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Last active September 2, 2017 02:45
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  • Save aaronpdennis/a53f9afb8ef24d499e96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aaronpdennis/a53f9afb8ef24d499e96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Process for inputing OpenStreetMap .pbf files, generating vector tiles based off a humanitarian data model, and then hosting those tiles as a data source on Mapbox.
"water_source": {
"class": {
"water well": ["man_made=water_well"],
"water tower": ["man_made=water_tower"],
"water tank": ["man_made=storage_tank", "man_made=water_tank"],
"spring": ["natural=spring"],
"drinking water": ["amenity=drinking_water"]
"potable": {
"yes": ["drinking_water=yes", "amenity=drinking_water"],
"no": ["drinking_water=no"]
"pump": {
"yes": ["pump=yes"],
"manual": ["pump=manual", "pump_type=manual"],
"powered": ["pump=powered", "pump_type=powered_network"]
"medical": {
"class": {
"hospital": ["amenity=hospital"],
"clinic": ["amenity=clinic"],
"field hospital": ["health_facility_type=field_hospital", "health_facility:type=field_hospital"],
"pharmacy": ["amenity=pharmacy"],
"dispensary": ["health_facility_type=dispensary", "health_facility:type=dispensary"],
"morgue": ["amenity=mortuary"]
"sanitation": {
"class": {
"shower": ["amenity=shower"],
"toilet": ["amenity=toilets"],
"waste": ["amenity=waste_disposal", "amenity=waste_basket", "landuse=landfill", "amenity=sanitary_dump_station", "man_made=wastewater_plant", "informal=dumpsite"]
"communication": {
"class": {
"tower": ["tower:type=communication", "man_made=communications_tower"],
"dish": ["man_made=communications_dish"],
"notice board": ["amenity=community_information_kiosk", "board_type=notice"]
"electric_utility": {
"class": {
"generator": ["power=generator"],
"transmission": ["power=tower", "power=pole", "power=line", "power=minor_line"],
"distribution": ["power=station", "power=substation", "power=sub_station", "power=transformer"]
"power_source": {
"wind": ["generator:source=wind"],
"solar": ["generator:source=solar"],
"hydro": ["generator:source=hydro"],
"gas": ["generator:source=gas"],
"coal": ["generator:source=coal"],
"biomass": ["generator:source=biomass"],
"nuclear": ["generator:source=nuclear"]
"structure": {
"tower": ["power=tower"],
"pole": ["power=pole"],
"line": ["power=line", "power=minor_line"]
"emergency": {
"class": {
"medical rescue": ["emergency=ambulance_station", "emergency=defibrillator", "emergency=aed", "medical=aed"],
"fire fighter": ["emergency=fire_extinguisher", "emergency=fire_hydrant", "emergency=fire_hose", "emergency=fire_flapper"],
"lifeguarding": ["emergency=lifeguard_base", "emergency=lifeguard_platform", "emergency=lifeguard_place"],
"assembly point": ["emergency=assembly_point"],
"access point": ["emergency=access_point"],
"emergency phone": ["emergency=phone"],
"emergency siren": ["emergency=siren"],
"helicopter": ["aeroway=helipad", "emergency:helipad=potential", "emergency=landing_site"]
"building_condition": {
"class": {
"construction": ["building=construction"],
"damaged": ["damage=moderate", "damage=extensive", "damage=severe"],
"collapsed": ["damage=total", "damage=destroyed", "building=collapsed", "building=collapse", "damage=partially_collapsed", "damage=collapsed"],
"flooded": ["damage=flooded"]
"road_condition": {
"class": {
"surface": ["surface=unpaved", "smoothness=bad"],
"condition": ["condition=bad", "impassable=yes", "bridge=collapsed"],
"barrier": ["military=checkpoint", "barrier=checkpoint", "barrier=debris", "barrier=gate"]
"surface": {
"unpaved": ["surface=unpaved"],
"rough": ["smoothness=bad"]
"condition": {
"bad": ["condition=bad"],
"impassable": ["impassable=yes"],
"collapsed": ["bridge=collapsed"]
"barrier": {
"checkpoint": ["military=checkpoint", "barrier=checkpoint"],
"debris": ["barrier=debris"],
"gate": ["barrier=gate"]
"site" : {
"class": {
"shelter": ["amenity=shelter", "shelter=yes"],
