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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save aaronschachter/9291760 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aaronschachter/9291760 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Partners funtime
Deleted field_partners field
Cleared cache
FROM field_collection_item
WHERE field_name='field_partners'
52 rows
SELECT * FROM field_collection_item_revision rev
JOIN field_collection_item item on item.item_id = rev.item_id
WHERE field_name='field_partners'
142 rows
SELECT * FROM field_config
WHERE field_name='field_partners'
2 rows
SELECT * FROM field_config_instance
WHERE field_name='field_partners'
2 rows
Doing features-revert with dosomething_campaign and dosomething_taxonomy with missing field_partners stuff.
After features-revert, all queries return the same # of results.
DELETE FROM field_config
WHERE field_name='field_partners';
2 rows deleted
DELETE FROM field_config_instance
WHERE field_name='field_partners';
2 rows deleted
drush cc all
WHERE item_id IN (
SELECT item_id FROM field_collection_item WHERE field_name='field_partners'
142 rows deleted
WHERE field_name = 'field_partners'
52 rows deleted
drush cc all
Warning: Unknown: GC cache entry '/vagrant/html/modules/file/file.install' (dev=21 ino=40985) was on gc-list for 3871 seconds in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: GC cache entry '/vagrant/html/modules/image/image.install' (dev=21 ino=69196) was on gc-list for 3871 seconds in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: GC cache entry '/vagrant/html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install' (dev=21 ino=69161) was on gc-list for 3871 seconds in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: GC cache entry '/vagrant/html/modules/field/modules/text/text.install' (dev=21 ino=69099) was on gc-list for 3871 seconds in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: GC cache entry '/vagrant/html/includes/database/mysql/' (dev=21 ino=40221) was on gc-list for 3871 seconds in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: GC cache entry '/vagrant/html/includes/database/' (dev=21 ino=40203) was on gc-list for 3871 seconds in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: GC cache entry '/vagrant/html/includes/' (dev=21 ino=40192) was on gc-list for 3871 seconds in Unknown on line 0
What is GC cache?
Also note that here
While calling field_delete_field() and field_purge_batch() works, it keeps records in field_config_instance and field_config. Why is that? – berkes Oct 9 '12 at 13:46
FROM information_schema.tables
returns 5 tables.
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Pulled down staging db and dev branch.

Ran cron.
vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush cron
WD Apache Solr: HTTP Status: 0; Message: Request failed: Connection [error]
timed out; Response: ; Request: Unknown; Caller: call_user_func()
(line Unknown of Unknown)
WD Apache Solr: HTTP 0; Request failed: Connection timed out [error]
WD Apache Solr: HTTP Status: 0; Message: Request failed: Connection [error]
timed out; Response: ; Request: Unknown; Caller:
call_user_func_array() (line Unknown of Unknown)
WD Apache Solr: HTTP 0; Request failed: Connection timed out in [error]
WD Apache Solr: No Solr instance available during indexing. [error]
Cron run successful.

Still error get error on node/43. Only one instance in field_config this time.

FROM information_schema.tables
returns 6 tables

Running the field_purge_batch(10) install hook.

No, still fucked up.

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OK. staging db, and partners_fix branch

Run drush updb:

vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush updb
Dosomething_campaign 7001 Delete field_partners field.
Do you wish to run all pending updates? (y/n): y
sh: line 1: 30526 Segmentation fault /usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off /opt/drush-6.2.0/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php --php-options=' -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off' --backend=2 --root=/vagrant/html --uri=http://default updatedb-batch-process 88 88 2>&1
WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table [error]
field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in
DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/
Finished performing updates.

All the deleted_ tables still exist and values in field_collection_item too

Run drush -y fra

vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush -y fra
The following modules will be reverted: dosomething_image, dosomething_campaign, dosomething_static_content
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted dosomething_image.image. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_campaign.field_instance. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.variable.

Now trying to run drushupdb again, after inspecting that the system record for 'dosomethign_campaign' still has schema version 7000. @todo: make sure this is not overridden by reverting feature.

Do you wish to run all pending updates? (y/n): y
Cannot rename field_data_field_partners [error]
to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87 already exists.

Schema record still has version 7000.

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pulled down staging DB. on branch partners_fix without the install hook.

Going to manually delete field_partners.

Upon submitting:
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/mysql/

Theng o to and page not found

Still has field_partners in the field_collection_item and deleted storage tables exist

$ drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(10)"

vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(10)"
WD Apache Solr: HTTP Status: 0; Message: Request failed: Connection [error]
timed out; Response: ; Request: Unknown; Caller:
call_user_func_array() (line Unknown of Unknown)
WD Apache Solr: HTTP 0; Request failed: Connection timed out

All purge batch stuff is there.

I think next step is to try just simply deleting the field_partners FC, and then attempt to run the field_purge_batch. I believe that's what actually got it all clean.

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stage db, remove_partners branch, which removes the field from the features and repo.

drush -y fra:

Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table [error]
field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in
DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output [warning]
started at /opt/drush-6.2.0/includes/
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]

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GC, btw, is PHP garbage collection -- removing unused files out of APC. Details here, but bottom line is you might have had a crashed PHP/httpd thread at some point:

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Bizarre that the field_data_field_partners_fc table shows up in staging database now.

