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Created August 14, 2012 12:25
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Save aaronrussell/3348921 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Every time I run the migrations, a particular migration fails. This is the error:

bundle exec rake db:migrate

.... a bunch of successful migrations, then...

rake aborted!
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'meta_keywords' in 'field list': INSERT INTO `pages` (`draft`, `meta_keywords`, `depth`, `link_url`, `lft`, `parent_id`, `meta_description`, `menu_match`, `rgt`, `show_in_menu`, `skip_to_first_child`, `custom_title_type`, `title`, `path`, `custom_title`, `deletable`, `created_at`, `browser_title`, `position`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, '/vehicle_manufacturers', 7, NULL, NULL, '^/vehicle_manufacturers(\\/|\\/.+?|)$', 8, 1, 0, 'none', 'Vehicle Manufacturers', NULL, NULL, 0, '2012-08-14 12:15:44', NULL, 2, '2012-08-14 12:15:44')

The plot thickens

... because every time I run the migration, it fails at the same place but the unknown column it whines about changes every time! I have had the following columns: meta_keywords, title, browser_title

The Page table

Is pretty simple - it's only columns are a bunch of timestamps and integers.

However, there are other tables which DO contain those missing columns: PagePart and PageTranslation both contain title, and SeoMeta contains browser_title and meta_keywords.

So I'm pretty sure the Page model is doing some voodoo and automatically saving certain attributes in related tables, but is failing for me.

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