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Created April 3, 2023 17:14
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A simple, proof-of-concept Azure LLM for [Langchain.js](
import { BaseLLM } from 'langchain/llms'
import { CallbackManager } from 'langchain/callbacks'
import { LLMResult } from 'langchain/schema'
import { encoding_for_model, TiktokenModel } from '@dqbd/tiktoken'
export class AzureLLM extends BaseLLM {
name = 'AzureLLM'
batchSize = 20
temperature: number
concurrency?: number
key: string
endpoint: string
constructor(fields?: {
callbackManager?: CallbackManager
concurrency?: number
cache?: boolean
verbose?: boolean
temperature?: number
key?: string
endpoint?: string
}) {
super({ ...fields })
this.temperature = fields?.temperature === undefined ? 0.7 : fields?.temperature
const apiKey = process.env.AZURE_LLM_KEY || fields?.key
if (!apiKey) {
throw new Error('Azure key not provided. Either set AZURE_LLM_KEY in your .env file or pass it in as a field to the constructor.')
this.key = apiKey
const endpoint = process.env.AZURE_LLM_ENDPOINT || fields?.endpoint
if (!endpoint) {
throw new Error(
'Azure endpoint not provided. Either set AZURE_LLM_ENDPOINT in your .env file or pass it in as a field to the constructor.'
this.endpoint = endpoint
async _generate(prompts: string[], stop?: string[] | undefined): Promise<LLMResult> {
const subPrompts = chunkArray(prompts, this.batchSize)
const choices: Choice[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < subPrompts.length; i += 1) {
const prompts = subPrompts[i]
const maxTokens = await calculateMaxTokens({
prompt: prompts[0],
modelName: 'text-davinci-003',
const args = promptToAzureArgs({ prompt: prompts, temperature: this.temperature, stop, maxTokens })
const data = await this._callAzure(args)
// *sigh* I have 1 for chunks just so it'll work like the example code
const generations = chunkArray(choices, 1).map((promptChoices) => => ({
text: choice.text ?? '',
generationInfo: {
finishReason: choice.finish_reason,
logprobs: choice.logprobs,
return {
private async _callAzure(args: LLMPromptArgs): Promise<LLMResponse> {
const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'api-key': this.key }
const response = await fetch(this.endpoint, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(args),
if (!response.ok) {
const text = await response.text()
console.error('Azure request failed', text)
throw new Error(`Azure request failed with status ${response.status}`)
const json = await response.json()
return json
_llmType(): string {
const promptToAzureArgs = ({
}: {
prompt: string[]
temperature: number
stop: string[] | string | undefined
maxTokens: number
}): LLMPromptArgs => {
return {
max_tokens: maxTokens,
// From Langchain
type LLMPromptArgs = {
prompt: string[] | string
max_tokens?: number
temperature?: number
top_p?: number
n?: number
stream?: boolean
logprobs?: number
frequency_penalty?: number
presence_penalty?: number
stop?: string[] | string
best_of?: number
logit_bias?: unknown
type Choice = {
text: string
index: number
logprobs: unknown
finish_reason: string
type LLMResponse = {
id: string
object: string
created: number
model: string
choices: Choice[]
const chunkArray = <T>(arr: T[], chunkSize: number) =>
arr.reduce((chunks, elem, index) => {
const chunkIndex = Math.floor(index / chunkSize)
const chunk = chunks[chunkIndex] || []
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
chunks[chunkIndex] = chunk.concat([elem])
return chunks
}, [] as T[][])
// From:
const getModelContextSize = (modelName: TiktokenModel): number => {
switch (modelName) {
case 'text-davinci-003':
return 4097
case 'text-curie-001':
return 2048
case 'text-babbage-001':
return 2048
case 'text-ada-001':
return 2048
case 'code-davinci-002':
return 8000
case 'code-cushman-001':
return 2048
return 4097
type CalculateMaxTokenProps = {
prompt: string
modelName: TiktokenModel
const calculateMaxTokens = async ({ prompt, modelName }: CalculateMaxTokenProps) => {
const encoding = encoding_for_model(modelName)
const tokenized = encoding.encode(prompt)
const numTokens = tokenized.length
const maxTokens = getModelContextSize(modelName)
return maxTokens - numTokens
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