"camp": ["refugee=yes", "idp:camp_site=spontaneous_camp"],
"residential": ["landuse=residential"],
"common": ["leisure=common"],
"rubble": ["landuse=brownfield"],
"landslide": ["hazard=landslide"]
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs = require('fs');
var osmium = require('osmium');
var turf = require('turf');
var location_handler = new osmium.LocationHandler();
var handler = new osmium.Handler();
var hdm = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('hdm.json', 'utf8'));
var hdmTags = [];
var hdmClasses = [];
var hdmLayers = [];
var tagClassAndLayer = {};
var hdmClassLayer = {};
function findPropertyFromTag(tag, layer) {
for (var property in hdm[layer]) {
if (hdm[layer].hasOwnProperty(property) && property !== "class") {
for (value in hdm[layer][property]) {
if (hdm[layer][property].hasOwnProperty(value)) {
for (var i = 0; i < hdm[layer][property][value].length; i++) {
if (hdm[layer][property][value].indexOf(tag) > -1) {
return { "property" : property, "value" : value };
for (var layer in hdm) {
if (hdm.hasOwnProperty(layer)) {
for (classAttr in hdm[layer]["class"]) {
if (hdm[layer]["class"].hasOwnProperty(classAttr)) {
for (var i = 0; i < hdm[layer]["class"][classAttr].length; i++) {
var osmTag = hdm[layer]["class"][classAttr][i];
tagClassAndLayer[osmTag] = { "class": classAttr, "layer": layer };
handler.options({ 'tagged_nodes_only' : true });
handler.on('node', filter);
handler.on('way', filter);
var dir = './hdm-data';
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){
var wstreams = {};
for (var i = 0; i < hdmLayers.length; i++) {
wstreams[hdmLayers[i]] = fs.createWriteStream('hdm-data/' + hdmLayers[i] + '.json');
var labelWStream = fs.createWriteStream('hdm-data/hdm_label.json');
var counter = 0;
function filter(item) {
var tags = item.tags();
var keys = Object.keys(tags);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
var candidate = key + '=' + tags[key];
if ((hdmTags.indexOf(candidate) > -1)) {
var layer = tagClassAndLayer[candidate].layer;
var geometry = item.geojson();
var properties = {};
properties.class = tagClassAndLayer[candidate].class;
properties.tag = candidate;
if (findPropertyFromTag(candidate, layer)) {
var otherProperties = findPropertyFromTag(candidate, layer);
properties[] = otherProperties.value;
if (keys.indexOf('name' > -1)) {
properties['name'] = tags['name'];
if (item.coordinates !== undefined) {
properties.geom = 'Point';
properties.osm_id = parseInt( + Math.pow(10, 15);
} else if (
item.geojson().coordinates[0][0] === item.geojson().coordinates[item.geojson().coordinates.length - 1][0] &&
item.geojson().coordinates[0][1] === item.geojson().coordinates[item.geojson().coordinates.length - 1][1]
) {
properties.geom = 'Polygon';
properties.osm_id = parseInt( + Math.pow(10, 12);
} else {
properties.geom = 'LineString';
properties.osm_id =;
'type': 'Feature',
'properties': properties,
'geometry': item.geojson()
}) + "\n"
if ( properties.class !== 'residential'
&& properties.class !== 'common'
&& properties.class !== 'rubble'
&& properties.class !== 'landslide'
&& properties.class !== 'transmission'
&& layer !== 'road_condition')
var feature = {
'type': 'Feature',
'properties': {},
'geometry': {
'type': properties.geom,
'coordinates': properties.geom !== 'Polygon' ? item.geojson().coordinates : [item.geojson().coordinates]
var labelPt = turf.pointOnSurface(feature); = properties; = layer; = 'Point';
labelWStream.write(JSON.stringify(labelPt) + '\n');
process.stdout.write('feature count: ' + counter + '\r');
function logFeatureCount() {
process.stdout.write('feature count: ' + counter + '\n\n');
counter = 0;
for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; i++) {
process.stdout.write(process.argv[i] + '\n');
file = new osmium.File(process.argv[i], 'pbf');
reader = new osmium.Reader(file, {
node: true,
way: true
osmium.apply(reader, location_handler, handler);
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Dependencies for Mac OS X:

