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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Applicatives for Profiling, Profit, and Fun
import Control.Applicative((<*>), Applicative, pure)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST, runRWST, tell)
import Control.Monad.State (get, modify)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)), (<|), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Clock (Clock (Monotonic), getTime, nsec)
data Profiler m a = Profiler { item :: m a
, profilerPre :: m ()
, profilerPost :: m ()
instance Functor m => Functor (Profiler m) where
fmap f pa@(Profiler ma _ _) = pa { item = fmap f ma }
noop :: (Applicative m) => m ()
noop = pure ()
instance (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Applicative (Profiler m) where
pure a = Profiler (pure a) noop noop
(Profiler mf' pre' post') <*> (Profiler ma' _ _) = Profiler (interleave ma' pre' mf' post') noop noop where
interleave ma pre mf post = do
_ <- pre
result <- mf <*> ma
_ <- post
pure result
type FuncState = NonEmpty Int
type TracingProfiler a = Profiler (RWST () [String] FuncState IO) a
-- prints system clock to StdOut before and after computation.
timedP :: String -> (a -> b) -> TracingProfiler (a -> b)
timedP name f = Profiler (pure f) pre post where
pre = do
timeSpec <- liftIO $ getTime Monotonic
times <- get
let space = replicate (NE.length times) '\t'
modify (nsec timeSpec <|)
tell [space ++ "Beginning computation for: " ++ name ++ " @ " ++ (show . nsec $ timeSpec)]
post = do
timeSpec <- liftIO $ getTime Monotonic
times <- get
let remaining = NE.tail times
let space = replicate (length remaining) '\t'
modify (\t -> fromMaybe t (nonEmpty remaining))
tell [ space ++ "Ending computation for: " ++ name ++ " @ " ++ (show . nsec $ timeSpec)
, space ++ "== LENGTH: " ++ show (nsec timeSpec - NE.head times)
runRWSTProfiler :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m)
=> r
-> s
-> Profiler (RWST r w s m) a
-> m (a, s, w)
runRWSTProfiler ir is profile = (runRWST $ item profile) ir is
myComputation :: TracingProfiler String
myComputation = (timedP "1st reverse" reverse)
<*> ((timedP "2nd reverse" reverse)
<*> (timedP "(++)" (++) <*> pure "cool " <*> pure "aaron "))
main :: IO ()
main = do
(a,_,w) <- runRWSTProfiler () (0 :| []) myComputation
mapM_ putStrLn w
putStrLn a
-- ☭ ./profiler
-- Beginning computation for: 1st reverse @ 907710097
-- Beginning computation for: 2nd reverse @ 907716099
-- Beginning computation for: (++) @ 907718702
-- Ending computation for: (++) @ 907721713
-- == LENGTH: 3011
-- Ending computation for: 2nd reverse @ 907725795
-- == LENGTH: 9696
-- Ending computation for: 1st reverse @ 907726781
-- == LENGTH: 16684
-- cool aaron
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My second attempt:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

import Control.Applicative((<*>), Applicative, pure)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import System.Clock (Clock (Monotonic), getTime, nsec, sec)

data Profiler m a = Profiler { item :: m a
                             , profilerPre  :: forall b. b -> m ()
                             , profilerPost :: forall b. b -> m ()

instance Functor m => Functor (Profiler m) where
  fmap f pa@(Profiler ma _ _) = pa { item = fmap f ma }

noop :: (Applicative m) => forall b. b -> m ()
noop = const (pure ())

instance (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Applicative (Profiler m) where
  pure a = Profiler (pure a) noop noop
  (Profiler mf' pre' post') <*> (Profiler ma' _ _) = Profiler (interleave ma' pre' mf' post') noop noop where
    interleave ma pre mf post = do
      _ <- ma >>= pre
      result <- mf <*> ma
      _ <-post result
      pure result

-- prints system clock to StdOut before and after computation.
timedP :: (a -> b) -> Profiler IO (a -> b)
timedP f = Profiler (pure f) pre post where
  pre _ = do
    timeSpec <- getTime Monotonic
    putStrLn $ "Pre-Seconds: " ++ (show . sec $ timeSpec) ++ "\nPre-Nanos: " ++ (show . nsec $ timeSpec)
  post _ = do
    timeSpec <- getTime Monotonic
    putStrLn $ "Post-Seconds: " ++ (show . sec $ timeSpec) ++ "\nPost-nanos: " ++ (show . nsec $ timeSpec)

myComputation :: Profiler IO String
myComputation = timedP (++) <*> pure "cool " <*> pure "aaron "

main :: IO ()
main = do
  i <- item myComputation
  putStrLn i

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