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Last active January 3, 2016 05:39
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Effect Stacks in the van Laarhoven Free Monad
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{- Effects Stack in the van Laarhoven Free Monad
The goal is to explore the idea put out by Russell O'Connor
in the blog post here:
and Russell's follow-up comment here:
Russell' comment on reddit hint thats, if i understood it correctly,
using lenses, we could have an arbitrary effect stack with a
large product of effects and use lenses to lense in on our effect.
When exploring that idea I found a slightly different version: here
the effect stack is an HList of effects. I then used a trick
I learned from Julian Karni via haskell-servant of using typeclasses
to fetch effects out of this stack based on their tag. However, in this
formulation, we use the type itself as the tag.
The result is an arbitrary effect stack, using typeclasses to pick out
effects and build programs in an arbitrary Free Monad.
We can build our progrmas without assuming an effects stack, and run different
interpreters. Also, because the van Laarhoven is effectively a Reader Monad over
our effect stack, we get a very performant and simple Free Monad with no cost
for larger effect stacks.
The only price we pay is a kitchen-soup of extensions :(
previous effort with tags here:
module Main where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity (Identity))
-- some ops
type Response = String
data HttpOps m =
HttpOps { get :: String -> m Response
, put :: String -> String -> m Response
data LogLevel = Info | Warning | Error | Debug
data LoggingOps m =
LoggingOps { logOp :: LogLevel -> String -> m () }
data TeletypeOps m =
TeletypeOps { getCharacter :: m Char
, putCharacter :: Char -> m ()
-- HLists for ops
data Ops a (m :: * -> *) where
EmptyOp :: Ops '[] m
ConsOp :: x m -> Ops xs m -> Ops (x ': xs) m
class HasOp (ops :: [((* -> *) -> *)]) (op :: ((* -> *) -> *)) where
getOp :: Ops ops m -> op m
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
HasOp ops op => HasOp (notit ': ops) op where
getOp (ConsOp _ xs) = getOp xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
HasOp (op ': xs) op where
getOp (ConsOp x _) = x
(.:) :: op m -> Ops ops m -> Ops (op ': ops) m
op .: ops = ConsOp op ops
infixr 5 .:
-- HList version of van Laarhoven free monad
newtype FreeVL ops a =
FreeVL { runFreeVL :: forall m. Monad m => Ops ops m -> m a }
instance Functor (FreeVL ops) where
fmap f (FreeVL run) = FreeVL (fmap f . run)
instance Applicative (FreeVL ops) where
pure a = FreeVL (const (pure a))
(FreeVL fab) <*> (FreeVL a) =
FreeVL $ uncurry (<*>) . (fab &&& a)
instance Monad (FreeVL ops) where
(FreeVL oa) >>= f =
FreeVL $ \ops -> oa ops >>= \a -> runFreeVL (f a) ops
-- lift operations into the van laarhoven free monad
liftVL :: HasOp ops op
=> (forall m. op m -> m a)
-> FreeVL ops a
liftVL getter = FreeVL $ \ops -> getter (getOp ops)
-- interpret programs in the van laarhoven free monad
interperetM :: Monad m
=> Ops ops m
-> FreeVL ops a
-> m a
interperetM = flip runFreeVL
-- user code
-- some helper combinators
getM :: HasOp ops HttpOps
=> String
-> FreeVL ops Response
getM s = liftVL (`get` s)
putM :: HasOp ops HttpOps
=> String
-> String
-> FreeVL ops Response
putM s1 s2 = liftVL (\http -> put http s1 s2)
logM :: HasOp ops LoggingOps
=> LogLevel
-> String
-> FreeVL ops ()
logM l s = liftVL (\logger -> logOp logger l s)
putCharM :: HasOp ops TeletypeOps
=> Char
-> FreeVL ops ()
putCharM c = liftVL (`putCharacter` c)
-- a program where we don't make assumptions about the effect stack.
program :: ( HasOp ops LoggingOps
, HasOp ops HttpOps
=> FreeVL ops Int
program = do
logM Debug "running http request! yay"
_ <- getM ""
return 10
-- our effects stack
type MyOps = ( HttpOps
': LoggingOps
': TeletypeOps
': '[]
-- same program but with explicit effects stack.
program2 :: FreeVL MyOps Int
program2 = do
logM Debug "running http request"
_ <- getM ""
return 10
program3 :: HasOp ops TeletypeOps
=> FreeVL ops ()
program3 = putCharM 'c'
composeProgram :: FreeVL MyOps ()
composeProgram = do
_ <- program2
-- a pure interpreter for our program
pureInterpreter :: Ops MyOps Identity
pureInterpreter =
let http = HttpOps Identity (const . Identity)
logger = LoggingOps (const . const $ Identity ())
tele = TeletypeOps (Identity 'c') (const (Identity ()))
in http .: logger .: tele .: EmptyOp
-- IO Interpreter for HTTP
httpIO :: HttpOps IO
httpIO = let getIO = const (return "get response")
putIO = const . const $ return "put response"
in HttpOps getIO putIO
-- IO Interpreter for logging
loggerIO :: LoggingOps IO
loggerIO = LoggingOps $ \_ s -> putStrLn s
-- IO Interpreter for Teletype
teletypeIO :: TeletypeOps IO
teletypeIO = let getIO = return 'c'
putIO = const (return ())
in TeletypeOps getIO putIO
-- the full interpreter for our effects stack.
ioInterpreter :: Ops MyOps IO
ioInterpreter = httpIO .: loggerIO .: teletypeIO .: EmptyOp
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "running program with interpreter in IO"
num <- interperetM ioInterpreter program2
putStrLn "running prorgramM2 with interpreter in IO"
num2 <- interperetM ioInterpreter program
print num
print num2
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