Making this change locally and creating a new node with the new field... having dosomething_search enabled must have actually triggered field_data_field_partners_fc table creation. There's a record for node 590 in field_data_field_partners_fc which i created locally .... but at the time of the creation there was no node nid 590 that exists in the regular node table.

I probably attempted to run cron at some point and that's likely what triggered it.

Running drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(10);" does nothing. Deleted tables are still in DB.

Running drush php-eval "field_delete_field("field_partners");"

WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename [error]
field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table
field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in
DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/mysql/

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More weird shit.

If I manually delete all of the field_deleted_data_ and field_deleted_revision_ tables, as some suggest doing, the call to drush php-eval "field_delete_field("field_partners"); completes without errors. The field_data_field_partners table and its revision are also removed from the database.

However, refreshing the tables int he DB, now there are even more field_deleted, field_deleted_revision tables.

Then strangely
vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(10);"
WD php: EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in [error]
EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of
EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of /vagrant/html/includes/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]

This may be because I'm on dev, and field_partners does still exist in the dosomething_taxonomy feature. Going to test from the remove_partners branch and see if I still get the error upon field_purge_batch

All field_deleted_ tables still exist.

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New stage db.
vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush -y pm-disable apachesolr
The following extensions will be disabled: apachesolr, apachesolr_search, dosomething_search
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
apachesolr was disabled successfully. [ok]
apachesolr_search was disabled successfully. [ok]
dosomething_search was disabled successfully. [ok]

vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush field-delete field_partners
Do you want to delete the field_partners field? (y/n): y
WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename [error]
field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table
field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in
DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output [warning]
started at /opt/drush-6.2.0/includes/
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/mysql/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error

manually deleted all 10 field_deleted_ / revision tables.

attempted again to field-delete and it completes. all the revision tables are back again.

drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(10);"
WD php: EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in [error]
EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of
EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of /vagrant/html/includes/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error

Same thing.

drush -y fra
array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array image.module:586 [warning]
The following modules will be reverted: dosomething_taxonomy, dosomething_image, dosomething_campaign, dosomething_static_content
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted dosomething_taxonomy.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_image.image. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_campaign.variable. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.variable.

drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(10);"

WD php: EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in [error]
EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of
EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of /vagrant/html/includes/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]

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"Also you need to run it twice: First run is for deleting all data, second run is for deleting the field(s) itself."

Truncated all field_deleted and field_deleted_revision tables first.
Then run field_purge_batch(1000) and all the tables are removed from the db.

Uh .. what? when i download from staging all the field_deleted_tables are gone. all of the aboe was just done using drush commands on my local and using Sequel Pro to truncate those field_deleted tables from my local.

am i running drush commands on staging somehow with the aliases?

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Pulled DB down. Yeah there's no field_deleted tables anymore.

Do you want to delete the field_partners field? (y/n): y
vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(1000);"
WD Apache Solr: HTTP Status: 0; Message: Request failed: Connection [error]
timed out; Response: ; Request: Unknown; Caller:
call_user_func_array() (line Unknown of Unknown)
WD Apache Solr: HTTP 0; Request failed: Connection timed out [error]
WD php: EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in [error]
EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of
EntityFieldQueryException: Unknown field: field_partners in EntityFieldQuery->addFieldCondition() (line 765 of /vagrant/html/includes/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]

NOW all the field_deleted tables are back again. Going to pull down from staging to see if they're on staging db.

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Ok, Aaron Test 555 record has been updated. validated that i've grabbed the latest version of the db, and the field_deleted tables are definitely there.

I'm testing this one more time. Going to truncate the deleted tables.

Done. Next i want to run a sanity check. Tested a node_load(582) and set its title functioin from php-eval to make sure its writing to my local dev site. It is.
vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush php-eval "dosomething_campaign_tester();"
WD Apache Solr: HTTP Status: 0; Message: Request failed: Connection [error]
timed out; Response: ; Request: Unknown; Caller:
call_user_func_array() (line Unknown of Unknown)
WD Apache Solr: HTTP 0; Request failed: Connection

Next lets double check Sequel Pro to make sure the title's updated there too and i'm looking in all the right places. yes, sanity check has passed. And all the field_deleted tables are in the database.

drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(1000);"

Ran without any errors.

Refresh tables and the tables still exist.

Ran it again. Refresh tables and they are still there. Let's grab staging db again.

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In new copy of staging db, title was overwritten so def from staging. and tables still exist as well. Maybe it was the features revert all that does it.

drush -y fra
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/

All deleted tables still exist.

drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(1000);"

Seemed to take a little longer but all the deleted tables are still there. Trying again
drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(1000);"

nope, still there.

wonder if turning off solr helped.

let's try this. delete the partners_fc tables manually. drush -y fra, so the table won't exist.

The following modules will be reverted: dosomething_image, dosomething_campaign, dosomething_static_content
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted dosomething_image.image. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_campaign.field_instance. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.variable.

