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Created June 16, 2013 18:34
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class MF2Object {
protected $_data;
protected $_parent;
public function __construct($data, $parent=null) {
$this->_data = json_decode(json_encode($data));
$this->_data = $data;
$this->_parent = $parent;
public function __get($key) {
$cacheKey = '_'.$key;
if(method_exists($this, $key) && property_exists($this, $cacheKey)) {
if($this->{$cacheKey} !== null)
return $this->{$cacheKey};
$val = $this->$key();
$this->{$cacheKey} = $val;
return $val;
return null;
protected function _is($obj, $type) {
return in_array($type, $obj->type);
protected function _findFirstItem($type) {
if($this->_data && property_exists($this->_data, 'items'))
foreach($this->_data->items as $i) {
if($this->_is($i, $type))
return $i;
return null;
// Find the property in the 'properties' object and return the values
// If $first is true, returns only the first value, otherwise returns an array
public function property($key, $first=false) {
if($this->_data && property_exists($this->_data, 'properties')) {
if(property_exists($this->_data->properties, $key)) {
return $this->_data->properties->{$key}[0];
return $this->_data->properties->{$key};
return null;
return array();
protected function _stringForProperty($key) {
return implode(' ', $content);
return '';
class MF2Page extends MF2Object {
protected $_hentry = null;
protected $_hevent = null;
protected $_author = null;
protected function hentry() {
$item = $this->_findFirstItem('h-entry');
return new HEntry($item, $this);
return null;
protected function hevent() {
$item = $this->_findFirstItem('h-event');
return new HEvent($item, $this);
return null;
protected function author() {
$author = null;
$entry = $this->_findFirstItem('h-entry');
if($entry) {
if(property_exists($entry->properties, 'author')) {
$author = $entry->properties->author;
} else {
class HEntry extends MF2Object {
protected $_content = null;
protected $_published = null;
protected $_author = null;
protected function content() {
return implode(' ', $content);
return implode(' ', $content);
return '';
protected function published() {
if($time=$this->property('published', true)) {
try {
return new DateTime($time);
} catch(Exception $e) {
return null;
return null;
// Search the h-entry for an author. If none is found, fall back to the parent's h-card.
protected function author() {
if($author=$this->property('author', true))
return new HCard($author);
return new HCard($author);
return null;
class HEvent extends MF2Object {
protected $_location = null;
protected function location() {
$locations = array();
if($location=$this->property('location')) {
foreach($location as $l)
$locations[] = new HCard($l);
return $locations;
} else {
return null;
class HCard extends MF2Object {
protected $_name;
protected $_nickname;
protected $_given_name;
protected $_family_name;
protected $_adr;
protected $_note;
protected $_photo;
protected $_url;
protected function name() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('name');
protected function nickname() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('nickname');
protected function given_name() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('given-name');
protected function family_name() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('family-name');
protected function adr() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('adr');
protected function note() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('note');
protected function photo() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('photo');
protected function url() {
return $this->_stringForProperty('url');
class ParserPlus extends mf2\Parser {
public function xpath($query) {
return $this->xpath->query($query);
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