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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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HDM in Vector Tiles

##Game Plan

  1. Small changes to Mapbox Streets to incorporate important but miscellaneous tags.
  2. A separate americanredcross.humanitarian-data-model-v1 to supplement Mapbox Streets and Mapbox Terrain

##Changes to Mapbox Streets


  • amenity=atm
  • amenity=ferry_terminal
  • amenity=police
  • amenity=fire_station
  • amenity=pharmacy
  • shop=mobile_phone

#####road, #bridge, #tunnel

  • route=ferry

##Humanitarian Vector Tiles


####layer_name (geometries)

  • attribute
    • value : OSM tags for this value


####graticule (line)

  • decimal_degrees
  • direction
    • N
    • S
    • E
    • W
  • rotation
    • 0
    • 90

####water_source (point)

  • class
    • drinking_water : amenity=drinking_water
    • water_well : man_made=water_well
    • water_tower : man_made=water_tower
    • storage_tank : man_made=storage_tank, man_made=water_tank
    • spring : natural=spring
  • drinking_water
    • yes : drinking_water=yes, amenity=drinking_water
    • no : drinking_water=no
  • pump
    • manual : pump=manual, pump=yes && pump_type=manual
    • powered : pump=powered, pump_type=powered_network
    • yes : pump=yes

####medical (point)

  • class
    • hospital : amenity=hospital
    • clinic : amenity=clinic
    • field_hospital : health_facility_type=field_hospital, health_facility:type=field_hospital
    • pharmacy : amenity=pharmacy
    • dispensary : health_facility_type=dispensary, health_facility:type=dispensary
    • morgue : amenity=mortuary
  • operator
    • name : name=
    • acronym : match with data dictionary?

####sanitation (point)

  • class
    • shower : amenity=shower
    • toilet : amenity=toilets
    • waste : amenity=waste_disposal, amenity=waste_basket, landuse=landfill, amenity=sanitary_dump_station, man_made=wastewater_plant, informal=dumpsite
  • type
    • Shower : amenity=shower
    • Toilet : amenity=toilets
    • Waste Disposal : amenity=waste_disposal
    • Waste Basket : amenity=waste_basket
    • Landfill : landuse=landfill
    • Informal Dumpsite : informal=dumpsite
    • Sanitary Dump Station : amenity=sanitary_dump_station
    • Wastewater Plant : man_made=wastewater_plant

####communication (point)

  • class
    • tower : tower=yes && tower:type=communication, tower=man_made && man_made=communications_tower, man_made=tower
    • dish : man_made=communications_dish
    • notice_board: tourism=information && information=board && board_type=notice, amenity=community_information_kiosk
  • temporary???
    • true : temporary=yes
  • operator
    • name : name=
    • acronym : match with data dictionary?

####electric_utility (polygon, line, point)

  • class
    • generation : power=generator
    • transmission : power=tower, power=pole, power=line, power=minor_line
    • distribution : power=station, power=substation, power=sub_station, power=transformer
  • type
    • Wind : power=generator && generator:source=wind
    • Solar : power=generator && generator:source=solar
    • Hydro : power=generator && generator:source=hydro
    • Gas : power=generator && generator:source=gas
    • Coal : power=generator && generator:source=coal
    • Biomass : power=generator && generator:source=biomass
    • Nuclear : power=generator && generator:source=nuclear
    • Tower : power=tower
    • Pole : power=pole
    • Line : power=line, power=minor_line
    • Station : power=station
    • Substation : power=substation, power=sub_station
    • Transformer : power=transformer

####emergency_facility (polygon, point)

  • class
    • medical_rescue : ambulance_station, emergency=defibrillator, emergency=aed, medical=aed
    • fire_fighting : emergency=fire_extinguisher, emergency=fire_hydrant, emergency=fire_hose, fire_flapper
    • lifeguarding : emergency=lifeguard_base, emergency=lifeguard_platform, emergency=lifeguard_place
    • response_coordination : emergency=assembly_point, emergency=access_point, emergency=phone, emergency=siren
    • helicopter : aeroway=helipad, emergency:helipad=potential, emergency=landing_site
  • operator
    • name : name=
    • acronym : match with data dictionary?
  • temporary
    • true : temporary=yes
  • name
  • type
    • Ambulance Station : emergency=ambulance_station
    • Defibrillator : emergency=defibrillator, emergency=aed, medical=aed
    • Fire Extinguisher : emergency=fire_extinguisher
    • Fire Hydrant : emergency=fire_hydrant
    • Fire Hose : emergency=fire_hose
    • Fire Flapper : emergency=fire_flapper
    • Lifeguard : emergency=lifeguard_base, emergency=lifeguard_platform, emergency=lifeguard_place
    • Assembly Point : emergency=assembly_point
    • Access : emergency=access_point
    • Phone : emergency=phone
    • Siren : emergency=siren
    • Helipad : aeroway=helipad
    • Potential Helipad : emergency:helipad=potential, emergency=landing_site

####building_condition (polygon overlays)

  • class
    • construction : building=construction
    • damaged : damage=moderate, damage=extensive, damage=severe
    • collapsed : damage=total, damage=destroyed, building=collapsed, building=collapse, damage=partially_collapsed, damage=collapsed
    • flooded : damage=flooded

####road_condition (line overlays, point)

  • surface
    • unpaved : surface=unpaved
    • rough : smoothness=bad
  • condition
    • bad : condition=bad
    • impassable : impassable=yes
    • collapsed : bridge=collapsed
  • barrier
    • checkpoint : military=checkpoint, barrier=checkpoint
    • debris : barrier=debris
    • gate : barrier=gate

####site (polygon, line, point)

  • class
    • shelter : amenity=shelter, shelter=yes
    • camp : tourism=camp_site && refugee=yes, damage:spontaneous_campsite, damage:spontaneous_camp, damage:people_camping
    • residential : landuse=residential
    • common : leisure=common
    • rubble : landuse=brownfield
    • landslide : hazard=landslide
  • name : name=
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