  • node version 010 : $ brew install
  • fs : $ npm install fs
  • node-osmium : $ npm install osmium
  • turf : $ npm install turf

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$ ./process.js kathmandu_nepal.osm.pbf

If you're told the file doesn't have the right permissions first run $ chmod u+rwx ./process.js and then the command.

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Generating Vector MBTiles

After running ./process.js, if you want to create a vector MBTiles file, install tippecanoe with

brew install tippecanoe

then do

tippecanoe \
  -z 14 -Z 13 \
  -d12 -D12 \
  -b 20 \
  -pc -f \
  -o hdm.mbtiles \
    hdm-data/water_source.json \
    hdm-data/communication.json \
    hdm-data/electric_utility.json \
    hdm-data/sanitation.json \
    hdm-data/emergency.json \
    hdm-data/medical.json \
    hdm-data/building_condition.json \
    hdm-data/road_condition.json \

You can adjust the hdm.json file to create different data models for your vector tiles. In the Tippecanoe command above, each hdm-data/file.json is a layer that gets added to the MBTiles. If you create different layers in hdm.json, you'll have to update the file names in the Tippecanoe command above.

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Uploading to Mapbox

You can manually upload the output hdm.mbtiles file from your Tippecanoe command to Mapbox's data hosting services here:

You can also use the script below to upload the hdm.mbtiles file. You'll need to

  1. Install the mapbox-upload dependency : $ npm install mapbox --save mapbox-upload
  2. Change the third line, adding in your own Mapbox access token with an uploads:write scope. Create one of those tokens at
  3. Change the 4th line to your Mapox user account
#!/usr/bin/env node

var mapboxAccessToken = '<your-mapbox-token-with-uploads:write-scope>'; // create a token here -->
var mapboxUserAccount = '<your-mapbox-account-user-name-here>';

var upload = require('mapbox-upload');

console.log('Starting upload.');

var progress = upload({
    file: __dirname + '/hdm.mbtiles',
    account: mapboxUserAccount,
    accesstoken: mapboxAccessToken,
    mapid: mapboxUserAccount + '.' + 'humanitarian-data-model'

progress.on('error', function(err){
    if (err) throw err;

progress.on('progress', function(p){
  process.stdout.write(Math.round(p.percentage,4) + "%\r");

progress.once('finished', function(){
    console.log("Tiles are processing at");

Save this script above, updated with your access token, into a file upload.js, then run $ chmod u+rwx ./upload.js and then $ ./upload.js.

You can change the mapid, the identifier where your vector tiles are uploaded to, by switching out where it says 'humanitarian-data-model' on line 9 for some other valid mapid (like a short string of text, no spaces).

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Using the Mapbox Studio Humanitarian Style

I've designed a Mapbox Studio style around these humanitarian data model vector tiles. It looks like this.

To use this style for your projects, download the ZIP version of this repository:

Unzip the file and you'll have a directory (a folder) called hdm-style.tm2-master. Change the name of this directory to hdm-style.tm2, dropping the -master off the end. This directory is now a Mapbox Studio style that we can browse to and open in the map design software Mapbox Studio.

Before we open the style in Studio, go into the hdm-style.tm2 directory and edit line 60 of the project.yml file where it says source: "mapbox:///mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2,mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5,aarondennis.humanitarian-data-model-v1". These are all the vector tile sources that this style compiles into one map.

You'll need to change aarondennis.humanitarian-data-model-v1 to your Mapbox mapid for the vector MBTiles you generated and uploaded in the steps above.

Line 60 should now say something like source: "mapbox:///mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2,mapbox.mapbox-streets-v5,yourusername.your-map-id".

Once you've made these changes, open Mapbox Studio and in the "New Project" window and browse to your hdm-style.tm2 directory. In the settings panel, you'll be able to upload the style to Mapbox, which will then serve your map tiles from the Mapbox API. Here's a good resource for integrating Mapbox Styles into Leaflet web maps:

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For Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty), if you want to use install osmium through npm you first need to install the right dependencies

sudo apt-add-repository --yes ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-add-repository --yes ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install git gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 build-essential nodejs
sudo apt-get -y install libboost-dev zlib1g-dev protobuf-compiler
sudo apt-get -y install libprotobuf-dev libexpat1-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libsparsehash-dev
export CC=gcc-4.8
export CXX=g++-4.8
git clone
cd OSM-binary/src
make && sudo make install

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randyhbh commented Sep 2, 2017

hi, if i wish only to create large file dumps of GeoJSON features fot this cuba-latest.osm.pbf, and then use typpecanoe to generate de .mbtiles, is mandatory to use hdm.json, what are the functions of *.json? where are they in the map?

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