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Created July 23, 2015 18:35
* Converts base 10 to base 60.
* @param int $n
* @return string
function b10to60($n)
$s = "";
$m = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
if ($n==0)
return 0;
while ($n>0)
$d = $n % 60;
$s = $m[$d] . $s;
$n = ($n-$d)/60;
return $s;
* Converts base 60 to base 10, with error checking
* @param string $s
* @return int
function b60to10($s)
$n = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) // iterate from first to last char of $s
$c = ord($s[$i]); // put current ASCII of char into $c
if ($c>=48 && $c<=57) { $c=$c-48; }
else if ($c>=65 && $c<=72) { $c-=55; }
else if ($c==73 || $c==108) { $c=1; } // typo capital I, lowercase l to 1
else if ($c>=74 && $c<=78) { $c-=56; }
else if ($c==79) { $c=0; } // error correct typo capital O to 0
else if ($c>=80 && $c<=90) { $c-=57; }
else if ($c==95) { $c=34; } // underscore
else if ($c>=97 && $c<=107) { $c-=62; }
else if ($c>=109 && $c<=122) { $c-=63; }
else { $c = 0; } // treat all other noise as 0
$n = (60 * $n) + $c;
return $n;
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tantek commented Jul 23, 2015

This code is a fork from a historical (and out of date) implementation of NewBase60. Please see for the latest JS/PHP code and feel free to fork from there.

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