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Last active June 6, 2022 07:36
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  • Save aaronparker/614609e7d8d1135539b43c7987458abc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Adds the primary user of an Azure AD joined, Intune managed device to the local Administrators group
Adds the primary user of the device to the local Administrators group
function Get-Key {
try {
$EnrollmentsKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\"
$MatchingKey = foreach ($Key in (Get-ChildItem -Path $EnrollmentsKey | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $true })) {
$Key | Where-Object { ($_.Property -match "ProviderID") -and ($_.Property -match "UPN") -and ($_.Property -match "AADTenantID") }
catch {
$MatchingKey = $Null
throw "Failed to return key."
Write-Output -InputObject $MatchingKey
$MatchingKey = Get-Key
if ($Null -ne $MatchingKey) {
$Upn = $MatchingKey.GetValue("UPN")
if ($Null -ne $Upn) {
if (($MatchingKey.GetValue("ProviderID") -match "MS DM Server") -and ($MatchingKey.GetValue("AADResourceID") -match "")) {
try {
$String = "Attempting to add $Upn to Administrators."
$params = @{
Group = "Administrators"
Member = "AzureAD\$Upn"
ErrorAction = "Stop"
Add-LocalGroupMember @params
catch {
$String += " $($_.Exception.Message)"
exit 1
$String += " Successfully added $Upn to Administrators."
exit 0
else {
"No matching values for ProviderID and AADResourceID."
exit 1
else {
"No value for UPN. Could be multi-user / shared device."
exit 1
else {
"Failed to return a matching key with ProviderID and AADResourceID."
exit 1
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