All deleted tables still exist in DB lets try to field purge again

drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(1000);"
nope still there, once more

drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(1000);"

Attempting to disable apachesolr as last thing to test to see if that made it go away.

drush -y fra

vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush -y fra
array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array image.module:586 [warning]
The following modules will be reverted: dosomething_taxonomy, dosomething_image, dosomething_campaign
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table [error]
field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in
DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output [warning]
started at /opt/drush-6.2.0/includes/
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]

OK lets try to delete field_data_partners_fc tables, and drush -y fra to see what happens.

drush -y fra
The following modules will be reverted: dosomething_image, dosomething_campaign
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted dosomething_image.image. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_campaign.field_instance.

Ok. thats weird the tables don't get created... but its because dosomething_taxonomy was already reverted so this was fucked. Here's the next one.

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Ok new copy of staging and on the partners_fix branch.

The field_data_field_partners tables are there, the field_data_field_partners_fc tables are not.

The 10 field_deleted tables are present as well.

drush -y fra should work now, because partners_fc doesn't exist. How it doesn't, I'm not exactly sure but maybe what's been missing is the drush -y fra first. Maybe doing the field_purge_batch stuff before a fra messes with things, because the feature definitions don't match whatever is in the db.

new staging
drush -y fra

The following modules will be reverted: dosomething_taxonomy, dosomething_image, dosomething_campaign, dosomething_static_content
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted dosomething_taxonomy.field_base. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_taxonomy.field_instance. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_taxonomy.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_image.image. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_campaign.field_instance. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.variable.

This looks great. Let's inspect DB.
All field_deleted data stuff exists.
We also have field_data_field_partners and field_data_field_partners_fc. Makes sense.

Theoretically what should happen next is deleting the field. Let's try that.

drush field-delete field_partners

u want to delete the field_partners field? (y/n): y
WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename [error]
field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table
field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in
DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output [warning]
started at /opt/drush-6.2.0/includes/
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/mysql/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]

Refresh tables. field_data_field_partners still exists and the deleted field is all set to 1. should have checked for what it was before running the delete. anyway, lets see what field_purge_batch does now.

drush php-eval "field_purge_batch(1000);"

WD Apache Solr: HTTP Status: 0; Message: Request failed: Connection timed out; [error]
Response: ; Request: Unknown; Caller: call_user_func_array() (line Unknown of
WD Apache Solr: HTTP 0; Request failed: Connection timed out

Ok, still have partners and partners_fc tables, and 10 deleted tables. All deleted tables are empty (should have checked if they were empty before)

For shits and giggles lets try to run it a second time, maybe that will actually delete the deleted tables per that run it twice comment. It runs again without errors, fast. All the deleted tables still exist.

Try once more drush field-delete field_partners

WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename [error]
field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87
already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [warning]
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/mysql/

new rule? Don't do the old field_type switcharoo to try to save the field_name value. New rule to never do this and prevent possibly with a field naming convention with the type in the name so it'd be unique per type. field_partners_fc, field_partners_term, field_partners_node, field_partners_image etc.

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ok one last time. changing node title to 719.

Great! I am not losing my mind. The 2 field_data_field_partners and field_data_field_partners_fc now exist in this database pull, and the local node title has been updated to 719 as well.

Doing the features revert locally on this branch must be creating the field_data_field_partners_fc into the staging database. now when I do the drush -y fra it will complain about the table already existing.

disabling solr locally

vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush -y dis apachesolr
The following extensions will be disabled: apachesolr, apachesolr_search, dosomething_search
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table field_data_field_partners_fc [error]
already exists. in DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [warning]
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table field_data_field_partners_fc already exists. in DatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 657 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/

  • All field_deleted_ tables are empty

I think we need to go back to just testing the removal first with this branch
Simply just kill the field and clean up the field_deleted tables like nothing ever happened. The mystery is how i'm removing and adding tables from within the vagrant instance. I'm suspecting solr could be changing it or possibly any of the drush alias stuff? But that seems impossible since I tested that drush command to save a node title locally. It worked locally and not on stage.

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new pull from stage, on the remove_partners branch. Has both partners and partners_fc tables. maybe reverting and just trying to remove the thing will work (not trying to add partners_fc like in the partners_fix branch)

drush -y fra
The following modules will be reverted: dosomething_taxonomy, dosomething_image, dosomething_campaign, dosomething_static_content
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted dosomething_taxonomy.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_image.image. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_campaign.variable. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.user_permission. [ok]
Reverted dosomething_static_content.variable. [ok]

Ok that looks promising

Refreshing tables. still have field_partners and field_partners_fc and all 10 tables

Lets go for the gold here and try to drush field-delete field_partners

vagrant@dev:/vagrant/html$ drush field-delete field_partners
Do you want to delete the field_partners field? (y/n): y
WD php: DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename [error]
field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87
already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [warning]
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Cannot rename field_data_field_partners to field_deleted_data_87: table field_deleted_data_87 already exists. in DatabaseSchema_mysql->renameTable() (line 307 of /vagrant/html/includes/database/mysql/
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.

Ok. So that's the kicker. It looks like Features is taking care of the deletion, yet its not actually changing the field_partners table name to field_deleted whatever. So.. to research, is this a feature things or a field collection thing?

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