run: A) {
def map[B](f: A => B): IO[B] = IO(f(run))
def flatMap[B](f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] = f(run)
* bracket handles the initialization and cleanup
* of resources. You provide a handler.
def bracket[A,B,C](
initResource: IO[A],
cleanupResource: A => IO[B],
handler: A => IO[C]
): IO[C] = for {
resource <- initResource
response <- handler(resource)
_ <- cleanupResource(resource)
} yield response
* now we're going to make a web-server
* with subtleties about resource manaement.
* example types from the blo post.
object Request
object Response
object SomeResource
* type aliases to avoid having to write .type all the time.
type Request = Request.type
type Response = Response.type
type SomeResource = SomeResource.type
* the main App type. note the Response is "lazy"
* this lazy response is the source of our woes
* which we will solve using continuation passing style
type App = Request => IO[Lazy[Response]]
* run a web application
def runApp(app: App): IO[Unit] = for {
response <- app(Request)
} yield {
response() match {
case Response => println("Sending response")
* An unsafe application
def unsafeApplication(request: Request): IO[Lazy[Response]] =
bracket[SomeResource, Unit, Lazy[Response]](
{println("Creating resource"); IO(SomeResource)},
SomeResource => {println("Destroying resource"); IO(Unit)},
SomeResource => IO(() => {println("EVALUATING RESPONSE"); Response})
// ^-- note: the lazy response is wrapped in IO.
/******* NOW ENTERING THE CPS ZONE **********/
* A new definition of our App, which allows us to have control over
* when the Response is evaluated.
type AppCPS = Request => (Lazy[Response] => IO[Unit]) => IO[Unit]
// ^-- the continuation
* This version of runApp uses the continuation. This allows us to force
* evaluation of the lazy response within the continuation, which will ensure
* proper resource allocation and cleanup.
def runAppCPS(app: AppCPS): IO[Unit] =
app(Request)({ (lazyResponse: Lazy[Response]) =>
// Force evaluation
println("Sending response")
* a CPS'd version of our application: it takes a continuation.
def safeAppCPS(request: Request)(continuation: Lazy[Response] => IO[Unit]): IO[Unit] =
bracket[SomeResource, Unit, Unit](
{println("Creating resource"); IO(SomeResource)},
SomeResource => {println("Destroying resource"); IO(Unit)},
SomeResource => continuation(() => {println("EVALUATING RESPONSE"); Response})
// ^-- note: the lazy response is passed to continuation.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
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